essai post-processeur 5 axes table-table broche verticale - fanuc
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essai post-processeur 5 axes table-table broche verticale - fanuc
je ne suis pas informaticien, mais utilisateur catia en usinage sur centre de fraisage.
j'ai essayé de bricoler un post-processeur en macro vba catia, qui est aussi compatible excel.
j"aimerais vous soumettre mon travail pour critique !
c'est surement plein de bugues.
c'est mon premier forum, je ne sais pas joindre des fichiers à mon messages !
au secours
je ne suis pas informaticien, mais utilisateur catia en usinage sur centre de fraisage.
j'ai essayé de bricoler un post-processeur en macro vba catia, qui est aussi compatible excel.
j"aimerais vous soumettre mon travail pour critique !
c'est surement plein de bugues.
c'est mon premier forum, je ne sais pas joindre des fichiers à mon messages !
au secours
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
Re: essai post-processeur 5 axes table-table broche verticale - fanuc
Si c'est une macro, copie le code avec l'ajout des balise code qu'il faut pour la mise en page (bouton au dessus de la zone de rédaction de ton message avec les symboles <> )
Ensuite explique ce qui ne te plais pas où ce qui te gène, ce qui ne fonctionne pas ou que tu n'arrives pas à mettre en place .
Ensuite explique ce qui ne te plais pas où ce qui te gène, ce qui ne fonctionne pas ou que tu n'arrives pas à mettre en place .
Guss_- Admin
- Messages : 530
Date d'inscription : 08/01/2010
Re: essai post-processeur 5 axes table-table broche verticale - fanuc
bon, je vais essayer
tout d abord, la notice inspirée d un pp que j utilise:
tout d abord, la notice inspirée d un pp que j utilise:
- Code:
1.Nom du Programme
PARTNO 055V024V02 (pour exemple)
code généré
2.Commentaire, insertion libre
code généré
2.2.Insertion libre
INSERT G90 (pour exemple)
code généré
nota: aucun contrôle n'est réalisé.
3.Calcul des points 5 axes
3.1.Définition du décalage entre l'axe de rotation primaire et secondaire
4.Décalages d'origine
4.1.Décalage d'origine programme
ORIGIN/x, y, z
N.. G52 Xx Yy Zz
4.2.Appel des origines machine de g53 a g59
ORIGIN/TYPE, numéro de 0 (G53) a 6 (G59)
force la sortie du code G5x immédiatement.
Nota : Par défaut, l'origine G54 est activée
5. Changement d'outil
Programmation LOADTL/t
Exemple de blocs génères :
PARTNO 000V001V01
( FRAISE 2T DIA 20 )
5.1.Changement de correcteur
1) Correcteur de longueur
G43 Z.. Hd
2) Correcteur de rayon
(G41,G42) X.. Y.. Dd
5.2.Travail en correction de rayon
Correction a gauche
Correction a droite
NOTA: CUTCOM/LEFT, RIGHT, OFF ne sort qu'avec le mode G1 seulement.
6. Définition de l'avance
6.1 Avance Rapide
GO ..
Nota : Cette instruction n'est pas modale.
6.2. Gestion d'axes en positionnement rapide
Tous les mouvements qui suivent sont casses.
Si on passe du point (xO, yO, zO, a0, c0) au point (xl, yl, zl, a1, c1),
le PP généré :
si zl > zO
... Zzl ...
... Aal Ccl
... Xxl Yyl ...
si zl < zO
... Aal Ccl
... Xxl Yyl ...
... Zzl ...
6.3.Avance Travail
Gl Ff...
Par défaut, le PP suppose MMPM ou IPM présent, et f = v mm/min.
Si MMPR ou IPR est programme,
le PP tient compte de la dernière vitesse de broche rencontrée s,
et calcule f = v*s mm/min.
6.4.Avance en inverse du temps en 4 ou 5 axes
Calcul de l'avance en G93 Programmation Blocs génères
G1 G93 X.. Y.. A.. C.. Ff
Gl G94 X.. Y.. A.. C.. Ff
nota: le G93 sort uniquement s'il y a un déplacement sur A, ou C, ou A et C,
ensuite il revient en G94.
6.5.Avance tangentielle
Le calcul de l'avance tangentielle sur les mouvements circulaires
se fait automatiquement des que la correction de rayon d'outil
est activée et que le diamètre de l'outil a été défini dans
l'instruction CUTTER.
Mais il est possible de suspendre le calcul par l'instruction:
Nota : Le PP est en mode COUPLE/OFF par défaut.
en G41 G02 ou G42 G03, l'avance maxi est limitée a 2 fois l'avance programmée.
en G41 G02 ou G42 G03, l'avance est égale à l'avance programmée, il n'y a pas de majoration.
7. Définition de la vitesse de broche
7.1.Démarrage ou changement de vitesse
si SFM est programmée :
s : vitesse de coupe désirée,
en m/mn on calcul s' = (1000 x s) / (Pi x d)
sinon :
s : nombre de tr/mn, même si RPM non programmée
dans tous les cas :
CLW : rotation sens M3 (mode par défaut)
CCLW : rotation sens M4
Blocs génères :
... S.. M(3/4)
SPINDL/OUT sort le bloc S avec la vitesse courante, immédiatement.
7.3.Arrêt indexé
Programmation Blocs génères
9.Arrêts Machine
9.1.Arrêt programmé
9.2.Arrêt optionnel
10.Interpolation hélicoïdale
11.Gestion annexe des axes (MOVETO)
11.1.Reset de un ou plusieurs axes
MOVETO/XAXIS, (et, ou) YAXIS, (et, ou) ZAXIS, (et, ou) AAXIS, (et, ou) CAXIS
sortira A... au prochain GOTO.
fonction non modale
11.2.Sortie immédiate de un ou plusieurs axes
MOVETO/XAXIS, , (et, ou) YAXIS,.....,OUT
force la sortie des axes indiqués immédiatement, avec leurs dernières valeurs.
fonction non modale
11.3.Activation d'une position CAXIS par default à AAXIS = 0
il faut au préalable avoir définit un ROTABL/CAXIS, angle, BOTH
Toutes les positions ou AAXIS = 0, le CAXIS = angle.
fonction modale
si un ROTABL/CAXIS est programmé après, il est bien sure prioritaire.
11.4.Désactivation d'une position CAXIS par défault
12. Cycles fixes
12.1. Activation
Le bloc d'activation d'un cycle doit TOUJOURS comporter, dans un ordre quelconque :
- Le type de cycle,
- La cote de fond de trou, en relatif / au bord du trou,
- La cote de remontee, en relatif / au bord du trou,
- La vitesse travail utilisee, specifiee en mm/min ou mm/tr.
Si c'est MMPR ou IPR, le PP tient compte de la demiere vitesse de broche rencontree s,
et calcule f = v*s mm/min.
Selon le cycle programme, PARFOIS ce bloc contient :
- Un mot mineur pour différents types de cycles,
- Une temporisation,
- Un pas d'avance pour les cycles a avance altemee
- Une distance de retraction en fin de cycle
12.2.Changement de conditions
Les conditions du cycle données par le bloc d'appel peuvent être modifiées
pour les exécutions suivantes de celui ci.
Il suffit de reprogrammer le bloc d'appel, mais avec des valeurs différentes.
On doit redonner même les valeurs inchangées,
La procedure d'annulation est la meme pour tous les cycles. Programmation :
Blocs génères :
G80 ... (sur le déplacement suivant)
12.5.Brise copeaux G73
Programmation :
CYCLE/BRKCHP, zf, pl, (MMPM/MMPR, f), d [, POSZ, r]
Blocs génères :
G00 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+r)
G73 G98 Xxp Yyp Qpl Z(zp+zf) R(zp+d) Ff
12.6.Taraudage a gauche G74
Programmation :
CYCLE/INVERS, zf, (MMPM/MMPR, f), d [, POSZ, r]
Blocs génères :
G00 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+r)
G74 G98 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+zf) R(zp+d) Ff
12.7.Alésage avec arrêt indexé G76
Programmation :
CYCLE/LOCK, zf, pl, (MMPM/MMPR, f), d [, POSZ, r]
Blocs génères :
G00 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+r)
G76 G98 Xxp Yyp Qpl Z(zp+zf) R(zp+d) Ff
12.8.Perçage - Centrage G81
Programmation :
CYCLE/DRILL, zf, (MMPM/MMPR, f), d [, POSZ, r]
Blocs génères :
G00 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+r)
G81 G98 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+zf) R(zp+d) Ff
12.9.Perçage avec temporisation G82
Programmation :
CYCLE/FACE, zf, (MMPM/MMPR, f), d, DWELLV, t, [, POSZ, r]
Blocs génères :
G00 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+r)
G82 G98 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+zf) R(zp+d) Pt Ff
12.10.Perçage étagé G83
Programmation :
CYCLE/DEEP, zf, pl, (MMPM/MMPR, f), d [, POSZ, r]
Blocs génères :
G00 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+r)
G83 G98 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+zf) Qpl R(zp+d) Ff
12.11.Taraudage G84
Programmation :
CYCLE/TAP, zf, (MMPM/MMPR, f), d [, POSZ, r]
Blocs génères :
G00 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+r)
G84 G98 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+zf) R(zp+d) Ff
12.12.Alésage G85
Programmation :
CYCLE/BORE, zf, (MMPM/MMPR, f), d [, POSZ, r]
Blocs génères :
G00 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+r)
G85 G98 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+zf) R(zp+d) Ff
12.13.Alésage avec retour broche arrêtée G86
Programmation :
CYCLE/REAM, zf, (MMPM/MMPR, f), d [, POSZ, r]
Blocs génères :
G00 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+r)
G86 G98 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+zf) R(zp+d) Ff
12.14.Alésage G87
Programmation :
CYCLE/STEP, zf, (MMPM/MMPR, f), d [, POSZ, r]
Blocs génères :
G00 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+r)
G87 G98 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+zf) R(zp+d) Ff
12.15.Alésage G88
Programmation :
CYCLE MANUAL, zf, (MMPM/MMPR, f), d, DWELLV, t [, POSZ, r]
Blocs génères :
GOO Xxp Yyp Z(zp-r)
G88 G98 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+zf) Pt R(zp+d) Ff
12.16.Alésage avec temporisation en fond de trou G89
Programmation :
CYCLE THRU, zf, (MMPM/MMPR, f), d, DWELLV, t, [, POSZ, r]
Blocs génères :
GOO Xxp Yyp Z(zp-r)
G89 G98 Xxp Yyp Z(zp+zf) R(zp+d) Ft Ff
13.Programmation des axes rotatifs
Programmation de l'axe primaire : axe portant la pièce
c : Angle a atteindre en absolu .
Programmation de l'axe secondaire : axe portant le 5eme axe
b : Angle a atteindre en absolu .
13.1.Blocage de l axe rotatif
Blocage des 2 axes rotatifs
Aa Cc
13.2.Déblocage des 2 axes rotatifs
A ang C ang
Blocage et déblocage de l'axe primaire : axe portant la piece
Blocage et déblocage de l'axe secondaire : axe portant le 5eme axe
Nota : Par défaut le pp est initialise en "CLAMP/ON".
t = temps en secondes, inférieur a 100.00 s
15.Définition et appel de sous programmes
15.1.Définition d'un sous programme
usinage catia (tip,side,pocket,..)
n = numéro du sous programme.
11 est interdit de définir un sous programme dans un autre sous programme,
c'est a dire ,avoir de DEFSUB a suivre.
15.2.Appel d’un sous programmme
n = numéro du sous programme.
Nota : Il est interdit d'appeler un sous programme qui n'a pas été défini avant le calsub.
16.Travail en plan incliné
16.1.Activation du mode plan incliné
Programmation :
Nota: Lorsque ce mode est actif, le post processeur génère automatiquement le fonction G68.2
à chaque changement de position des axes A et C.
16.2.Désactivation du mode plan incliné
Programmation :
17.Interpolation 5 axes simultanés G43.4
G43.4X...Y...Z...A0.C0.H correcteur d'outil
doit débuter a A0. C0.
18.Linéarisation avec LINTOL
LINTOL/n (n: tolérance)
par rapport au théorique, c'est +n, -n donc la tolérance totale est de 2n.
19.Gestion des fonctions UGV
MODE/HIGH,n (n valeur de 1 à 10)
19.2.Annulation de la fonction
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
Re: essai post-processeur 5 axes table-table broche verticale - fanuc
la pptable a placer dans startup\manufacturing\pptables:
- Code:
DELAY , 1010,DRAWLI , 17,DRESS , 8,END , 1,
FACEML , 22,GOCLER , 16,GOHOME , 14,ISTOP , 4,
LOCKX , 21,OPSTOP , 3,PENDWN , 12,PENUP , 11,
PICKUP , 9,PROBX , 19,PROBY , 18,RAPID , 5,
RESET , 15,RETRCT , 7,REWIND , 1006,STOP , 2,
SWITCH , 6,ULOCKX , 20,UNLOAD , 10,ZERO , 13
INSERT , 1046,PARTNO , 1045,PPRINT , 1044
AIR , 1011,ARCSLP , 1029,ASLOPE , 1053,AUXFUN , 1022,
BREAK , 1083,CAMERA , 1047,CHECK , 1023,CLAMP , 1060,
CLEARP , 1004,CLRSRF , 1057,COOLNT , 1030,CORNFD , 1067,
COUPLE , 1049,CUTCOM , 1007,CYCLE , 1054,DELAY , 1010,
DISPLY , 1021,DRAFT , 1059,FEDRAT , 1009,HEAD , 1002,
IFRO , 1032,INTCOD , 1020,LEADER , 1013,LETTER , 1043,
LINTOL , 1073,LOADTL , 1055,LPRINT , 1065,MACHIN , 1015,
MAGTAP , 1072,MAXDPM , 1062,MAXVEL , 1064,MCHFIN , 1018,
MCHTOL , 1016,MDEND , 1052,MDWRIT , 1051,MODE , 1003,
MOVETO , 1066,OPSKIP , 1012,ORIGIN , 1027,OVPLOT , 1042,
PBS , 1068,PITCH , 1050,PIVOTZ , 1017,PLABEL , 1061,
PLOT , 1041,PLUNGE , 1001,POSMAP , 1034,POSTN , 1024,
PPLOT , 1014,PREFUN , 1048,REGBRK , 1069,REVERS , 1008,
REWIND , 1006,ROTHED , 1035,SAFETY , 1028,SECTN3 , 1082,
SELCTL , 1056,SEQNO , 1019,SLOWDN , 1063,SPINDL , 1031,
THREAD , 1036,TMARK , 1005,TOOLNO , 1025,TPRINT , 1075,
TRANS , 1037,TURRET , 1033,VTLAXS , 1070,WCORN , 1071
3PT2SL , 43,4PT1SL , 44,5PT , 45,AAXIS , 140,
ADJUST , 159,ALL , 51,ANGLE , 236,ANTSPI , 176,
ARC , 87,AT , 175,ATANGL , 1,AUTO , 88,
AVOID , 173,AXIS , 84,BAXIS , 141,BCD , 165,
BINARY , 164,BISECT , 230,BLACK , 130,BLUE , 133,
BORE , 82,BOREOS , 214,BOTH , 83,BRKCHP , 206,
CAM , 169,CAXIS , 142,CBORE , 213,CCLW , 59,
CENTER , 2,CHORD , 237,CHUCK , 138,CIRCUL , 75,
CIRLIN , 126,CLEARV , 205,CLW , 60,CNSINK , 211,
COLLET , 139,COMBIN , 238,CONST , 64,CROSS , 3,
CRSSPL , 204,CSINK , 255,CURSEG , 209,CUTANG , 160,
DARK , 137,DASH , 124,DECR , 65,DEEP , 153,
DEEPHL , 207,DEPTHV , 201,DIAMTR , 203,DITTO , 127,
DOTTED , 125,DOWN , 113,DRILL , 163,DWELL , 279,
DWELLV , 208,DWL , 253,ENDARC , 58,FACE , 81,
FEED , 248,FLOOD , 89,FLOW , 239,FOURPT , 101,
FRONT , 148,FULL , 147,FUNOFY , 4,GAPLES , 180,
GENCUR , 240,GREEN , 132,HIGH , 62,HOLDER , 157,
IN , 48,INCR , 66,INTENS , 134,INTERC , 46,
INTGRV , 221,INTOF , 5,INVERS , 6,KEYBOR , 217,
LARGE , 7,LAST , 52,LATER , 252,LEFT , 8,
LENGTH , 9,LIGHT , 100,LIMIT , 207,LINCIR , 95,
LINEAR , 76,LITE , 135,LOCK , 114,LOW , 63,
MAIN , 93,MANUAL , 158,MAXRPM , 79,MED , 136,
MEDIUM , 61,MILL , 151,MINUS , 10,MIRROR , 56,
MIST , 90,MMPM , 171,MMPR , 172,MODIFY , 55,
MULTRD , 119,MXMMPM , 177,NEGX , 11,NEGY , 12,
NEGZ , 13,NEXT , 162,NIXIE , 99,NOMORE , 53,
NORMAL , 111,NOTE , 181,NOW , 161,NOX , 14,
NOY , 15,NOZ , 16,OFF , 72,OMIT , 172,
ON , 71,OPEN , 50,OPTION , 144,ORIENT , 246,
OUT , 49,PARAB , 77,PARAM , 241,PARLEL , 17,
PART , 166,PAST , 70,PEN , 128,PERPTO , 18,
PERSP , 67,PILOTD , 224,PLUS , 19,PNTVEC , 200,
POSX , 20,POSY , 21,POSZ , 22,PTNORM , 104,
PTSLOP , 103,PULBOR , 218,PULFAC , 223,QUILL , 287,
RADIUS , 23,RAIL , 93,RANDOM , 174,RANGE , 145,
REAM , 167,REAMA , 219,REAR , 149,RED , 131,
RETAIN , 171,REV , 97,REVOLV , 208,RIGHT , 24,
ROTREF , 68,RPM , 78,RTHETA , 106,RULED , 210,
SADDLE , 150,SAME , 54,SCALE , 25,SCRIBE , 129,
SEG , 242,SETANG , 156,SETOOL , 155,SFM , 115,
SIDE , 94,SLOPE , 47,SMALL , 26,SMESH , 243,
SOLID , 123,SPDRL , 210,SPECDP , 202,SPEED , 249,
SPLINE , 105,SPMIL , 212,START , 57,STEP , 92,
TANON , 109,TANTO , 27,TAP , 168,TAPKUL , 91,
THETAR , 107,THRU , 152,TIMES , 28,TO , 69,
TPMM , 178,TRANSL , 29,TRAV , 154,TRFORM , 110,
TRYBOR , 215,TRYBOS , 216,TURN , 80,TWOPT , 102,
TYPE , 98,UAXIS , 227,UNIT , 30,UP , 112,
VAXIS , 228,WAXIS , 229,WDEFAC , 222,WEIGHT , 206,
XAXIS , 84,XCOORD , 116,XLARGE , 31,XSMALL , 32,
XYOF , 209,XYPLAN , 33,XYROT , 34,XYVIEW , 120,
XYZ , 108,YAXIS , 85,YCOORD , 117,YLARGE , 35,
YSMALL , 36,YZPLAN , 37,YZROT , 38,YZVIEW , 121,
ZAXIS , 86,ZCOORD , 118,ZIGZAG , 170,ZLARGE , 39,
ZSMALL , 40,ZXPLAN , 41,ZXROT , 42,ZXVIEW , 122,
NORMDS , 707,NORMPS , 708
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
Re: essai post-processeur 5 axes table-table broche verticale - fanuc
maintenant, le code visual basic excel 2007:
module: PostPro_5AX
module: PostPro_5AX
- Code:
Attribute VB_Name = "PostPro_5AX"
Sub CATMain()
End Sub
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
Re: essai post-processeur 5 axes table-table broche verticale - fanuc
un autre module Module_PP_5AX
partie 1:
partie 1:
- Code:
Attribute VB_Name = "Module_PP_5AX"
' version du 05/06/2012
Type pointdebut
x As Double
y As Double
z As Double
i As Double
J As Double
K As Double
End Type
Type pointfinal
ax As Double
bx As Double
cx As Double
dx As Double
ex As Double
End Type
Type pointfinalcercle
ax As Double
bx As Double
cx As Double
ix As Double
jx As Double
g As Double
ac As Double
pas As Double
bc As Double
at As Double
End Type
Type gclass
g(99) As Double
End Type
Type mclass
m(99) As Double
End Type
Type outilclass
tc As Double
ts As Double
dia As Double
s As Double
rot As Double
arr As Double
code_arr(10) As String
f As Double
Forigin As Double
couple As Double
h As Double
corrh As Double
d As Double
corrd As Double
End Type
Type cycleclass
Za As Double
Zaf As Double
Zp As Double
Zr As Double
Q As Double
P As Double
Gs As Double
End Type
Type varclass
ptd As pointdebut
ptf As pointfinal
ptfa As pointfinal
ptc As pointfinalcercle
g As gclass
m As mclass
outil As outilclass
cycle As cycleclass
sortie As String
px As Double
py As Double
pz As Double
cldx As Integer
clex As Integer
xdec As Double
ydec As Double
zdec As Double
plunge As Double
Zplunge As Double
rotdx As Double
rotex As Double
defaultex As Double
finvers As Integer
g682x As Double
g682y As Double
g682z As Double
g682m As Double
g682auto As Double
g434etat As Integer
lintol As Double
etat As Integer
End Type
Type sortieclass
erreur As String
chaine As String
chainearr As String
etat As Integer
End Type
Dim newvar As varclass
Dim oldvar As varclass
Dim sortie As sortieclass
Private Sub ecrire(ByVal texte As String, ByVal fichier As String)
Dim fichier_sortie As Integer
fichier_sortie = FreeFile
Open fichier + ".tap" For Append As #fichier_sortie
Print #fichier_sortie, texte
Close #fichier_sortie
End Sub
Sub ppvp400(ByVal urlaptsource As String)
pp_saisie.Label1.Caption = "debut traitement"
Dim ch0 As String
Dim path As String
path = ""
Dim nom_de_fichier As String
ch0 = urlaptsource
Do While InStr(ch0, Chr(92)) > 0
path = path + Mid(ch0, 1, InStr(ch0, Chr(92)))
ch0 = Mid(ch0, InStr(ch0, Chr(92)) + 1)
nom_de_fichier = Mid(ch0, 1, InStr(ch0, ".") - 1)
Dim fichier_sortie As String
' fichier_sortie = nom_de_fichier
Dim fichier_sortie_etat As Integer
fichier_sortie_etat = 0
pp_saisie.Label2.Caption = fichier_sortie + ".tap"
Dim fichier_sortie2 As Integer
fichier_sortie2 = FreeFile
oldvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(2) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(3) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(5) = -99 = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.bx = 1E+100 = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.dx = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.ex = 0 = 1E+100
oldvar.outil.arr = 0
oldvar.outil.s = 1E+100
oldvar.outil.rot = 1E+100
oldvar.outil.corrd = 40
oldvar.cycle.Zaf = 1E+100 = 1E+100
oldvar.ptc.bc = 1E+100 = 0
oldvar.cycle.Gs = 1E+100
oldvar.plunge = 0
oldvar.cldx = 1
oldvar.clex = 1
oldvar.g682m = 69
newvar.px = 0 = 0
newvar.pz = 0
newvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
newvar.g.g(2) = 54
newvar.g.g(3) = 90
newvar.g.g(5) = 94
newvar.ptf.dx = 0
newvar.ptf.ex = 0
newvar.outil.arr = 0
newvar.outil.code_arr(0) = "M9"
newvar.outil.code_arr(1) = "M8"
newvar.outil.code_arr(2) = "M58"
newvar.outil.code_arr(3) = "M58" + vbLf + "M52"
newvar.outil.code_arr(4) = "M58" + vbLf + "M7"
newvar.outil.s = 1E+100
newvar.outil.f = 10000000000#
newvar.outil.rot = 1E+100
newvar.outil.couple = 0
newvar.outil.corrd = 40
newvar.cycle.Zaf = 1E+100 = 0
newvar.plunge = 0
newvar.cldx = 1
newvar.clex = 1
newvar.rotdx = 1E+100
newvar.rotex = 1E+100
newvar.defaultex = 1E+100
newvar.g682auto = 0
newvar.g682m = 69
newvar.g682x = 0
newvar.g682y = 0
newvar.g682z = 0
newvar.g434etat = 0
newvar.lintol = 0
Dim ptd As pointdebut
Dim ptf As pointfinal
Dim ptfa As pointfinal
sortie.chainearr = ""
sortie.chaine = ""
sortie.erreur = ""
Dim saisie As String
Dim buffer As String
Dim buffer2 As String
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim cle1 As String
Dim concat As Integer
Dim compteur As Double
Dim num1 As Integer
Dim i_outil_suivant As Integer
Dim at As Double
Dim az As Double
Dim var1 As Double
Dim var2 As Double
Dim var3 As Double
Dim ch1 As String
Dim total As Long
total = 0
newvar.etat = 0
Dim liste_outils(1999) As Long
Dim i1 As Integer
i1 = 1
Dim fichier_entree0 As Integer
fichier_entree0 = FreeFile
Open urlaptsource For Input As fichier_entree0
Do While Not EOF(fichier_entree0)
Line Input #fichier_entree0, saisie
total = total + 1
chaine1 = saisie
If InStr(chaine1, "LOADTL") = 1 Then
chaine1 = Mid(saisie, InStr(saisie, "/") + 1)
If InStr(chaine1, ",") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ","))
chaine2 = chaine1
End If
liste_outils(i1) = CLng(Fix(Val(chaine2)))
If (i1 > 1) And (liste_outils(i1) = liste_outils(i1 - 1)) Then
i1 = i1 - 1
End If
i1 = i1 + 1
End If
liste_outils(i1) = 9999
Close #fichier_entree0
i_outil_suivant = 2
Dim ligne As Long
ligne = 0
concat = 0
Dim fichier_entree As Integer
fichier_entree = FreeFile
Open urlaptsource For Input As #fichier_entree
Do While Not EOF(fichier_entree)
Line Input #fichier_entree, saisie
compteur = compteur + 1
If CLng(compteur / 100) <> ligne Then
ligne = CLng(compteur / 100)
pp_saisie.Label1.Caption = Str(ligne * 100) + " lignes traitees sur " + Str(total)
End If
If InStr(saisie, "$$") > 0 Then
saisie = "rien"
newvar.etat = 0
buffer2 = saisie
End If
num1 = Len(saisie)
If InStr(saisie, "$") > 0 Then
If concat = 0 Then
buffer = Mid(saisie, 1, InStr(saisie, "$") - 1)
concat = 1
buffer = buffer + Mid(saisie, 1, InStr(saisie, "$") - 1)
End If
If concat = 0 Then
buffer = saisie
buffer = buffer + saisie
concat = 0
End If
End If
If concat = 0 Then
sortie.chaine = ""
newvar.etat = 0
If InStr(buffer, "PARTNO") > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = "<" + Mid(buffer, 8) + ">"
fichier_sortie_principal = Mid(buffer, 8)
fichier_sortie = fichier_sortie_principal
newvar.etat = 1
If Dir(path + fichier_sortie + ".tap") <> "" Then
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFile(path + fichier_sortie + ".tap")
End If
pp_saisie.Label2.Caption = fichier_sortie + ".tap"
End If
If InStr(buffer, "PPRINT") > 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, 7)
chaine1 = StrConv(chaine1, vbUpperCase)
chaine2 = "("
chaine2 = chaine2 + chaine1
chaine2 = chaine2 & ")"
sortie.chaine = chaine2
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "TPRINT") > 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
chaine1 = StrConv(chaine1, vbUpperCase)
chaine2 = "("
chaine2 = chaine2 + chaine1
chaine2 = chaine2 & ")"
sortie.chaine = chaine2
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "INSERT") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(buffer, 8)
chaine2 = chaine2
sortie.chaine = chaine2
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "DEFSUB") > 0 Then
If fichier_sortie_etat = 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
chaine2 = Str(10000 + Val(chaine1))
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, 3)
fichier_sortie = fichier_sortie_principal & "S" & chaine2
If Dir(path + fichier_sortie + ".tap") <> "" Then
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFile(path + fichier_sortie + ".tap")
End If
pp_saisie.Label2.Caption = fichier_sortie + ".tap"
sortie.chaine = "<" & fichier_sortie_principal & "S" & chaine2 & ">"
sortie.chainearr = ""
newvar.etat = 1
fichier_sortie_etat = 1
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "ENDSUB") > 0 Then
If fichier_sortie_etat = 1 Then
sortie.chaine = "M99" & vbLf & "%" & vbLf
newvar.etat = 1
fichier_sortie_etat = 0
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CALSUB") > 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
chaine2 = Str(10000 + Val(chaine1))
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, 3)
sortie.chaine = "M198 <" & fichier_sortie_principal & "S" & chaine2 & ">"
sortie.chainearr = ""
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "LOADTL") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.ts = liste_outils(i_outil_suivant)
Call word_loadtl(buffer, newvar, oldvar, sortie)
i_outil_suivant = i_outil_suivant + 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "SPINDL") > 0 Then
Call word_spindl(buffer, oldvar, newvar, sortie)
End If
If InStr(buffer, "MODE") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "HIGH") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = "G5.1Q0"
newvar.etat = 1
var1 = Val(Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, ",") + 1))
If var1 >= 1 And var1 <= 10 Then
sortie.chaine = "G5.1Q1R" + Mid(Str(var1), 2)
newvar.etat = 1
End If
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "XYZ") = 0 And InStr(buffer, "HIGH") = 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = "G49G53Z0"
newvar.g434etat = 0
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "ON") > 0 Then
newvar.g.g(4) = 43.4
oldvar.g.g(4) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(3) = 1E+100
oldvar.outil.f = 100000000
newvar.g434etat = 1
newvar.etat = 0
End If
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CLAMP") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "1") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.cldx = 0
newvar.cldx = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "2") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.clex = 0
newvar.clex = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.cldx = 0
newvar.clex = 0
newvar.cldx = 1
newvar.clex = 1
End If
End If
End If
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "RAPID") > 0 Then
If newvar.g.g(1) <> 80 Then
newvar.g.g(1) = 0
End If
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CUTTER") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.dia = Val(Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1, InStr(buffer, ",")))
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "FEDRAT") > 0 Then
Call word_fedrat(buffer, newvar, oldvar, sortie)
End If
If InStr(buffer, "COUPLE") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "ON") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "1") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.couple = 1
newvar.outil.couple = 2
End If
newvar.outil.couple = 0
End If
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "REVERS") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.g682auto = 0
newvar.g682m = 69
newvar.g682x = 0
newvar.g682y = 0
newvar.g682z = 0
sortie.chaine = "G69"
oldvar.g682m = 69
newvar.etat = 1
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ","))
newvar.g682x = Val(chaine2)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ","))
newvar.g682y = Val(chaine2)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
If InStr(chaine1, ",") > -1 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ","))
chaine2 = chaine1
End If
newvar.g682z = Val(chaine2)
newvar.g682auto = 1
newvar.g682m = 68.2
newvar.etat = 0
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "GOTO") > 0 Then
Call word_goto(buffer, newvar, oldvar, sortie)
End If
If InStr(buffer, "PIVOTZ") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "AUTO") > 0 Then
Call word_pivotz(buffer, newvar)
oldvar.px = newvar.px =
oldvar.pz = newvar.pz
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "INDIRV") > 0 Then
ptfa = extract_indirv(buffer, newvar, oldvar)
newvar.ptfa = ptfa
sortie.chaine = ""
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CIRCLE") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYLNDR") > 0 Then
Call words_circle_cylndr(buffer, oldvar, newvar, sortie)
End If
If InStr(buffer, "HELICAL") > 0 Then
Call word_helical(buffer, oldvar, newvar, sortie)
End If
If InStr(buffer, "TOOLNO") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "RADIUS") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.d = CInt(Fix(Val(Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, ",") + 1))))
newvar.outil.h = CInt(Fix(Val(Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1))))
oldvar.outil.corrh = -1
End If
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "COOLNT") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "FLOOD") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.arr = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "MIST") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, ",1") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, ",") = 0 Then
newvar.outil.arr = 2
End If
If InStr(buffer, ",2") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.arr = 3
End If
If InStr(buffer, ",3") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.arr = 4
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.arr = 0
If newvar.outil.arr <> oldvar.outil.arr Then
sortie.chaine = "M9"
sortie.chaine = ""
End If
newvar.etat = 1
newvar.etat = 0
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "STOP") = 1 Then
sortie.chaine = "M0"
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "OSTOP") = 1 Then
sortie.chaine = "M1"
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "ROTABL") > 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
If InStr(chaine1, "AAXIS") > 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
If InStr(chaine1, ",") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ","))
chaine2 = chaine1
End If
newvar.rotdx = Val(chaine2)
End If
If InStr(chaine1, "CAXIS") > 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
If InStr(chaine1, ",") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ","))
chaine2 = chaine1
End If
newvar.rotex = Val(chaine2)
End If
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "MOVETO") > 0 Then
Call word_moveto(buffer, newvar, oldvar, sortie)
End If
If InStr(buffer, "DELAY") > 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
sortie.chaine = "G4X" + chaine(Val(chaine1))
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CUTCOM") > 0 Then
Call extract_cutcom(buffer, newvar)
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "ORIGIN") > 0 Then
Call word_origin(buffer, newvar, oldvar, sortie)
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
newvar.cycle.Gs = 999
sortie.chaine = "G80"
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "LINTOL") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.lintol = 0
newvar.lintol = Val(Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1))
End If
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/BRKCHP") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/INVERS") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/LOCK") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/DRILL") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/FACE") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/DEEP") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/TAP") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/BORE") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/REAM") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/STEP") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/MANUAL") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/THRU") > 0 Then
oldvar.cycle.Gs = 999
Call word_cycle(buffer, newvar)
newvar.outil.Forigin = newvar.outil.f
oldvar.outil.f = -1
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If newvar.etat = 1 Then
If Len(sortie.erreur) > 0 Then
Call ecrire(sortie.erreur, path + fichier_sortie)
End If
If Len(sortie.chainearr) > 0 Then
Call ecrire(sortie.chainearr, path + fichier_sortie)
End If
If Len(sortie.chaine) > 0 Then
Call ecrire(sortie.chaine, path + fichier_sortie)
End If
sortie.chainearr = ""
sortie.chaine = ""
sortie.erreur = ""
End If
If newvar.etat = 3 Then
If Len(sortie.erreur) > 0 Then
Call ecrire(sortie.erreur, path + fichier_sortie)
End If
If Len(sortie.chainearr) > 0 Then
Call ecrire(sortie.chainearr, path + fichier_sortie)
End If
sortie.chainearr = ""
sortie.chaine = ""
sortie.erreur = ""
End If
If newvar.etat = 10 Then
If Len(sortie.erreur) > 0 Then
Call ecrire(sortie.erreur, path + fichier_sortie)
End If
If Len(sortie.chainearr) > 0 Then
Call ecrire(sortie.chainearr, path + fichier_sortie)
End If
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chaine
sortie.chaine = ""
sortie.erreur = ""
End If
If fichier_sortie_etat = 0 Then
fichier_sortie = fichier_sortie_principal
pp_saisie.Label2.Caption = fichier_sortie + ".tap"
End If
End If
Close #fichier_entree
pp_saisie.Label1.Caption = "fin traitement"
End Sub
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
Re: essai post-processeur 5 axes table-table broche verticale - fanuc
la suite partie 2:
- Code:
Private Sub word_loadtl(buffer As String, varnew As varclass, oldvar As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim num1 As Integer
Dim chaine2, tc As String
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
If InStr(chaine1, ",") > 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1) = Val(chaine1)
Else = Val(chaine1)
End If
sortie.chaine = ""
If <> Then
If = 1E+100 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & "M68" & vbLf
End If
If oldvar.g682m = 68.2 Then
sortie.chaine = "G69" & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & "N"
chaine1 = Str(10000 +
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + Mid(chaine1, 3)
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & "M98P9145" & vbLf
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & "M1" & vbLf & "T"
tc = Str(10000 +
tc = Mid(tc, 3)
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + tc & "M6"
chaine1 = Str(varnew.outil.ts + 10000)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, 3)
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf & "T" & chaine1
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf + "M51" = 1E+100
varnew.ptf.bx = 1E+100 = 1E+100
varnew.ptf.dx = 0
varnew.g682m = 69
varnew.g.g(1) = 1E+100
varnew.outil.s = -10
varnew.outil.rot = 3
varnew.outil.h =
varnew.outil.corrh = 43
varnew.outil.d =
sortie.chainearr = "" =
oldvar.outil.ts = varnew.outil.ts
oldvar.outil.h = 1E+100
oldvar.outil.d = 1E+100
oldvar.outil.s = 0
oldvar.outil.arr = 0
oldvar.cycle.Zaf = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(2) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(3) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(5) = -99 = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.bx = 1E+100 = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.dx = 1E+100
oldvar.g682m = 69
End If
If varnew.g682auto = 1 Then
varnew.g682m = 68.2
End If
oldvar.outil.f = -1
If varnew.defaultex <> 1E+100 Then
oldvar.ptf.ex = 1E+100
End If
sortie.etat = -2
varnew.etat = 1
End Sub
Private Function chaine(ByVal d As Double) As String
Dim s0 As String
s0 = ""
Dim A As Double
A = d
' If d > 0 Then
' A = (d + 0.000499999)
' End If
' If d < 0 Then
' A = (d - 0.000499999)
' End If
If Abs(A) < 0.001 Then
A = 0
End If
s0 = Str(FormatNumber(A, 3))
If A >= 0 Then
s0 = Mid(s0, 2)
End If
If InStr(s0, ".") = 0 Then
s0 = s0 + "."
End If
chaine = s0
End Function
Private Sub word_goto(buffer As String, newvar As varclass, oldvar As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim chaineX As String
Dim chaineY As String
Dim chaineZ As String
Dim chaineI As String
Dim chaineJ As String
Dim chaineK As String
Dim ptd As pointdebut
chaine2 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
chaineX = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.x = Val(chaineX)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.y = Val(chaineY)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.z = Val(chaineZ)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineI = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.i = Val(chaineI)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineJ = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.J = Val(chaineJ)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
If InStr(chaine2, "PT") > 0 Then
chaineK = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, "PT") - 1)
chaineK = chaine2
End If
ptd.K = Val(chaineK)
newvar.ptf = CalculPointFinal(ptd, newvar, oldvar)
newvar.ptd = ptd
newvar.rotdx = 1E+100
newvar.rotex = 1E+100
If sortie.etat = -2 Then
oldvar.ptf.ex = 1E+100
End If
If (newvar.g.g(1) <> 0) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 73) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 74) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 76) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 81) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 82) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 83) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 84) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 85) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 86) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 87) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 88) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 89) Then
newvar.g.g(1) = 1
var1 = Val(chaine(newvar.ptf.dx))
var2 = Val(chaine(oldvar.ptf.dx))
var3 = var1 - var2
var1 = Val(chaine(newvar.ptf.ex))
var2 = Val(chaine(oldvar.ptf.ex))
var3 = var3 + (var1 - var2)
If (newvar.finvers = 1) And (var3 <> 0) Then
newvar.g.g(5) = 93
newvar.g.g(5) = 94
End If
End If
If newvar.lintol > 0 And newvar.g.g(1) = 1 And <> 1E+100 And oldvar.ptf.bx <> 1E+100 And <> 1E+100 Then
Call linearisation(oldvar, newvar, sortie)
End If
Call format_sortie(oldvar, newvar, sortie)
If (sortie.etat = -1) Then
Else = 0 = 0
newvar.ptc.pas = 0
oldvar.ptc.pas = 0
If newvar.g.g(1) = 0 Then
oldvar.cldx = newvar.cldx
oldvar.clex = newvar.clex
oldvar.ptd = newvar.ptd
oldvar.ptf = newvar.ptf =
oldvar.outil.s = newvar.outil.s
oldvar.outil.rot = newvar.outil.rot
oldvar.outil.h = newvar.outil.h
oldvar.outil.corrh = newvar.outil.corrh
oldvar.g.g(1) = 0
oldvar.g.g(2) = newvar.g.g(2)
oldvar.g.g(3) = newvar.g.g(3)
oldvar.g682m = newvar.g682m
oldvar.g.g(4) = newvar.g.g(4)
oldvar.cldx = newvar.cldx
oldvar.clex = newvar.clex
oldvar.ptd = newvar.ptd
oldvar.ptf = newvar.ptf
oldvar.outil = newvar.outil
oldvar.cycle = newvar.cycle
oldvar.g.g(4) = newvar.g.g(4)
If Len(sortie.chaine) > 0 Then
oldvar.g.g(1) = newvar.g.g(1)
oldvar.g.g(2) = newvar.g.g(2)
oldvar.g.g(3) = newvar.g.g(3)
oldvar.g.g(5) = newvar.g.g(5)
End If
End If
If newvar.g.g(1) = 0 Then
newvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
oldvar.cycle.P = -1
oldvar.cycle.Q = -1
End If
oldvar.outil.arr = newvar.outil.arr
newvar.etat = 1
End If
End Sub
Private Function angle(ByVal i As Double, ByVal J As Double) As Double
Dim i0 As Double
Dim j0 As Double
Dim angle_Renamed As Double
angle_Renamed = 0
Dim angleR As Double
Dim pi As Double
pi = 3.14159265358979
If i = 0 Then
If J > 0 Then
angle_Renamed = (pi / 2)
End If
If J < 0 Then
angle_Renamed = 0 - (pi / 2)
End If
If J = 0 Then
angle_Renamed = 0
End If
End If
If i > 0 Then
If J >= 0 Then
If J <= i Then
angle_Renamed = Atn(J / i)
End If
If J > i Then
angle_Renamed = (pi / 2) - Atn(i / J)
End If
End If
If J < 0 Then
j0 = J * (0 - 1)
If j0 <= i Then
angle_Renamed = 0 - Atn(j0 / i)
End If
If j0 > i Then
angle_Renamed = 0 - (pi / 2) + Atn(i / j0)
End If
End If
End If
If i < 0 Then
i0 = i * (0 - 1)
If J >= 0 Then
If J <= i0 Then
angle_Renamed = pi - Atn(J / i0)
End If
If J > i0 Then
angle_Renamed = (pi / 2) + Atn(i0 / J)
End If
End If
If J < 0 Then
j0 = J * (0 - 1)
If j0 <= i0 Then
angle_Renamed = 0 - pi + Atn(j0 / i0)
End If
If j0 > i0 Then
angle_Renamed = 0 - (pi / 2) - Atn(i0 / j0)
End If
End If
End If
angleR = angle_Renamed * (180 / pi)
angle = angleR
End Function
Private Function CalculPointFinal(ptd As pointdebut, varnew As varclass, varold As varclass) As pointfinal
Dim r4axe1 As Double
Dim r5axe1 As Double
Dim tab1(6, 3) As Double
Dim axy As Double
Dim ay5z5 As Double
Dim rij As Double
Dim x5f As Double
Dim y5f As Double
Dim z5f As Double
Dim ry5z5 As Double
Dim rxy As Double
Dim xf1 As Double
Dim yf1 As Double
Dim zf1 As Double
Dim a0 As Double, A1 As Double
s1 = 0
Dim a2 As Double
s2 = 0
Dim ar As Double, j1 As Double, y1 As Double, ry1k As Double
Dim rpypz, apypz, raxbx, aaxbx As Double
Dim pi As Double
pi = 3.14159265358979
Dim etat As Integer
etat = 0
Dim i1 As Integer
i1 = 0
Dim i2 As Integer
i2 = 0
Dim ptf As pointfinal
ptd.x = FormatNumber(ptd.x, 6)
ptd.y = FormatNumber(ptd.y, 6)
ptd.z = FormatNumber(ptd.z, 6)
ptd.i = FormatNumber(ptd.i, 6)
ptd.J = FormatNumber(ptd.J, 6)
ptd.K = FormatNumber(ptd.K, 6)
r5axe1 = angle(ptd.i, ptd.J)
rij = Sqr((ptd.i * ptd.i) + (ptd.J * ptd.J))
r4axe1 = angle(ptd.K, rij)
If (r4axe1 <> 0) Then
r5axe1 = 90 - r5axe1
End If
If r4axe1 = 0 Then
r5axe1 = varnew.ptf.ex
If ((varnew.defaultex <> 1E+100) And (varold.ptf.ex = 1E+100)) Or ((varnew.defaultex <> 1E+100) And (varold.ptf.dx <> 0)) Then
r5axe1 = varnew.defaultex
etat = 1
End If
If varnew.rotex <> 1E+100 Then
r5axe1 = varnew.rotex
etat = 1
End If
End If
Do While (Abs(r5axe1 - varnew.ptf.ex) > 180) And (etat = 0)
If varnew.ptf.ex <= 0 Then
If r5axe1 < varnew.ptf.ex Then
r5axe1 = r5axe1 + 360
r5axe1 = r5axe1 - 360
End If
End If
If varnew.ptf.ex > 0 Then
If r5axe1 < varnew.ptf.ex Then
r5axe1 = r5axe1 + 360
r5axe1 = r5axe1 - 360
End If
End If
tab1(1, 2) = varnew.ptf.dx
tab1(1, 3) = varnew.ptf.ex
tab1(2, 2) = r4axe1
tab1(2, 3) = r5axe1
tab1(2, 1) = Abs(tab1(2, 2) - tab1(1, 2)) + Abs(tab1(2, 3) - tab1(1, 3))
tab1(3, 2) = r4axe1
tab1(3, 3) = r5axe1
tab1(3, 1) = Abs(tab1(3, 2) - tab1(1, 2)) + Abs(tab1(3, 3) - tab1(1, 3))
tab1(4, 2) = 0 - r4axe1
tab1(4, 3) = r5axe1 - 180
tab1(4, 1) = Abs(tab1(4, 2) - tab1(1, 2)) + Abs(tab1(4, 3) - tab1(1, 3))
tab1(5, 2) = 0 - r4axe1
tab1(5, 3) = r5axe1 + 180
tab1(5, 1) = Abs(tab1(5, 2) - tab1(1, 2)) + Abs(tab1(5, 3) - tab1(1, 3))
i2 = 4
If (tab1(4, 2) < -30) Or (r4axe1 = 0) Then
i2 = 2
End If
tab1(6, 2) = tab1(2, 2)
tab1(6, 3) = tab1(2, 3)
i1 = 2
Do While i1 <= i2
If tab1(2, 1) > tab1(i1, 1) Then
tab1(6, 1) = tab1(i1, 1)
tab1(6, 2) = tab1(i1, 2)
tab1(6, 3) = tab1(i1, 3)
End If
i1 = i1 + 1
r4axe1 = tab1(6, 2)
r5axe1 = tab1(6, 3)
rxy = Sqr(((ptd.x - varnew.g682x) * (ptd.x - varnew.g682x)) + ((ptd.y - varnew.g682y) * (ptd.y - varnew.g682y)))
axy = angle((ptd.x - varnew.g682x), (ptd.y - varnew.g682y))
x5f = rxy * Cos((axy + r5axe1) * pi / 180)
y5f = rxy * Sin((axy + r5axe1) * pi / 180)
z5f = ptd.z - varnew.g682z
ry5z5 = Sqr((y5f * y5f) + (z5f * z5f))
ay5z5 = angle(z5f, y5f)
rpypz = Sqr(( * + (varnew.pz * varnew.pz))
apypz = angle(varnew.pz,
yf1 = ((ry5z5) * Sin((ay5z5 - r4axe1) * pi / 180)) + - (rpypz * Sin((apypz - r4axe1) * pi / 180))
xf1 = x5f
zf1 = ((ry5z5) * Cos((ay5z5 - r4axe1) * pi / 180)) + newvar.pz - (rpypz * Cos((apypz - r4axe1) * pi / 180)) = xf1
ptf.bx = yf1 = zf1
ptf.dx = r4axe1
ptf.ex = r5axe1
If varnew.g434etat = 1 Then = ptd.x
ptf.bx = ptd.y = ptd.z
End If = FormatNumber(, 6)
ptf.bx = FormatNumber(ptf.bx, 6) = FormatNumber(, 6)
ptf.dx = FormatNumber(ptf.dx, 6)
ptf.ex = FormatNumber(ptf.ex, 6)
CalculPointFinal = ptf
End Function
Private Sub linearisation(oldvar As varclass, newvar As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim var1 As varclass
Dim pA As pointdebut
Dim pB As pointdebut
Dim p1 As pointdebut
Dim pfA As pointfinal
Dim pfB As pointfinal
Dim pf1 As pointfinal
Dim pr1 As pointfinal
Dim E1, AA, AB, BA, BB, A1, B1 As Double
Dim linetat As Integer
Dim pi As Double
pi = 3.14159265358979
var1 = newvar
pB = newvar.ptd
linetat = 1
i1 = 0
While linetat = 1
pA = oldvar.ptd
pfA = CalculPointFinal(pA, oldvar, oldvar)
pfB = CalculPointFinal(pB, oldvar, oldvar)
p1.x = pA.x + ((pB.x - pA.x) / 2)
p1.y = pA.y + ((pB.y - pA.y) / 2)
p1.z = pA.z + ((pB.z - pA.z) / 2)
AA = 90 - pfA.ex
BA = 90 - pfB.ex
AB = pfA.dx
BB = pfB.dx
' MsgBox (Str(AB) + " AB " + Str(BB) + " BB " + Str(AA) + " AA " + Str(BA) + " BA ")
A1 = AA + ((BA - AA) / 2)
B1 = AB + ((BB - AB) / 2)
p1.i = Sin(B1 * pi / 180) * Cos(A1 * pi / 180)
p1.J = Sin(B1 * pi / 180) * Sin(A1 * pi / 180)
p1.K = Cos(B1 * pi / 180)
' MsgBox (Str(p1.x) + " p1 " + Str(p1.y) + " / " + Str(p1.z) + " / " + Str(p1.i) + " / " + Str(p1.J) + " / " + Str(p1.K))
pf1 = CalculPointFinal(p1, oldvar, oldvar)
' MsgBox (Str( + " pf1 " + Str(pf1.bx) + " / " + Str( + " / " + Str(pf1.dx) + " / " + Str(pf1.ex))
' MsgBox (Str( + " pfA " + Str(pfA.bx) + " / " + Str( + " / " + Str(pfA.dx) + " / " + Str(pfA.ex))
' MsgBox (Str( + " pfB " + Str(pfB.bx) + " / " + Str( + " / " + Str(pfB.dx) + " / " + Str(pfB.ex)) = + (( - / 2)
pr1.bx = pfA.bx + ((pfB.bx - pfA.bx) / 2) = + (( - / 2)
' MsgBox (Str( + " pr1 " + Str(pr1.bx) + " / " + Str(
E1 = Sqr((( - * ( - + ((pr1.bx - pf1.bx) * (pr1.bx - pf1.bx)) + (( - * ( -
E1 = FormatNumber(E1, 6)
If E1 <= newvar.lintol Then
var01 = Val(chaine(pfB.dx))
var02 = Val(chaine(pfA.dx))
var03 = var01 - var02
var01 = Val(chaine(pfB.ex))
var02 = Val(chaine(pfA.ex))
var03 = var03 + (var01 - var02)
If (newvar.finvers = 1) And (var03 <> 0) Then
var1.g.g(5) = 93
var1.g.g(5) = 94
End If
' MsgBox (Str(newvar.finvers) + " / " + Str(var03) + " / " + Str(var1.g.g(5)))
If = And pfB.bx = newvar.ptf.bx And = And pfB.dx = newvar.ptf.dx And pfB.ex = newvar.ptf.ex Then
linetat = 0
var1.ptd = pB
var1.ptf = pfB
Call format_sortie(oldvar, var1, sortie)
oldvar = var1
pB = newvar.ptd
' MsgBox (sortie.chaine)
End If
pB = p1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub format_sortie(oldvar As varclass, varnew As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim ch1 As String
ch1 = ""
Dim varptf As pointfinal
Dim parg1 As String
Dim parg2 As String
Dim parg3 As String, parg4 As String
parg4 = ""
Dim parg5 As String
parg5 = ""
Dim sarr As String
sarr = ""
Dim tc As String
Dim ax As String
Dim bx As String
Dim cx As String
Dim dx As String
Dim ex As String
Dim xx As String
Dim yx As String
Dim zx As String
Dim ix As String
Dim jx As String
Dim tc2 As String
Dim ssrot As String
Dim sh As String
Dim scorrh As String
Dim sfed As String
Dim sd As String
Dim scorrd As String
Dim sab As String
Dim sde As String
Dim scx1 As String
Dim scx2 As String
Dim sGs As String
Dim sZp As String
Dim sZr As String
Dim sQ, sP As String
Dim scldx1 As String
Dim scldx2 As String
Dim sclex1 As String
Dim sclex2 As String
Dim sg682 As String
sg682 = ""
Dim sg682f As String
sg682f = ""
Dim y As Double
Dim z As Double
Dim tcn As Double
Dim ncx1 As Double
Dim ncx2 As Double
' sortie.chaine = ""
sortie.etat = 0
If varnew.outil.s <> oldvar.outil.s Then
ssrot = "S"
ssrot = ssrot + Mid(Str(varnew.outil.s), 2)
ssrot = ssrot & "M"
ssrot = ssrot + Mid(Str(varnew.outil.rot), 2)
If InStr(ssrot, "S-10M3") > 0 Then
ssrot = ""
End If
ssrot = ""
End If
If (varnew.outil.h <> oldvar.outil.h) Or (varnew.g.g(4) <> oldvar.g.g(4)) Then
sh = "H"
sh = sh + Mid(Str(varnew.outil.h), 2)
scorrh = "G"
scorrh = scorrh + Mid(Str(varnew.outil.corrh), 2)
sh = ""
scorrh = ""
End If
If varnew.outil.corrd <> oldvar.outil.corrd Then
If varnew.outil.corrd <> 40 Then
sd = "D" + Mid(Str(varnew.outil.d), 2)
sd = ""
End If
scorrd = "G" + Mid(Str(varnew.outil.corrd), 2)
sd = ""
scorrd = ""
End If
If varnew.outil.arr <> oldvar.outil.arr Then
sarr = newvar.outil.code_arr(newvar.outil.arr)
sarr = ""
End If
If varnew.g.g(1) <> oldvar.g.g(1) Then
parg1 = "G"
parg1 = parg1 + Mid(Str(varnew.g.g(1)), 2)
parg1 = ""
End If
If varnew.g.g(2) <> oldvar.g.g(2) Then
parg2 = "G"
parg2 = parg2 + Mid(Str(varnew.g.g(2)), 2)
parg2 = ""
End If
If varnew.g.g(3) <> oldvar.g.g(3) Then
parg3 = "G"
parg3 = parg3 + Mid(Str(varnew.g.g(3)), 2)
parg3 = ""
End If
If varnew.g.g(4) <> oldvar.g.g(4) Then
parg4 = "G"
parg4 = parg4 + Mid(Str(varnew.g.g(4)), 2)
parg4 = ""
End If
If varnew.g.g(5) <> oldvar.g.g(5) Then
parg5 = "G"
parg5 = parg5 + Mid(Str(varnew.g.g(5)), 2)
parg5 = ""
End If
yx = chaine(
zx = chaine(
y = Val(yx)
z = Val(zx)
If Abs( > 999999.999 Then
sortie.erreur = sortie.erreur & vbLf & "M00( DEPASSEMENT COORDONNEE X )"
End If
If (y <> z) Or (varnew.g434etat = 1) Then
ax = "X"
ax = ax + chaine(
ax = ""
End If
yx = chaine(varnew.ptf.bx)
zx = chaine(oldvar.ptf.bx)
y = Val(yx)
z = Val(zx)
If Abs(varnew.ptf.bx) > 999999.999 Then
sortie.erreur = sortie.erreur & vbLf & "M00( DEPASSEMENT COORDONNEE Y )"
End If
If (y <> z) Or (varnew.g434etat = 1) Then
bx = "Y"
bx = bx + chaine(varnew.ptf.bx)
bx = ""
End If
yx = chaine(
zx = chaine(
y = Val(yx)
z = Val(zx)
If Abs( > 999999.999 Then
sortie.erreur = sortie.erreur & vbLf & "M00( DEPASSEMENT COORDONNEE Z )"
End If
If (y <> z) Or (varnew.g434etat = 1) Then
cx = "Z"
cx = cx + chaine(
cx = ""
End If
If Abs(varnew.ptc.ix) > 999999.999 Then
sortie.erreur = sortie.erreur & vbLf & "M00( DEPASSEMENT COORDONNEE I )"
End If
ix = "I"
ix = ix + chaine(varnew.ptc.ix)
If Abs(varnew.ptc.jx) > 999999.999 Then
sortie.erreur = sortie.erreur & vbLf & "M00( DEPASSEMENT COORDONNEE J )"
End If
jx = "J"
jx = jx + chaine(varnew.ptc.jx)
yx = chaine(varnew.ptf.dx * -1)
zx = chaine(oldvar.ptf.dx * -1)
y = Val(yx)
z = Val(zx)
If Math.Abs(varnew.ptf.dx) > 999999.999 Then
sortie.erreur = sortie.erreur & vbLf & "M00( DEPASSEMENT COORDONNEE A )" & vbLf
End If
If (y <> z) Or (varnew.g434etat = 1) Then
dx = "A"
dx = dx + yx
dx = ""
End If
yx = chaine(varnew.ptf.ex * -1)
zx = chaine(oldvar.ptf.ex * -1)
y = Val(yx)
z = Val(zx)
If Math.Abs(varnew.ptf.ex) > 999999.999 Then
sortie.erreur = sortie.erreur & vbLf & "M00( DEPASSEMENT COORDONNEE C )" & vbLf
End If
If (y <> z) Or (varnew.g434etat = 1) Then
ex = "C"
ex = ex + yx
ex = ""
End If
scldx1 = ""
scldx2 = ""
sclex1 = ""
sclex2 = ""
If InStr(dx, "A") > 0 Then
If varnew.cldx = 0 Then
If oldvar.cldx = 1 Then
scldx1 = "M79"
scldx1 = ""
End If
scldx2 = ""
If oldvar.cldx = 1 Then
scldx1 = "M79"
scldx1 = ""
End If
scldx2 = "M78"
End If
End If
If InStr(ex, "C") > 0 Then
If varnew.clex = 0 Then
If oldvar.clex = 1 Then
sclex1 = "M11"
sclex1 = ""
End If
sclex2 = ""
If oldvar.clex = 1 Then
sclex1 = "M11"
sclex1 = ""
End If
sclex2 = "M10"
End If
End If
sg682f = ""
ch1 = dx + ex
If (Len(ch1) > 0) And (varnew.g682auto = 1) Then
If Val(chaine(varnew.ptf.dx)) = 0 And Val(chaine(varnew.ptf.ex)) = 0 Then
sg682 = vbLf + "G68.2X" & chaine(varnew.g682x) & "Y" & chaine(varnew.g682y) & "Z" & chaine(varnew.g682z) & "I90.J0.K-90." & vbLf & "G53.1"
sg682 = vbLf + "G68.2X" & chaine(varnew.g682x) & "Y" & chaine(varnew.g682y) & "Z" & chaine(varnew.g682z) & "I" & chaine(varnew.ptf.ex * -1) & "J" & chaine(varnew.ptf.dx * -1) & "K0" & vbLf & "G53.1"
End If
If oldvar.g682m = 68.2 Then
sg682f = "G69"
End If
End If
If (varnew.outil.couple = 1) Or (varnew.outil.couple = 2) Then
y = Sqr((varnew.ptc.ix * varnew.ptc.ix) + (varnew.ptc.jx * varnew.ptc.jx))
If varnew.outil.corrd = 41 Then
If varnew.g.g(1) = 3 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin * y / (y + (varnew.outil.dia / 2))
If CInt(Fix(varnew.outil.f)) = 0 Then
varnew.outil.f = 1
End If
End If
If varnew.g.g(1) = 2 Then
z = y - (varnew.outil.dia / 2)
If z = 0 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin * 2
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin * y / (y - (varnew.outil.dia / 2))
If varnew.outil.f > (varnew.outil.Forigin * 2) Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin * 2
End If
End If
If varnew.outil.couple = 2 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
End If
End If
End If
If varnew.outil.corrd = 42 Then
If varnew.g.g(1) = 3 Then
z = y - (varnew.outil.dia / 2)
If z = 0 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin * 2
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin * y / (y - (varnew.outil.dia / 2))
If varnew.outil.f > (varnew.outil.Forigin * 2) Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin * 2
End If
End If
If varnew.outil.couple = 2 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
End If
End If
If varnew.g.g(1) = 2 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin * y / (y + (varnew.outil.dia / 2))
If CInt(Fix(varnew.outil.f)) = 0 Then
varnew.outil.f = 1
End If
End If
End If
If varnew.outil.corrd = 40 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
End If
If varnew.g.g(1) = 1 Then
If (ax = "") And (bx = "") And (cx = "") And (dx = "") And (ex = "") Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
End If
End If
End If
If varnew.outil.couple = 0 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
End If
If (varnew.g.g(5) = 93) And (varnew.g.g(1) = 1) Then
var1 = ((varnew.ptd.x - oldvar.ptd.x) * (varnew.ptd.x - oldvar.ptd.x)) + ((varnew.ptd.y - oldvar.ptd.y) * (varnew.ptd.y - oldvar.ptd.y)) + ((varnew.ptd.z - oldvar.ptd.z) * (varnew.ptd.z - oldvar.ptd.z))
If var1 = 0 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
varnew.g.g(5) = 94
If varnew.g.g(5) <> oldvar.g.g(5) Then
parg5 = "G94"
parg5 = ""
End If
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin / Sqr(var1)
End If
End If
If CLng(varnew.outil.f) <> CLng(oldvar.outil.f) Then
sfed = "F" + Mid(Str(CLng(varnew.outil.f)), 2)
sfed = ""
End If
If (varnew.g.g(5) = 93) And (varnew.g.g(1) = 1) And (Len(dx) + Len(ex) > 0) Then
sfed = "F" & chaine(varnew.outil.f)
End If
If ((varnew.g.g(1) = 0) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 80)) And (varnew.g434etat = 0) Then
If Len(ax) + Len(bx) + Len(cx) + Len(dx) + Len(ex) = 0 Then
sortie.etat = -1
sortie.chaine = ""
If varnew.etat = 1 Then
sortie.chainearr = ""
End If
If sarr <> "" Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sarr + vbLf
End If
scx1 = chaine(
ncx1 = Val(scx1)
scx2 = chaine(
ncx2 = Val(scx2)
sab = ax
sab = sab + bx
sab = sab + ssrot
sde = dx
sde = sde + ex
If ncx2 > ncx1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sg682f
If Len(scldx1) > 1 And Len(sg682f) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scldx1
If Len(sclex1) > 1 And (Len(scldx1) > 1 Or Len(sg682f) > 1) Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sclex1
If Len(scldx1) > 1 Or Len(sclex1) > 1 Or Len(sg682f) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
If Len(sde) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + parg1 + parg2 + parg3
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sde
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sg682
If Len(scldx2) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scldx2
If Len(sclex2) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sclex2
If Len(sde) > 1 And Len(sab) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
If Len(sde) = 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + parg1 + parg2 + parg3
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sab
If (Len(sde) > 1 Or Len(sab) > 1) And Len(cx) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scorrh
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + cx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sh
End If
If ncx1 > ncx2 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + parg1 + parg2 + parg3
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scorrh
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + cx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sh
If Len(cx) > 1 And Len(sde) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sg682f
If Len(scldx1) > 1 And Len(sg682f) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scldx1
If Len(sclex1) > 1 And (Len(scldx1) > 1 Or Len(sg682f) > 1) Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sclex1
If Len(scldx1) > 1 Or Len(sclex1) > 1 Or Len(sg682f) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sde
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sg682
If Len(scldx2) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scldx2
If Len(sclex2) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sclex2
If (Len(cx) > 1 And Len(sde) > 1 And Len(sab) > 1) Or (Len(cx) > 1 And Len(sab) > 1) Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sab
End If
If ncx1 = ncx2 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sg682f
If Len(scldx1) > 1 And Len(sg682f) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scldx1
If Len(sclex1) > 1 And (Len(scldx1) > 1 Or Len(sg682f) > 1) Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sclex1
If Len(scldx1) > 1 Or Len(sclex1) > 1 Or Len(sg682f) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + parg1 + parg2 + parg3
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sde
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sg682
If Len(scldx2) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scldx2
If Len(sclex2) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sclex2
If Len(sab) > 1 And Len(sde) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sab
End If
End If
If (sortie.etat <> 2) And (sortie.etat <> 3) Then
sortie.etat = 0
End If
End If
If (varnew.g.g(1) = 0) And (varnew.g434etat = 1) Then
If (Len(ax) + Len(bx) + Len(cx) + Len(dx) + Len(ex)) = 0 Then
sortie.etat = -1
sortie.chaine = ""
If Len(ssrot) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ssrot
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scldx1
If Len(sclex1) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sclex1
If Len(scldx1) > 1 Or Len(sclex1) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + parg1 + parg3 + parg4
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ax
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + bx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + cx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + dx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ex
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sh
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sd
If Len(scldx2) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scldx2
If Len(sclex2) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sclex2
If varnew.etat = 1 Then
sortie.chainearr = ""
End If
sortie.etat = 0
End If
End If
If (varnew.g.g(1) = 1) And (varnew.g434etat = 1) Then
If (Len(ax) + Len(bx) + Len(cx) + Len(dx) + Len(ex)) = 0 Then
sortie.etat = -1
sortie.chaine = ""
If Len(ssrot) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ssrot
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scldx1
If Len(sclex1) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sclex1
If Len(scldx1) > 1 Or Len(sclex1) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + parg1 + parg3 + parg4
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ax
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + bx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + cx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + dx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ex
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sh
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sd
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sfed
If Len(scldx2) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scldx2
If Len(sclex2) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sclex2
If varnew.etat = 1 Then
sortie.chainearr = ""
End If
sortie.etat = 0
End If
End If
If (varnew.g.g(1) = 1) And (varnew.g434etat = 0) Then
If (Len(ax) + Len(bx) + Len(cx) + Len(dx) + Len(ex)) = 0 Then
sortie.etat = -1
If Len(sortie.chaine) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf
End If
If Len(ssrot) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ssrot
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scldx1
If Len(scldx1) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sclex1
If Len(scldx1) > 0 Or Len(sclex1) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + parg1 + parg2 + parg3 + parg5
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scorrd
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ax
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + bx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + cx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + dx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ex
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sd
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sfed
If Len(scldx2) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scldx2
If Len(sclex2) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sclex2
If varnew.etat = 1 Then
sortie.chainearr = ""
End If
sortie.etat = 0
End If
End If
If (varnew.g.g(1) = 2) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 3) Then
If varnew.etat = 0 Then
If Len(sortie.chainearr) > 0 Then
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr + vbLf
End If
If Len(ssrot) > 0 Then
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr + ssrot
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr & vbLf
End If
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr + parg1 + parg3 + parg4 + parg5
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr + ax
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr + bx
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr + cx
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr + ix
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr + jx
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr + sfed
End If
If (varnew.etat = 1) Or (varnew.etat = 10) Then
sortie.chaine = ""
If Len(ssrot) > 2 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ssrot
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + parg1 + parg3 + parg4 + parg5
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ax
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + bx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + cx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ix
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + jx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sfed
End If
If varnew.etat = 2 Then
yx = ""
If InStr(sortie.chainearr, "X") > 1 Then
yx = Mid(sortie.chainearr, 1, InStr(sortie.chainearr, "X") - 1)
End If
zx = ""
If InStr(sortie.chainearr, "I") > 0 Then
zx = Mid(sortie.chainearr, InStr(sortie.chainearr, "I"))
End If
sortie.chainearr = yx
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr + ax
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr + bx
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr + cx
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr + zx
End If
If varnew.etat = 3 Then
yx = ""
If InStr(sortie.chainearr, "X") > 1 Then
yx = yx + Mid(sortie.chainearr, 1, InStr(sortie.chainearr, "X") - 1)
yx = yx + parg1 + parg3 + parg4 + parg5
End If
zx = ""
If InStr(sortie.chainearr, "I") > 0 Then
zx = Mid(sortie.chainearr, InStr(sortie.chainearr, "I"))
zx = ix + jx + sfed
End If
sortie.chainearr = yx
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr + ax
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr + bx
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr + cx
sortie.chainearr = sortie.chainearr + zx
sortie.chaine = ""
sortie.etat = 0
End If
End If
If (varnew.g.g(1) = 73) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 74) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 76) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 81) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 82) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 83) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 84) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 85) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 86) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 87) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 88) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 89) Then
varnew.cycle.Zaf = Val(chaine( + varnew.cycle.Za))
If varnew.cycle.Zaf <> oldvar.cycle.Zaf Then
var1 = varnew.g.g(1)
varptf = varnew.ptf
varnew.g.g(1) = 0 = varnew.cycle.Zaf
Call format_sortie(oldvar, varnew, sortie)
oldvar.ptf = varnew.ptf
varnew.g.g(1) = var1
varnew.ptf = varptf
oldvar.cycle.Gs = 1E+100
' = 1E+100
oldvar.cycle.Zaf = varnew.cycle.Zaf
Call format_sortie(oldvar, varnew, sortie)
yx = chaine( + varnew.cycle.Zp)
zx = chaine( + oldvar.cycle.Zp)
y = Val(yx)
z = Val(zx)
If y <> z Or Len(parg1) > 0 Then
sZp = "Z"
sZp = sZp + yx
sZp = ""
End If
yx = chaine( + varnew.cycle.Zr)
zx = chaine( + oldvar.cycle.Zr)
y = Val(yx)
z = Val(zx)
If y <> z Or Len(parg1) > 0 Then
sZr = "R"
sZr = sZr + yx
sZr = ""
End If
sQ = ""
If (varnew.g.g(1) = 73) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 76) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 83) Then
yx = chaine(varnew.cycle.Q)
zx = chaine(oldvar.cycle.Q)
y = Val(yx)
z = Val(zx)
If y <> z Or Len(parg1) > 0 Then
sQ = "Q"
sQ = sQ + yx
End If
End If
sP = ""
If (varnew.g.g(1) = 82) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 89) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 88) Then
yx = chaine(varnew.cycle.P)
zx = chaine(oldvar.cycle.P)
y = Val(yx)
z = Val(zx)
If y <> z Or Len(parg1) > 0 Then
sQ = "P"
sQ = sQ + yx
End If
End If
If varnew.cycle.Gs <> oldvar.cycle.Gs Then
sGs = "G"
sGs = sGs + Mid(Str(varnew.cycle.Gs), 2)
sGs = ""
End If
If Len(sortie.chaine) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + parg1
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sGs
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ax
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + bx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sZp
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sQ
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sP
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sZr
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sfed
If varnew.etat = 1 Then
sortie.chainearr = ""
End If
End If
End If
If (InStr(sortie.chaine, parg1) > 0) And (Len(sortie.chaine) = (Len(parg1) + 1)) Then
sortie.chaine = ""
End If
End Sub
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
Re: essai post-processeur 5 axes table-table broche verticale - fanuc
la suite partiev 3:
- Code:
Function extract_indirv(ByVal buffer As String, varnew As varclass, oldvar As varclass) As pointfinal
Dim Pindirv As pointdebut
Dim ptf99 As pointfinal
Dim ptindirv As pointfinal
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim chaineI As String
Dim chaineJ As String
Dim chaineK As String
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
chaineI = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
Pindirv.x = Val(chaineI) + varnew.ptd.x
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineJ = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
Pindirv.y = Val(chaineJ) + varnew.ptd.y
chaineK = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
Pindirv.z = Val(chaineK) + varnew.ptd.z
Pindirv.i = varnew.ptd.i
Pindirv.J = varnew.ptd.J
Pindirv.K = varnew.ptd.K
ptf99 = CalculPointFinal(Pindirv, varnew, oldvar) =
ptindirv.bx = ptf99.bx =
ptindirv.dx = ptf99.dx
ptindirv.ex = ptf99.ex
extract_indirv = ptindirv
End Function
Private Sub words_circle_cylndr(buffer As String, oldvar As varclass, varnew As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim retour As varclass
Dim ptdepart As pointfinal
Dim ptindirv As pointfinal
Dim ptd As pointdebut
Dim ptcercle As pointfinal
Dim ptf As pointfinal
Dim ptc As pointfinalcercle
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim chaineX As String
Dim chaineY As String
Dim chaineZ As String
Dim saxc As String
Dim saxd As String
Dim sbxc As String
Dim sbxd As String
Dim A As Double
Dim API As Double
Dim APC As Double
Dim AA As Double
Dim AB As Double
Dim ac As Double =
ptdepart.bx = oldvar.ptf.bx =
ptdepart.dx = oldvar.ptf.dx
ptdepart.ex = oldvar.ptf.ex =
ptindirv.bx = varnew.ptfa.bx =
ptindirv.dx = varnew.ptfa.dx
ptindirv.ex = varnew.ptfa.ex
ptd.x = varnew.ptd.x
ptd.y = varnew.ptd.y
ptd.z = varnew.ptd.z
ptd.i = varnew.ptd.i
ptd.J = varnew.ptd.J
ptd.K = varnew.ptd.K
retour = varnew
If InStr(buffer, "CIRCLE") > 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "CIRCLE/") + 7)
chaineX = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.x = Val(chaineX)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.y = Val(chaineY)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.z = Val(chaineZ)
ptf = CalculPointFinal(ptd, varnew, oldvar) =
ptcercle.bx = ptf.bx =
ptcercle.dx = ptf.dx
ptcercle.ex = ptf.ex
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, "LINE/") + 5)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineX = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.x = Val(chaineX)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.y = Val(chaineY)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ")") - 1)
ptd.z = Val(chaineZ)
ptf = CalculPointFinal(ptd, varnew, oldvar)
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "CYLNDR/") + 7)
chaineX = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.x = Val(chaineX)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.y = Val(chaineY)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.z = Val(chaineZ)
ptf = CalculPointFinal(ptd, varnew, oldvar) =
ptcercle.bx = ptf.bx =
ptcercle.dx = ptf.dx
ptcercle.ex = ptf.ex
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, "VECTOR/") + 7)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, "POINT/") + 6)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, "POINT/") + 6)
chaineX = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.x = Val(chaineX)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.y = Val(chaineY)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ")") - 1)
ptd.z = Val(chaineZ)
ptf = CalculPointFinal(ptd, varnew, oldvar)
End If
API = angle(( -, (ptindirv.bx - ptdepart.bx))
APC = angle(( -, (ptcercle.bx - ptdepart.bx))
If A > 180 Then
A = A - 360
End If
If A < -180 Then
A = A + 360
End If
If A > 0 Then
ptc.g = 3
ptc.g = 2
End If
AA = angle(( -, (ptcercle.bx - ptdepart.bx))
AB = angle(( -, (ptcercle.bx - ptf.bx))
If (ptc.g = 3) And (AB < AA) Then
AB = 360 + AB
End If
If (ptc.g = 2) And (AB > AA) Then
AB = AB - 360
End If
ac = AB - AA
If ac < 0 Then
ac = 0 - ac
End If
If Val(chaine( = Val(chaine( And Val(chaine(ptf.bx)) = Val(chaine(oldvar.ptf.bx)) Then
ac = 360
End If
' ac = Val(chaine(ac)) =
ptc.bc = ptcercle.bx =
ptc.bx = ptf.bx =
saxc = chaine(
saxd = chaine(
sbxc = chaine(ptcercle.bx)
sbxd = chaine(ptdepart.bx)
ptc.ix = -
ptc.jx = ptcercle.bx - ptdepart.bx
If ptc.g = oldvar.g.g(1) Then
If Val(chaine( = Val(chaine( And Val(chaine(ptcercle.bx)) = Val(chaine(oldvar.ptc.bc)) And (varnew.outil.Forigin = oldvar.outil.Forigin) Then = + ac
If = ac Then
retour.etat = 0
End If
If ( < 360) And ( > ac) Then
retour.etat = 2
End If
If = 360 Then
retour.etat = 3 = 0
End If
If > 360 Then
retour.etat = 1 = 0
End If
If = 0 Then
retour.etat = 0 = ac
retour.etat = 10 = ac
End If
End If
If = 0 Then
retour.etat = 0 = ac
retour.etat = 10 = ac
End If
End If =
retour.ptc.bx = ptc.bx =
retour.ptc.ix = ptc.ix
retour.ptc.jx = ptc.jx =
retour.ptc.bc = ptc.bc =
retour.ptc.g = ptc.g
retour.ptd.x = ptd.x
retour.ptd.y = ptd.y
retour.ptd.z = ptd.z
retour.ptd.i = ptd.i
retour.ptd.J = ptd.J
retour.ptd.K = ptd.K =
retour.ptf.bx = retour.ptc.bx =
If retour.plunge <> 0 Then
If oldvar.plunge = 0 Then
retour.Zplunge =
End If
retour.Zplunge = retour.Zplunge + ((ac / 360) * retour.plunge) = retour.Zplunge
End If
retour.g.g(1) = ptc.g
varnew = retour = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.bx = 1E+100
oldvar.ptc.ix = 1E+100
oldvar.ptc.jx = 1E+100
Call format_sortie(oldvar, newvar, sortie)
oldvar.ptd = newvar.ptd
oldvar.ptf = newvar.ptf
oldvar.ptc = newvar.ptc
oldvar.g.g(1) = newvar.g.g(1)
oldvar.g.g(3) = newvar.g.g(3)
oldvar.g.g(4) = newvar.g.g(4)
oldvar.g.g(5) = newvar.g.g(5)
oldvar.m.m(1) = newvar.m.m(1)
oldvar.outil = newvar.outil
oldvar.cycle = newvar.cycle
oldvar.sortie = newvar.sortie
oldvar.cldx = newvar.cldx
oldvar.clex = newvar.clex
oldvar.plunge = newvar.plunge
oldvar.Zplunge = newvar.Zplunge
oldvar.etat = newvar.etat
End Sub
Private Sub word_helical(buffer As String, oldvar As varclass, varnew As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim retour As varclass
Dim ptdepart As pointfinal
Dim ptindirv As pointfinal
Dim ptd As pointdebut
Dim ptcercle As pointfinal
Dim ptf As pointfinal
Dim ptc As pointfinalcercle
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim chaineX As String
Dim chaineY As String
Dim chaineZ As String
Dim saxc As String
Dim saxd As String
Dim sbxc As String
Dim sbxd As String
Dim A As Double
Dim API As Double
Dim APC As Double
Dim AA As Double
Dim AB As Double
Dim ac As Double
ptdepart = oldvar.ptf
ptindirv = varnew.ptfa
ptd = varnew.ptd
retour = varnew
chaine2 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "HELICAL/") + 9)
chaineX = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.x = Val(chaineX)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.y = Val(chaineY)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.z = Val(chaineZ)
ptf = CalculPointFinal(ptd, varnew, oldvar)
ptcercle = ptf
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineX = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.x = Val(chaineX) + varnew.ptd.x
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.y = Val(chaineY) + varnew.ptd.y
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.z = Val(chaineZ) + varnew.ptd.z
ptf = CalculPointFinal(ptd, varnew, oldvar)
ptindirv = ptf
API = angle(( -, (ptindirv.bx - ptdepart.bx))
APC = angle(( -, (ptcercle.bx - ptdepart.bx))
If A > 180 Then
A = A - 360
End If
If A < -180 Then
A = A + 360
End If
If A > 0 Then
ptc.g = 3
ptc.g = 2
End If
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
ac = Val(Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1))
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineX = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.x = Val(chaineX)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.y = Val(chaineY)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = chaine2
ptd.z = Val(chaineZ)
ptf = CalculPointFinal(ptd, varnew, oldvar)
saxc = chaine(
saxd = chaine(
sbxc = chaine(ptcercle.bx)
sbxd = chaine(ptdepart.bx)
ptc.ix = -
ptc.jx = ptcercle.bx - ptdepart.bx
ptc.pas = ( - / ac * 360
ptc.pas = Val(chaine(ptc.pas))
ac = Val(chaine(ac))
If ac < 0 Then
ac = 0 - ac
End If
ac = Val(chaine(ac))
If ac = 0 Then
ac = 360
End If
If ac > 360 Then = ac
Else =
ptc.bc = ptcercle.bx =
ptc.bx = ptf.bx =
saxc = chaine(
saxd = chaine(
sbxc = chaine(ptcercle.bx)
sbxd = chaine(ptdepart.bx)
ptc.ix = -
ptc.jx = ptcercle.bx - ptdepart.bx
If ptc.g = oldvar.g.g(1) Then
If (Val(chaine( = Val(chaine( And (Val(chaine(ptcercle.bx)) = Val(chaine(oldvar.ptc.bc))) And (ptc.pas = oldvar.ptc.pas) And (varnew.outil.Forigin = oldvar.outil.Forigin) Then = + ac
If = ac Then
retour.etat = 0
End If
If ( < 360) And ( > ac) Then
retour.etat = 2
End If
If = 360 Then
retour.etat = 3 = 0
End If
If > 360 Then
retour.etat = 1 = 0
End If
If = 0 Then
retour.etat = 0 = ac
retour.etat = 10 = ac
End If
End If
If = 0 Then
retour.etat = 0 = ac
retour.etat = 10 = ac
End If
End If
End If =
retour.ptc.bc = ptcercle.bx =
retour.ptc.ix = ptc.ix
retour.ptc.jx = ptc.jx =
retour.ptc.pas = ptc.pas
retour.ptc.g = ptc.g
retour.ptd = ptd
retour.ptf = ptf
retour.g.g(1) = ptc.g
varnew = retour =
ptf.bx = newvar.ptf.bx =
at =
Do While at > 360
at = at - 360 =
newvar.ptf.bx = oldvar.ptf.bx
az = - = - ((az / * at) = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.bx = 1E+100
oldvar.ptc.ix = 1E+100
oldvar.ptc.jx = 1E+100
Call format_sortie(oldvar, newvar, sortie) =
oldvar.ptf.bx = newvar.ptf.bx
oldvar.ptc.ix = newvar.ptc.ix
oldvar.ptc.jx = newvar.ptc.jx
oldvar.outil.f = newvar.outil.f
Loop =
newvar.ptf.bx = ptf.bx = = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.bx = 1E+100
oldvar.ptc.ix = 1E+100
oldvar.ptc.jx = 1E+100
Call format_sortie(oldvar, newvar, sortie)
oldvar.ptd = newvar.ptd
oldvar.ptf = newvar.ptf
oldvar.ptc = newvar.ptc
oldvar.g.g(1) = newvar.g.g(1)
oldvar.g.g(3) = newvar.g.g(3)
oldvar.g.g(4) = newvar.g.g(4)
oldvar.g.g(5) = newvar.g.g(5)
oldvar.m.m(1) = newvar.m.m(1)
oldvar.outil = newvar.outil
oldvar.cycle = newvar.cycle
oldvar.sortie = newvar.sortie
oldvar.cldx = newvar.cldx
oldvar.clex = newvar.clex
oldvar.plunge = newvar.plunge
oldvar.Zplunge = newvar.Zplunge
oldvar.etat = newvar.etat
End Sub
Private Sub word_spindl(ByVal buffer As String, oldvar As varclass, newvar As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
oldvar.outil.s = newvar.outil.s
oldvar.outil.rot = newvar.outil.rot
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") = 0 And InStr(buffer, "LOCK") = 0 And InStr(buffer, "ON") = 0 And InStr(buffer, "OUT") = 0 Then
If InStr(chaine1, ",") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ","))
chaine2 = chaine1
End If
newvar.outil.s = Val(chaine2)
If InStr(buffer, "SFM") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.s = 1000 * newvar.outil.s / (3.14159265 * newvar.outil.dia)
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CCLW") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.rot = 4
End If
If InStr(buffer, ",CLW") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.rot = 3
End If
End If
newvar.etat = 0
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = "M5"
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "LOCK") > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = "M19"
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "ON") > 0 Then
oldvar.outil.s = -1
oldvar.outil.rot = -1
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "OUT") > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = "S" + Mid(Str(newvar.outil.s), 2) + "M" + Mid(Str(newvar.outil.rot), 2)
newvar.etat = 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub word_fedrat(buffer As String, varnew As varclass, oldvar As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim chaine2 As String
If InStr(buffer, "INVERS") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "ON") > 0 Then
varnew.finvers = 1
varnew.finvers = 0
End If
chaine2 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1, InStr(buffer, ","))
varnew.outil.Forigin = Val(chaine2)
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
If InStr(buffer, "MMPR") > 0 Then
varnew.outil.Forigin = varnew.outil.s * varnew.outil.Forigin
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
End If
End If
newvar.etat = 0
End Sub
Private Sub extract_cutcom(ByVal buffer As String, varnew As varclass)
Dim retour As varclass
retour = varnew
If InStr(buffer, "LEFT") > 0 Then
retour.outil.corrd = 41
End If
If InStr(buffer, "RIGHT") > 0 Then
retour.outil.corrd = 42
End If
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
retour.outil.corrd = 40
End If
varnew = retour
End Sub
Private Sub word_cycle(buffer As String, newvar As varclass)
Dim retour As varclass
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim chaine3 As String
Dim var1 As Double
retour = newvar
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/BRKCHP") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 73
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/INVERS") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 74
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/LOCK") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 76
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/DRILL") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 81
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/FACE") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 82
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/DEEP") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 83
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/TAP") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 84
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/BORE") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 85
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/REAM") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 86
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/STEP") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 87
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/MANUAL") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 88
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/THRU") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 89
End If
chaine2 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, ",") + 1)
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
retour.cycle.Zp = Val(chaine3)
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/BRKCHP") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/LOCK") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/DEEP") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
retour.cycle.Q = Val(chaine3)
End If
If InStr(chaine2, "MMPM") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, "MMPM") + 5)
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
retour.outil.f = Val(chaine3)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, "MMPR") + 5)
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
retour.outil.f = Val(chaine3) * retour.outil.s
End If
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
If InStr(chaine2, ",") > 0 Then
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
chaine3 = chaine2
End If
retour.cycle.Zr = Val(chaine3)
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/FACE") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/MANUAL") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/THRU") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, "DWELLV") + 7)
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
var1 = Val(chaine3)
If var1 = 0 Then
retour.cycle.P = 0
End If
If var1 = 1 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
retour.cycle.P = (Val(chaine3) / retour.outil.s) * 60
End If
If var1 = 2 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
retour.cycle.P = Val(chaine3)
End If
End If
If InStr(chaine2, "POSZ") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, "POSZ") + 5)
If InStr(chaine2, ",") > 0 Then
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
chaine3 = chaine2
End If
retour.cycle.Za = Val(chaine3)
If retour.cycle.Za <= retour.cycle.Zr Then
retour.cycle.Za = retour.cycle.Zr
retour.cycle.Gs = 99
retour.cycle.Gs = 98
End If
retour.cycle.Za = retour.cycle.Zr
retour.cycle.Gs = 99
End If
retour.etat = 0
newvar = retour
End Sub
Private Sub word_pivotz(buffer As String, newvar As varclass)
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim chaineX As String
Dim chaineY As String
Dim chaineZ As String
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
If Val(chaine2) = 2 Then
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineX = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
newvar.px = Val(chaineX)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1) = Val(chaineY)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = chaine1
newvar.pz = Val(chaineZ)
newvar.px = 0 = 0
newvar.pz = 0
End If
sortie.chaine = ""
newvar.etat = 0
End Sub
Private Sub word_origin(buffer As String, newvar As varclass, oldvar As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim retour As varclass
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim chaine3 As String
retour = newvar
retour.xdec = 1E+100
retour.ydec = 1E+100
retour.zdec = 1E+100
chaine2 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
If InStr(chaine2, "TYPE") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
If InStr(chaine2, ",") > 0 Then
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
chaine3 = chaine2
End If
retour.g.g(2) = 53 + Val(chaine3)
If InStr(chaine2, ",") > 0 Then
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
chaine3 = chaine2
End If
retour.xdec = Val(chaine3)
If InStr(chaine2, ",") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
If InStr(chaine2, ",") > 0 Then
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
chaine3 = chaine2
End If
retour.ydec = Val(chaine3)
End If
If InStr(chaine2, ",") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
If InStr(chaine2, ",") > 0 Then
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
chaine3 = chaine2
End If
retour.zdec = Val(chaine3)
End If
End If
newvar = retour
newvar.etat = 0
If (newvar.xdec <> 1E+100) And (newvar.ydec <> 1E+100) And (newvar.zdec <> 1E+100) Then
sortie.chaine = "G52X" + chaine(newvar.xdec) + "Y" + chaine(newvar.ydec) + "Z" + chaine(newvar.zdec)
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If (InStr(buffer, "OUT") > 0) And (newvar.g.g(2) <> 1E+100) Then
sortie.chaine = "G" + Mid(Str(newvar.g.g(2)), 2)
oldvar.g.g(2) = newvar.g.g(2)
newvar.etat = 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub word_moveto(buffer As String, newvar As varclass, oldvar As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim chaine1 As String
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
If InStr(chaine1, "START") > 0 Then
If InStr(chaine1, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.defaultex = 1E+100
If InStr(chaine1, "CAXIS") > 0 Then
If newvar.rotex <> 1E+100 Then
newvar.defaultex = newvar.rotex
newvar.defaultex = 0
End If
End If
End If
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "OUT") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "AAXIS") > 0 Then
oldvar.ptf.dx = 1E+100
If newvar.rotdx <> 1E+100 Then
newvar.ptf.dx = newvar.rotdx
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CAXIS") > 0 Then
oldvar.ptf.ex = 1E+100
If newvar.rotex <> 1E+100 Then
newvar.ptf.ex = newvar.rotex
End If
End If
If InStr(chaine1, "XAXIS") > 0 Then = 1E+100
End If
If InStr(chaine1, "YAXIS") > 0 Then
oldvar.ptf.bx = 1E+100
End If
If InStr(chaine1, "ZAXIS") > 0 Then = 1E+100
End If
If (newvar.g.g(1) <> 0) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 73) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 74) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 76) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 81) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 82) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 83) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 84) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 85) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 86) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 87) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 88) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 80) Then
newvar.g.g(1) = 1
End If
oldvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
Call format_sortie(oldvar, newvar, sortie)
oldvar.ptf = newvar.ptf =
oldvar.outil.arr = newvar.outil.arr
oldvar.g.g(1) = newvar.g.g(1)
oldvar.g.g(2) = newvar.g.g(2)
oldvar.g.g(3) = newvar.g.g(3)
oldvar.g.g(4) = newvar.g.g(4)
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If (InStr(buffer, "START") = 0) And (InStr(buffer, "OUT") = 0) Then
If InStr(chaine1, "XAXIS") > 0 Then = 1E+100
End If
If InStr(chaine1, "YAXIS") > 0 Then
oldvar.ptf.bx = 1E+100
End If
If InStr(chaine1, "ZAXIS") > 0 Then = 1E+100
End If
If InStr(chaine1, "AAXIS") > 0 Then
oldvar.ptf.dx = 1E+100
End If
If InStr(chaine1, "CAXIS") > 0 Then
oldvar.ptf.ex = 2E+120
End If
oldvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
newvar.etat = 0
End If
End Sub
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
Re: essai post-processeur 5 axes table-table broche verticale - fanuc
maintenant, l interface graphique pp_saisie:
- Code:
Begin {C62A69F0-16DC-11CE-9E98-00AA00574A4F} pp_saisie
Caption = "UserForm3"
ClientHeight = 3780
ClientLeft = 45
ClientTop = 375
ClientWidth = 10785
OleObjectBlob = "pp_saisie.frx":0000
StartUpPosition = 1 'CenterOwner
Attribute VB_Name = "pp_saisie"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
urlaptsource = pp_saisie.TextBox1.Text
' UserForm3.Label1.Caption = urlaptsource
Call ppvp400(urlaptsource)
End Sub
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
Re: essai post-processeur 5 axes table-table broche verticale - fanuc
je joins un fichier aptsource pour un premier test:
- Code:
$$ -----------------------------------------------------------------
$$ Généré le lundi 25 juin 2012 05:56:24
$$ -----------------------------------------------------------------
$$ Programme de fabrication.1
$$ PROG1
$$ Programme de fabrication.1
$$ 0.76604 -0.64279 0.00000 -92.09450
$$ 0.63302 0.75441 -0.17365 -107.48403
$$ 0.11162 0.13302 0.98481 0.00000
CATMAT/ 0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000, 0.63302, 0.75441, -$
0.17365, 0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, -92.09450, -107.48403, $
0.00000,Programme de fabrication.1
$$ PARTNO Programme de fabrication.1
$$ MACHINE. 5-axes.1
$$ CATPROCESS. essai2.CATProcess
$$ CATPRODUCT. Produit1
$$ OPERATION NAME : Instruction post-processeur.1
$$ Début de génération de: Instruction post-processeur.1
$$ Fin de génération de: Instruction post-processeur.1
$$ OPERATION NAME : Changement outil.2
$$ Début de génération de: Changement outil.2
FROM / 0.00000, 0.00000, 500.00000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
CUTTER/ 20.000000, 2.000000, 8.000000, 2.000000, 0.000000,$
0.000000, 60.000000
$$ Fin de génération de: Changement outil.2
$$ Début de génération de: CONTOURNAGE HELICOIDAL
GOTO / 46.32161, 86.31842, 135.40446, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 35.15972, 73.01620, 36.92369, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
FEDRAT/ 1000.0000,MMPM
GOTO / 33.26066, 70.75298, 37.44463, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
INTOL / 0.00200
OUTTOL/ 0.00000
PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ 39.59088, 78.29705, 35.70815),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808))
INDIRV/ 0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000
TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/ 39.59088, 78.29705, 35.70815,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, 10.00000),ON,$
(PLANE/(POINT/ 39.59088, 78.29705, 35.70815),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808)),$
(POINT/ 39.59088, 78.29705, 35.70815),$
(POINT/ 47.25132, 71.86917, 35.70815))
GOTO / 96.47894, 130.53636, 21.26533, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 104.13938, 124.10848, 21.26533,$
0.63302, 0.75441, -0.17365,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 44.84588, 0.09287,$
103.16180, 133.97363, 19.94930
GOTO / 120.86002, 135.40720, 17.53385, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 121.82724, 125.52970, 18.75842,$
0.98903, 0.08158, -0.12312,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 45.15412, 0.09351,$
128.14702, 133.06133, 16.92985
GOTO / 222.83356, 53.27687, 15.48306, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 182.14666, 4.78811, 26.64413,$
0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
4.79164, 64.27405, 146.16060, 1.94541,$
175.55324, -58.75223, 33.99868
GOTO / 175.55324, -58.75223, 33.99868, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 168.29765, -130.76060, 44.54752,$
-0.98879, 0.11380, 0.09670,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
5.45242, 73.13773, 44.40792, 0.67259,$
122.80066, -73.58503, 41.29827
GOTO / 122.80066, -73.58503, 41.29827, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 104.64779, -50.69906, 40.26442,$
-0.77579, -0.60766, 0.17001,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
2.17906, 29.22950, 77.34647, 0.46817,$
86.44693, -73.10493, 44.87838
GOTO / -1.43400, -1.95356, 43.86589, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 4.77500, 5.69063, 42.12962,$
-0.77590, 0.63085, 0.00273,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 90.90086, 0.18824,$
-2.90645, 12.09346, 41.94424
GOTO / 46.32116, 70.76065, 27.50142, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 95.54878, 129.42784, 13.05860, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 103.20922, 122.99996, 13.05860,$
0.63302, 0.75441, -0.17365,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 44.84588, 0.09287,$
102.23164, 132.86511, 11.74257
GOTO / 119.92987, 134.29868, 9.32712, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 120.89708, 124.42118, 10.55169,$
0.98903, 0.08158, -0.12312,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 45.15412, 0.09351,$
127.21687, 131.95281, 8.72312
GOTO / 221.90340, 52.16835, 7.27633, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 181.21650, 3.67959, 18.43740,$
0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
4.79164, 64.27405, 146.16060, 1.94541,$
174.62308, -59.86075, 25.79195
GOTO / 174.62308, -59.86075, 25.79195, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 167.36749, -131.86912, 36.34079,$
-0.98879, 0.11380, 0.09670,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
5.45242, 73.13773, 44.40792, 0.67259,$
121.87050, -74.69355, 33.09154
GOTO / 121.87050, -74.69355, 33.09154, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 103.71763, -51.80757, 32.05769,$
-0.77579, -0.60766, 0.17001,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
2.17906, 29.22950, 77.34647, 0.46817,$
85.51678, -74.21344, 36.67165
GOTO / -2.36415, -3.06208, 35.65916, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 3.84485, 4.58211, 33.92289,$
-0.77590, 0.63085, 0.00273,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 90.90086, 0.18824,$
-3.83661, 10.98495, 33.73751
GOTO / 45.39101, 69.65213, 19.29469, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 94.61862, 128.31932, 4.85187, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 102.27907, 121.89145, 4.85187,$
0.63302, 0.75441, -0.17365,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 44.84588, 0.09287,$
101.30149, 131.75659, 3.53584
GOTO / 118.99971, 133.19016, 1.12039, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 119.96692, 123.31267, 2.34496,$
0.98903, 0.08158, -0.12312,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 45.15412, 0.09351,$
126.28671, 130.84429, 0.51639
GOTO / 220.97324, 51.05984, -0.93040, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 180.28634, 2.57108, 10.23067,$
0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
4.79164, 64.27405, 146.16060, 1.94541,$
173.69292, -60.96927, 17.58522
GOTO / 173.69292, -60.96927, 17.58522, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 166.43733, -132.97764, 28.13405,$
-0.98879, 0.11380, 0.09670,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
5.45242, 73.13773, 44.40792, 0.67259,$
120.94034, -75.80207, 24.88481
GOTO / 120.94034, -75.80207, 24.88481, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 102.78747, -52.91609, 23.85096,$
-0.77579, -0.60766, 0.17001,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
2.17906, 29.22950, 77.34647, 0.46817,$
84.58662, -75.32196, 28.46492
GOTO / -3.29431, -4.17060, 27.45242, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 2.91469, 3.47359, 25.71616,$
-0.77590, 0.63085, 0.00273,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 90.90086, 0.18824,$
-4.76677, 9.87643, 25.53078
GOTO / 44.46085, 68.54362, 11.08796, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 93.68847, 127.21080, -3.35486, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 101.34891, 120.78293, -3.35486,$
0.63302, 0.75441, -0.17365,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 44.84588, 0.09287,$
100.37133, 130.64807, -4.67089
GOTO / 118.06955, 132.08164, -7.08634, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 119.03677, 122.20415, -5.86177,$
0.98903, 0.08158, -0.12312,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 45.15412, 0.09351,$
125.35655, 129.73577, -7.69034
GOTO / 220.04309, 49.95132, -9.13713, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 179.35619, 1.46256, 2.02394,$
0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
4.79164, 64.27405, 146.16060, 1.94541,$
172.76277, -62.07779, 9.37849
GOTO / 172.76277, -62.07779, 9.37849, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 165.50717, -134.08616, 19.92732,$
-0.98879, 0.11380, 0.09670,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
5.45242, 73.13773, 44.40792, 0.67259,$
120.01018, -76.91059, 16.67808
GOTO / 120.01018, -76.91059, 16.67808, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 101.85731, -54.02461, 15.64423,$
-0.77579, -0.60766, 0.17001,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
2.17906, 29.22950, 77.34647, 0.46817,$
83.65646, -76.43048, 20.25819
GOTO / -4.22447, -5.27912, 19.24569, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 1.98453, 2.36507, 17.50943,$
-0.77590, 0.63085, 0.00273,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 90.90086, 0.18824,$
-5.69692, 8.76791, 17.32404
GOTO / 43.53069, 67.43510, 2.88122, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 92.75831, 126.10229, -11.56160, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 100.41875, 119.67441, -11.56160,$
0.63302, 0.75441, -0.17365,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 44.84588, 0.09287,$
99.44117, 129.53955, -12.87762
GOTO / 117.13939, 130.97312, -15.29308, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 118.10661, 121.09563, -14.06851,$
0.98903, 0.08158, -0.12312,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 45.15412, 0.09351,$
124.42639, 128.62726, -15.89707
GOTO / 219.11293, 48.84280, -17.34386, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 178.42603, 0.35404, -6.18279,$
0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
4.79164, 64.27405, 146.16060, 1.94541,$
171.83261, -63.18630, 1.17176
GOTO / 171.83261, -63.18630, 1.17176, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 164.57702, -135.19468, 11.72059,$
-0.98879, 0.11380, 0.09670,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
5.45242, 73.13773, 44.40792, 0.67259,$
119.08003, -78.01911, 8.47135
GOTO / 119.08003, -78.01911, 8.47135, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 100.92716, -55.13313, 7.43750,$
-0.77579, -0.60766, 0.17001,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
2.17906, 29.22950, 77.34647, 0.46817,$
82.72630, -77.53900, 12.05146
GOTO / -5.15463, -6.38764, 11.03896, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 1.05437, 1.25655, 9.30269,$
-0.77590, 0.63085, 0.00273,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 90.90086, 0.18824,$
-6.62708, 7.65939, 9.11731
GOTO / 42.60053, 66.32658, -5.32551, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 91.82815, 124.99377, -19.76833, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 99.48859, 118.56589, -19.76833,$
0.63302, 0.75441, -0.17365,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 44.84588, 0.09287,$
98.51101, 128.43103, -21.08435
GOTO / 116.20924, 129.86461, -23.49981, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 117.17645, 119.98711, -22.27524,$
0.98903, 0.08158, -0.12312,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 45.15412, 0.09351,$
123.49624, 127.51874, -24.10380
GOTO / 218.18277, 47.73428, -25.55059, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 177.49587, -0.75448, -14.38952,$
0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
4.79164, 64.27405, 146.16060, 1.94541,$
170.90245, -64.29482, -7.03497
GOTO / 170.90245, -64.29482, -7.03497, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 163.64686, -136.30319, 3.51386,$
-0.98879, 0.11380, 0.09670,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
5.45242, 73.13773, 44.40792, 0.67259,$
118.14987, -79.12762, 0.26461
GOTO / 118.14987, -79.12762, 0.26461, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 99.99700, -56.24165, -0.76923,$
-0.77579, -0.60766, 0.17001,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
2.17906, 29.22950, 77.34647, 0.46817,$
81.79615, -78.64752, 3.84473
GOTO / -6.08478, -7.49616, 2.83223, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 0.12422, 0.14804, 1.09596,$
-0.77590, 0.63085, 0.00273,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 90.90086, 0.18824,$
-7.55724, 6.55087, 0.91058
GOTO / 41.67038, 65.21806, -13.53224, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 91.00120, 124.00824, -27.06448, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ 98.66164, 117.58037, -27.06448),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808))
INDIRV/ 0.63302, 0.75441, -0.17365
TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/ 98.66164, 117.58037, -27.06448,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, 10.00000),ON,$
(PLANE/(POINT/ 98.66164, 117.58037, -27.06448),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808)),$
(POINT/ 98.66164, 117.58037, -27.06448),$
(POINT/ 97.69443, 127.45786, -28.28905))
GOTO / 115.41638, 128.91972, -30.49513, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ 116.38360, 119.04222, -29.27056),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808))
INDIRV/ 0.98903, 0.08158, -0.12312
TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/ 116.38360, 119.04222, -29.27056,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, 10.00000),ON,$
(PLANE/(POINT/ 116.38360, 119.04222, -29.27056),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808)),$
(POINT/ 116.38360, 119.04222, -29.27056),$
(POINT/ 122.71382, 126.58629, -31.00704))
GOTO / 217.56433, 46.99725, -31.00704, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ 176.87743, -1.49150, -19.84597),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808))
INDIRV/ 0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000
TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/ 176.87743, -1.49150, -19.84597,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, 64.27405),ON,$
(PLANE/(POINT/ 176.87743, -1.49150, -19.84597),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808)),$
(POINT/ 176.87743, -1.49150, -19.84597),$
(POINT/ 170.50116, -64.77306, -10.57556))
PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ 163.24557, -136.78144, -0.02673),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808))
INDIRV/ -0.98879, 0.11380, 0.09670
TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/ 163.24557, -136.78144, -0.02673,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, 73.13773),ON,$
(PLANE/(POINT/ 163.24557, -136.78144, -0.02673),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808)),$
(POINT/ 163.24557, -136.78144, -0.02673),$
(POINT/ 117.82365, -79.51640, -2.61360))
PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ 99.67078, -56.63042, -3.64745),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808))
INDIRV/ -0.77579, -0.60766, 0.17001
TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/ 99.67078, -56.63042, -3.64745,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, 29.22950),ON,$
(PLANE/(POINT/ 99.67078, -56.63042, -3.64745),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808)),$
(POINT/ 99.67078, -56.63042, -3.64745),$
(POINT/ 81.52218, -78.97401, 1.42757))
GOTO / -6.20900, -7.64419, 1.73627, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808))
INDIRV/ -0.77590, 0.63085, 0.00273
TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, 10.00000),ON,$
(PLANE/(POINT/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808)),$
(POINT/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000),$
(POINT/ -7.66044, 6.42788, 0.00000))
GOTO / 41.67038, 65.21806, -13.53224, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ 34.00993, 71.64594, -13.53224),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808))
INDIRV/ 0.63302, 0.75441, -0.17365
TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/ 34.00993, 71.64594, -13.53224,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, 10.00000),ON,$
(PLANE/(POINT/ 34.00993, 71.64594, -13.53224),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808)),$
(POINT/ 34.00993, 71.64594, -13.53224),$
(POINT/ 40.34016, 79.19000, -15.26872))
GOTO / 38.44109, 76.92678, -14.74778, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 55.18392, 96.88012, 132.97339, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
$$ Fin de génération de: CONTOURNAGE HELICOIDAL
$$ OPERATION NAME : Changement outil.3
$$ Début de génération de: Changement outil.3
CUTTER/ 10.000000, 0.000000, 5.000000, 2.886751, 30.000000,$
0.000000, 50.000000
$$ Fin de génération de: Changement outil.3
$$ Début de génération de: PERCAGE
SPINDL/ 2000.0000,RPM,CLW
GOTO / 202.22595, 18.52789, 127.90633, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 191.06406, 5.22567, 29.42555, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
CYCLE/DEEP, -30.000000, 10.000000,MMPM, 300.000000, 1.000000,POS$
Z, 0.000000
GOTO / 190.95244, 5.09265, 28.44074, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 202.22595, 18.52789, 127.90633, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
$$ Fin de génération de: PERCAGE
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
Re: essai post-processeur 5 axes table-table broche verticale - fanuc
voila le resultat que vous devez avoir:
- Code:
( T1 FRAISE D20)
( T2 FORET D 10)
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
Re: essai post-processeur 5 axes table-table broche verticale - fanuc
attention, sur la machine, les axes de rotations A et C sont inverses:
c est a dire que la rotation A de 30 degres par exemple sort a A-30.
idem pour l axe B.
c est a dire que la rotation A de 30 degres par exemple sort a A-30.
idem pour l axe B.
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
Re: essai post-processeur 5 axes table-table broche verticale - fanuc
Ah oui, pour l interface graphique pp_saisie, je n ai pas pu joindre le fichier
.frx car c est du binaire !
il suffit de creer un userform avec un textbox1, un label1,
et un commandbutton1.
.frx car c est du binaire !
il suffit de creer un userform avec un textbox1, un label1,
et un commandbutton1.
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
Re: essai post-processeur 5 axes table-table broche verticale - fanuc
Que sont les fichier pp ?
Je connais le vb mais pas vraiment le langage machine, donc explique ce que tu veux faire, et les points qui te bloquent.
Je connais le vb mais pas vraiment le langage machine, donc explique ce que tu veux faire, et les points qui te bloquent.
Guss_- Admin
- Messages : 530
Date d'inscription : 08/01/2010
la pptable, a mon avis, configure la sortie aptsource de catia, le fichier aptsource est un fichier intermédiaire qui est lu par le post-processeur.
comme avec une pptable on peut presque tout reconfigurer (la sortie aptsource), il est absolument nécessaire d'avoir la pptable
correspondant au post processeur utilisé pour généré le fichier iso.
sous catia v5 et v6, dans la déclaration de la machine, il faut sélectionner la pptable... et il y a d'autres manips...
j'ai une nouvelle version de mon post processeur revu et corrigé, mais on ne peut pas placer de fichier zip...
ce que j'attends, si ça intéresse, c'est des essais sur un simulateur (j'ai essayé sur ncsimul par exemple...)
dans l'attente de vous lire...
la pptable, a mon avis, configure la sortie aptsource de catia, le fichier aptsource est un fichier intermédiaire qui est lu par le post-processeur.
comme avec une pptable on peut presque tout reconfigurer (la sortie aptsource), il est absolument nécessaire d'avoir la pptable
correspondant au post processeur utilisé pour généré le fichier iso.
sous catia v5 et v6, dans la déclaration de la machine, il faut sélectionner la pptable... et il y a d'autres manips...
j'ai une nouvelle version de mon post processeur revu et corrigé, mais on ne peut pas placer de fichier zip...
ce que j'attends, si ça intéresse, c'est des essais sur un simulateur (j'ai essayé sur ncsimul par exemple...)
dans l'attente de vous lire...
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
pp 5axes v2
je vais essayer de déposer ma macro catia V6:
tout d'abord, creer une interface de saisie,
1 TextBox1
1 Label1
1 Label2
1 ComandButton1 "EXECUTION"
1 ComandButton2 "PARCOURIR"
1 ComandButton3 "EDITER"
ensuite, inserer le code suivant:
nommer l'interface pp_saisie.
je vais essayer de déposer ma macro catia V6:
tout d'abord, creer une interface de saisie,
1 TextBox1
1 Label1
1 Label2
1 ComandButton1 "EXECUTION"
1 ComandButton2 "PARCOURIR"
1 ComandButton3 "EDITER"
ensuite, inserer le code suivant:
- Code:
Begin {C62A69F0-16DC-11CE-9E98-00AA00574A4F} pp_saisie
Caption = "UserForm3"
ClientHeight = 3780
ClientLeft = 45
ClientTop = 375
ClientWidth = 10785
OleObjectBlob = "pp_saisieV6.frx":0000
StartUpPosition = 1 'CenterOwner
Attribute VB_Name = "pp_saisie"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
urlaptsource = pp_saisie.TextBox1.Text
If PresenceFichier(urlaptsource) = False Then
MsgBox ("Fichier non trouvé !")
Exit Sub
End If
Call pp5axes(urlaptsource)
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
urlaptsource = CATIA.FileSelectionBox("Select File", "*.aptsource", 0)
If urlaptsource = False Then
MsgBox "Pas de fichier selectionné !"
Exit Sub
pp_saisie.TextBox1.Text = urlaptsource
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim path As String
ch0 = pp_saisie.TextBox1.Text
Do While InStr(ch0, Chr(92)) > 0
path = path + Mid(ch0, 1, InStr(ch0, Chr(92)))
ch0 = Mid(ch0, InStr(ch0, Chr(92)) + 1)
If PresenceFichier(path + Label2.Caption) = False Then
Shell "C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\Wordpad.EXE ", vbNormalFocus
Shell "C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\Wordpad.EXE " + Chr(34) + path + Label2.Caption + Chr(34), vbNormalFocus
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Label1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Label2_Click()
End Sub
nommer l'interface pp_saisie.
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
suite 1er module
creer le module PostPro_5AX, insérer le code:
- Code:
Attribute VB_Name = "PostPro_5AX"
Sub CATMain()
End Sub
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
suite 2eme module
creer le module: Module_PP_5AX
ajouter les blocs suivants,
bloc 1:
ajouter les blocs suivants,
bloc 1:
- Code:
Attribute VB_Name = "Module_PP_5AX"
' version du 02/03/2013
Const Smini As Long = 10
Const Smaxi As Long = 20000
Const Fmini As Long = 1
Const Fmaxi As Long = 10000
Const debutligne1 As String = " G0 G40 G49 G80 G90 M9"
Const debutligne2 As String = " G52 X0. Y0. Z0."
Const debutligne3 As String = " (------------)"
Const retourChangtOutil As String = " G53 G90 G0 Z0. H0"
Const finligne1 As String = " G53 G90 G0 Z0. H0"
Const finligne2 As String = " M5"
Const finligne3 As String = " G53 G90 G0 X0. Y0."
Const finligne4 As String = " M30"
Const cstarr0 As String = " M9"
Const cstarr1 As String = " M8"
Const cstarr2 As String = " M7"
Const cstarr3 As String = " (CODE ARROSAGE NON DEFINI)"
Const cstarr4 As String = " (CODE ARROSAGE NON DEFINI)"
Const cstn As String = "N"
Const cg0 As String = " G0"
Const cg1 As String = " G1"
Const cg2 As String = " G2"
Const cg3 As String = " G3"
Const cstx As String = " X"
Const csty As String = " Y"
Const cstz As String = " Z"
Const csti As String = " I"
Const cstj As String = " J"
Const csta As String = " A"
Const cstc As String = " C"
Const cstp As String = " P"
Const cstq As String = " Q"
Const cst_r As String = " R"
Const caunclamp As String = " M79"
Const caclamp As String = " M78"
Const ccunclamp As String = " M11"
Const ccclamp As String = " M10"
Const cg90 As String = " G90"
Const cg52 As String = " G52"
Const cg53 As String = " G53"
Const cg54 As String = " G54"
Const cg55 As String = " G55"
Const cg56 As String = " G56"
Const cg57 As String = " G57"
Const cg58 As String = " G58"
Const cg59 As String = " G59"
Const cg541p As String = " G54.1 P"
Const cstt As String = " T"
Const cm0 As String = " M0"
Const cm1 As String = " M1"
Const cm6 As String = " M6"
Const cvitesse As String = " S"
Const cm3 As String = " M3"
Const cm4 As String = " M4"
Const cm5 As String = " M5"
Const cm51 As String = " M51"
Const cm68 As String = " M68"
Const cavance As String = " F"
Const cg94 As String = " G94"
Const cg93 As String = " G93"
Const cg43 As String = " G43"
Const cg434 As String = " G43.4"
Const cg49 As String = " G49"
Const csth As String = " H"
Const cg41 As String = " G41"
Const cg42 As String = " G42"
Const cg40 As String = " G40"
Const cstd As String = " D"
Const cg682 As String = " G68.2"
Const cg69 As String = " G69"
Const cg531 As String = " G53.1"
Const cg80 As String = " G80"
Const cg73 As String = " G73"
Const cg74 As String = " G74"
Const cg76 As String = " G76"
Const cg81 As String = " G81"
Const cg82 As String = " G82"
Const cg83 As String = " G83"
Const cm29s As String = ""
Const cg84 As String = " G84"
Const cg85 As String = " G85"
Const cg86 As String = " G86"
Const cg87 As String = " G87"
Const cg88 As String = " G88"
Const cg89 As String = " G89"
Const cg98 As String = " G98"
Const cg99 As String = " G99"
Const cg51q0 As String = " G5.1 Q0"
Const cg51q1r As String = " G5.1 Q1 R"
Const cstFinSP As String = " M99" & vbLf & "%"
Const cstFinProg As String = " M99" & vbLf & "%"
Const pi As Double = 3.14159265358979
Type pointdebut
x As Double
y As Double
z As Double
i As Double
j As Double
k As Double
End Type
Type pointfinal
ax As Double
bx As Double
cx As Double
dx As Double
ex As Double
End Type
Type pointfinalcercle
debut As pointfinal
fin As pointfinal
axc As Double
bxc As Double
ix As Double
jx As Double
g As Double
ac As Double
pas As Double
bc As Double
at As Double
End Type
Type gclass
g(99) As Double
End Type
Type mclass
m(99) As Double
End Type
Type outilclass
tc As Double
ts As Double
dia As Double
s As Double
rot As Double
arr As Double
code_arr(10) As String
f As Double
Forigin As Double
couple As Double
h As Double
corrh As Double
d As Double
corrd As Double
End Type
Type cycleclass
Za As Double
Zaf As Double
Zp As Double
Zr As Double
Q As Double
P As Double
Gs As Double
End Type
Type rotmat
mat(1 To 3, 1 To 4)
End Type
Type varclass
rota As rotmat
rotb As rotmat
rotetat As Integer
ptd As pointdebut
ptf As pointfinal
ptfa As pointfinal
ptc As pointfinalcercle
g As gclass
m As mclass
outil As outilclass
cycle As cycleclass
sortie As String
px As Double
py As Double
pz As Double
cldx As Integer
clex As Integer
xdec As Double
ydec As Double
zdec As Double
plunge As Double
Zplunge As Double
rotdx As Double
rotex As Double
defaultex As Double
finvers As Integer
g682x As Double
g682y As Double
g682z As Double
g682m As Double
g682auto As Double
g434etat As Integer
lintol As Double
high As Integer
high_etat As Integer
etat As Integer
End Type
Type sortieclass
imanew1 As varclass
imaold1 As varclass
Erreur As String
chaine As String
cetat As Integer
End Type
Dim newvar As varclass
Dim oldvar As varclass
Dim sortie As sortieclass
Dim path As String
Dim numeroBloc As Long
Dim increment As Integer
Function numN() As String
If numeroBloc = -1 Then
numN = ""
numeroBloc = numeroBloc + increment
numN = cstn + Mid(Str(numeroBloc), 2)
End If
End Function
Function PresenceFichier(varNomFichier) As Boolean
Dim objFSO As Object
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (objFSO.FileExists(varNomFichier)) Then
PresenceFichier = True
PresenceFichier = False
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
bloc 2:
- Code:
Sub pp5axes(ByVal urlaptsource As String)
pp_saisie.Label1.Caption = "debut traitement"
Dim newvar0 As varclass
Dim oldvar0 As varclass
Dim ch0 As String
Dim path As String
path = ""
Dim nom_de_fichier As String
ch0 = urlaptsource
Do While InStr(ch0, Chr(92)) > 0
path = path + Mid(ch0, 1, InStr(ch0, Chr(92)))
ch0 = Mid(ch0, InStr(ch0, Chr(92)) + 1)
nom_de_fichier = Mid(ch0, 1, InStr(ch0, ".") - 1)
Dim fichier_sortie As String
Dim fichier_sortie_principal As String
Dim fichier_sortie_etat As Integer
fichier_sortie_etat = -1
Dim fichier_sortie2 As Integer
fichier_sortie2 = FreeFile
numeroBloc = 5
increment = 5
oldvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(2) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(3) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(5) = 9999 = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.bx = 1E+100 = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.dx = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.ex = 0 = 1E+100
oldvar.outil.arr = 0
oldvar.outil.s = 1E+100
oldvar.outil.rot = 1E+100
oldvar.outil.corrd = 40
oldvar.cycle.Zaf = 1E+100 = 1E+100
oldvar.ptc.bc = 1E+100 = 0
oldvar.cycle.Gs = 1E+100
oldvar.plunge = 0
oldvar.cldx = 1
oldvar.clex = 1
oldvar.g682m = 69
newvar.px = 0 = 0
newvar.pz = 0
newvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
newvar.g.g(2) = 54
newvar.g.g(3) = 90
newvar.g.g(5) = 94
newvar.ptf.dx = 0
newvar.ptf.ex = 0
newvar.outil.arr = 0
newvar.outil.code_arr(0) = cstarr0
newvar.outil.code_arr(1) = cstarr1
newvar.outil.code_arr(2) = cstarr2
newvar.outil.code_arr(3) = cstarr3
newvar.outil.code_arr(4) = cstarr4
newvar.outil.s = 1E+100
newvar.outil.f = 10000000000#
newvar.outil.rot = 1E+100
newvar.outil.couple = 0
newvar.outil.corrd = 40
newvar.cycle.Zaf = 1E+100 = 0
newvar.plunge = 0
newvar.cldx = 1
newvar.clex = 1
newvar.rotdx = 1E+100
newvar.rotex = 1E+100
newvar.defaultex = 1E+100
newvar.g682auto = 0
newvar.g682m = 69
newvar.g682x = 0
newvar.g682y = 0
newvar.g682z = 0
newvar.g434etat = 0
newvar.lintol = 0
newvar.rotetat = 0
sortie.cetat = 0
Dim ptd As pointdebut
Dim ptf As pointfinal
Dim ptfa As pointfinal
sortie.chaine = ""
sortie.Erreur = ""
Dim saisie As String
Dim buffer As String
Dim buffer2 As String
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim cle1 As String
Dim concat As Integer
Dim compteur As Double
Dim num1 As Integer
Dim i_outil_suivant As Integer
Dim at As Double
Dim az As Double
Dim var1 As Double
Dim var2 As Double
Dim var3 As Double
Dim ch1 As String
Dim total As Long
total = 0
newvar.etat = 0
Dim liste_outils(1999) As Long
Dim i1 As Integer
i1 = 1
Dim fichier_entree0 As Integer
fichier_entree0 = FreeFile
Open urlaptsource For Input As fichier_entree0
Do While Not EOF(fichier_entree0)
Line Input #fichier_entree0, saisie
total = total + 1
chaine1 = saisie
If InStr(chaine1, "LOADTL") = 1 Then
chaine1 = Mid(saisie, InStr(saisie, "/") + 1)
If InStr(chaine1, ",") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ","))
chaine2 = chaine1
End If
liste_outils(i1) = CLng(Fix(Val(chaine2)))
If (i1 > 1) And (liste_outils(i1) = liste_outils(i1 - 1)) Then
i1 = i1 - 1
End If
i1 = i1 + 1
End If
liste_outils(i1) = liste_outils(1)
Close #fichier_entree0
i_outil_suivant = 2
Dim ligne As Long
ligne = 0
concat = 0
boucle = 1
passage = 0
Dim fichier_entree As Integer
fichier_entree = FreeFile
Open urlaptsource For Input As #fichier_entree
Do While Not EOF(fichier_entree)
If boucle = 1 Then
Line Input #fichier_entree, saisie
saisie = buffer
passage = 1
End If
compteur = compteur + 1
If CLng(compteur / 100) <> ligne Then
ligne = CLng(compteur / 100)
pp_saisie.Label1.Caption = Str(ligne * 100) + " lignes traitees sur " + Str(total)
End If
If InStr(saisie, "$$") > 0 Then
saisie = "rien"
newvar.etat = 0
buffer2 = saisie
End If
num1 = Len(saisie)
If InStr(saisie, "$") > 0 Then
If concat = 0 Then
buffer = Mid(saisie, 1, InStr(saisie, "$") - 1)
concat = 1
buffer = buffer + Mid(saisie, 1, InStr(saisie, "$") - 1)
End If
If concat = 0 Then
buffer = saisie
buffer = buffer + saisie
concat = 0
End If
End If
If concat = 0 Then
newvar.etat = 0
If InStr(buffer, "PARTNO") = 1 Then
ch0 = UCase(Mid(buffer, 8))
fichier_sortie_principal = ""
For i1 = 1 To Len(ch0)
num1 = Asc(Mid(ch0, i1, 1))
If num1 >= 48 And num1 <= 57 Then
fichier_sortie_principal = fichier_sortie_principal + Chr(num1)
End If
If Val(fichier_sortie_principal) = 0 Or Val(fichier_sortie_principal) > 9999 Then
fichier_sortie_principal = "0001"
MsgBox ("PARTNO incorrect, sortie renommée en 0001 ")
End If
sortie.chaine = "%O" + Mid(Str(Val(fichier_sortie_principal) + 10000), 3)
fichier_sortie = fichier_sortie_principal
newvar.etat = 1
If PresenceFichier(path + fichier_sortie + ".tap") <> False Then
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFile(path + fichier_sortie + ".tap")
End If
Dim Fichier0 As Long
Fichier0 = FreeFile
Open path + fichier_sortie + ".tap" For Append As #Fichier0
pp_saisie.Label2.Caption = fichier_sortie + ".tap"
fichier_sortie_etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "SEQNO") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
numeroBloc = -1
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
numeroBloc = Abs(Val(Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)))
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, "INCR,") + 5)
increment = Abs(Val(chaine1))
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "PPRINT") = 1 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, 7)
chaine1 = StrConv(chaine1, vbUpperCase)
chaine2 = "("
chaine2 = chaine2 + chaine1
chaine2 = chaine2 & ")"
sortie.chaine = chaine2
newvar.etat = 1
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "INSERT") = 1 Then
chaine2 = Mid(buffer, 8)
chaine2 = chaine2
sortie.chaine = chaine2
newvar.etat = 1
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "PIVOTZ") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "AUTO") > 0 Then
Call word_pivotz(buffer, newvar)
oldvar.px = newvar.px =
oldvar.pz = newvar.pz
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "DEFSUB") = 1 Then
If fichier_sortie_etat = 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
chaine2 = Str(10000 + Val(chaine1))
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, 3)
fichier_sortie = fichier_sortie_principal & "S" & chaine2
If PresenceFichier(path + fichier_sortie + ".tap") <> False Then
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFile(path + fichier_sortie + ".tap")
End If
Close #Fichier0
Fichier0 = FreeFile
Open path + fichier_sortie + ".tap" For Append As #Fichier0
pp_saisie.Label2.Caption = fichier_sortie + ".tap"
sortie.chaine = "%O" & chaine2
newvar.etat = 1
fichier_sortie_etat = 1
End If
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "ENDSUB") = 1 Then
If fichier_sortie_etat = 1 Then
newvar.etat = 0
Print #Fichier0, numN + " M99" + vbLf + "%" + vbLf
Close #Fichier0
fichier_sortie_etat = 0
fichier_sortie = fichier_sortie_principal
Fichier0 = FreeFile
Open path + fichier_sortie + ".tap" For Append As #Fichier0
pp_saisie.Label2.Caption = fichier_sortie + ".tap"
End If
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CALSUB") = 1 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
chaine2 = Str(10000 + Val(chaine1))
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, 3)
sortie.chaine = numN + " M98 P" & chaine2
newvar.etat = 1
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CLAMP") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "1") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.cldx = 0
newvar.cldx = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "2") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.clex = 0
newvar.clex = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.cldx = 0
newvar.clex = 0
newvar.cldx = 1
newvar.clex = 1
End If
End If
End If
newvar.etat = 0
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CUTTER") = 1 Then
newvar.outil.dia = Val(Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1, InStr(buffer, ",")))
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "LOADTL") = 1 Then
newvar.outil.ts = liste_outils(i_outil_suivant)
Call word_loadtl(buffer, newvar, oldvar, sortie)
i_outil_suivant = i_outil_suivant + 1
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "COOLNT") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "FLOOD") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.arr = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "MIST") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, ",1") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, ",") = 0 Then
newvar.outil.arr = 2
End If
If InStr(buffer, ",2") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.arr = 3
End If
If InStr(buffer, ",3") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.arr = 4
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.arr = 0
If newvar.outil.arr <> oldvar.outil.arr Then
sortie.chaine = cm9
sortie.chaine = ""
End If
newvar.etat = 1
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "SPINDL") = 1 Then
Call word_spindl(buffer, oldvar, newvar, sortie)
If sortie.cetat = 1 And newvar.outil.s <> oldvar.outil.s Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "COUPLE") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "ON") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "1") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.couple = 1
newvar.outil.couple = 2
End If
newvar.outil.couple = 0
End If
newvar.etat = 0
If sortie.cetat = 1 And newvar.outil.couple <> oldvar.outil.couple Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "FEDRAT") = 1 Then
Call word_fedrat(buffer, newvar, oldvar, sortie)
' MsgBox ("fedrat " + Str(newvar.outil.Forigin))
If sortie.cetat = 1 And newvar.outil.Forigin <> oldvar.outil.Forigin Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "RAPID") = 1 Then
If newvar.g.g(1) <> 80 Then
newvar.g.g(1) = 0
End If
newvar.etat = 0
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CUTCOM") = 1 Then
Call extract_cutcom(buffer, newvar)
newvar.etat = 0
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "GOTO") = 1 Then
Call word_goto(buffer, newvar, oldvar, sortie)
End If
If InStr(buffer, "INDIRV") > 0 Then
Call extract_indirv(buffer, newvar, oldvar)
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CIRCLE") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYLNDR") > 0 Then
If sortie.cetat = 10 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
Call words_circle_cylndr(buffer, oldvar, newvar, sortie)
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "HELICAL") > 0 Then
If sortie.cetat = 10 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
Call word_helical(buffer, oldvar, newvar, sortie)
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "MODE") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "HIGH") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.high = 0
If newvar.high_etat = 1 Then
newvar.etat = 0
sortie.chaine = cg51q0
newvar.etat = 1
End If
ch1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, ",") + 1)
If InStr(ch1, ",") > 0 Then
ch1 = Mid(ch1, 1, InStr(ch1, ",") - 1)
End If
newvar.high = Val(ch1)
If InStr(buffer, "START") > 0 Then
newvar.high_etat = 1
newvar.etat = 0
newvar.high_etat = 0
End If
If newvar.high >= 1 And newvar.high <= 10 And newvar.high_etat = 0 Then
sortie.chaine = cg51q1r + Mid(Str(newvar.high), 2)
newvar.etat = 1
End If
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "XYZ") = 0 And InStr(buffer, "HIGH") = 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = "G49G53Z0"
newvar.g434etat = 0
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "ON") > 0 Then
newvar.g.g(4) = 43.4
oldvar.g.g(4) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(3) = 1E+100
oldvar.outil.f = 100000000
newvar.g434etat = 1
newvar.etat = 0
End If
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "REVERS") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.g682auto = 0
newvar.g682m = 69
newvar.g682x = 0
newvar.g682y = 0
newvar.g682z = 0
sortie.chaine = "G69"
oldvar.g682m = 69
newvar.etat = 1
newvar.g682auto = 1
newvar.g682m = 68.2
newvar.etat = 0
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "TOOLNO") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "RADIUS") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.d = CInt(Fix(Val(Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, ",") + 1))))
newvar.outil.h = CInt(Fix(Val(Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1))))
oldvar.outil.corrh = -1
End If
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "STOP") = 1 Then
sortie.chaine = cm0
newvar.etat = 1
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "OSTOP") = 1 Then
sortie.chaine = cm1
newvar.etat = 1
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "ROTABL") = 1 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
If InStr(chaine1, "AAXIS") > 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
If InStr(chaine1, ",") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ","))
chaine2 = chaine1
End If
newvar.rotdx = Val(chaine2)
End If
If InStr(chaine1, "CAXIS") > 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
If InStr(chaine1, ",") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ","))
chaine2 = chaine1
End If
newvar.rotex = Val(chaine2)
newvar.ptf.ex = newvar.rotex
End If
newvar.etat = 0
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "MOVETO") = 1 Then
Call word_moveto(buffer, newvar, oldvar, sortie)
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "DELAY") = 1 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
sortie.chaine = "G4X" + chaine(Val(chaine1))
newvar.etat = 1
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "ORIGIN") = 1 Then
Call word_origin(buffer, newvar, oldvar, sortie)
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/OFF") = 1 Then
newvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
newvar.cycle.Gs = 999
sortie.chaine = numN + cg80 = newvar.cycle.Zaf
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "LINTOL") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.lintol = 0
newvar.lintol = Val(Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1))
End If
newvar.etat = 0
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/BRKCHP") = 1 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/INVERS") = 1 Or _
InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/LOCK") = 1 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/DRILL") = 1 Or _
InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/FACE") = 1 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/DEEP") = 1 Or _
InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/TAP") = 1 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/BORE") = 1 Or _
InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/REAM") = 1 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/STEP") = 1 Or _
InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/MANUAL") = 1 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/THRU") = 1 Then
oldvar.cycle.Gs = 999
Call word_cycle(buffer, newvar)
newvar.outil.Forigin = newvar.outil.f
oldvar.outil.f = -1
newvar.etat = 0
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CATMAT") = 1 Then
Call word_catmat(buffer, newvar)
If newvar.g682auto = 1 Then
newvar.g682x = newvar.rotb.mat(1, 4) + newvar.rota.mat(1, 4)
newvar.g682y = newvar.rotb.mat(2, 4) + newvar.rota.mat(2, 4)
newvar.g682z = newvar.rotb.mat(3, 4) + newvar.rota.mat(3, 4)
oldvar.ptf.dx = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.ex = 1E+100
End If
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If sortie.cetat = 2 And boucle = 1 Then
' MsgBox ("Fold0 " + Str(oldvar.outil.Forigin) + " Fnew0 " + Str(newvar.outil.Forigin))
newvar = sortie.imanew1
oldvar = sortie.imaold1
newvar.etat = 1
' MsgBox ("Fold1 " + Str(oldvar.outil.Forigin) + " Fnew1 " + Str(newvar.outil.Forigin))
Call spcircle(oldvar, newvar, sortie)
boucle = -1
sortie.cetat = 0
End If
If newvar.etat = 1 Then
If fichier_sortie_etat <> -1 Then
If Len(sortie.Erreur) > 0 Then
Print #Fichier0, sortie.Erreur
End If
If Len(sortie.chaine) > 0 Then
Print #Fichier0, sortie.chaine
End If
sortie.chaine = ""
sortie.Erreur = ""
Close #fichier_entree
MsgBox ("PARTNO non défini !")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
If passage = 1 Then
boucle = 1
passage = 0
End If
Close #fichier_entree
sortie.chaine = numN + cstarr0 + vbLf
If numeroBloc > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + finligne1 + vbLf
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + cstn + "9999" + finligne1 + vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + finligne2 + vbLf
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + finligne3 + vbLf
If liste_outils(1) <> Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + cstt + Mid(Str(10000 + _
liste_outils(1)), 3) + cm6 + vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + finligne4 + vbLf + "%" + vbLf
Print #Fichier0, sortie.chaine
Close #Fichier0
pp_saisie.Label1.Caption = "fin traitement"
End Sub
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
bloc 3:
- Code:
Private Sub word_loadtl(buffer As String, varnew As varclass, oldvar As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim num1 As Integer
Dim chaine2, tc As String
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
If InStr(chaine1, ",") > 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1) = Val(chaine1)
Else = Val(chaine1)
End If
sortie.chaine = ""
If <> Then
If = 1E+100 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & numN + debutligne1 & vbLf
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & numN + debutligne2 & vbLf
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & numN + debutligne3 & vbLf
End If
If oldvar.g682m = 68.2 Then
sortie.chaine = numN + cg69 & vbLf
If varnew.high_etat = 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + cg51q0 + vbLf
End If
End If
If numeroBloc > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & numN
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & cstn
chaine1 = Str(10000 +
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + Mid(chaine1, 3)
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & retourChangtOutil & vbLf
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & numN + cm1 & vbLf & numN + cstt
tc = Str(10000 +
tc = Mid(tc, 3)
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + tc & cm6
If <> varnew.outil.ts Then
chaine1 = Str(varnew.outil.ts + 10000)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, 3)
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine & vbLf & numN + cstt & chaine1
End If
oldvar = varnew = 1E+100
varnew.ptf.bx = 1E+100 = 1E+100
varnew.ptf.dx = 0
varnew.g682m = 69
varnew.g.g(1) = 1E+100
varnew.outil.s = -10
varnew.outil.rot = 3
varnew.outil.h =
varnew.outil.corrh = 43
varnew.outil.d = =
oldvar.outil.ts = varnew.outil.ts
oldvar.outil.h = 1E+100
oldvar.outil.d = 1E+100
oldvar.outil.s = 0
oldvar.outil.arr = 0
oldvar.cycle.Zaf = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(2) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(3) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(5) = 9999 = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.bx = 1E+100 = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.dx = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.ex = 1E+100
oldvar.cldx = 1
oldvar.clex = 1
oldvar.g682m = 69
End If
If varnew.g682auto = 1 Then
varnew.g682m = 68.2
End If
oldvar.outil.f = -1
If varnew.defaultex <> 1E+100 Then
oldvar.ptf.ex = 1E+100
End If
varnew.etat = 1
End Sub
Private Function chaine(ByVal d As Double) As String
Dim s0 As String
s0 = ""
Dim A As Double
A = d
If Abs(A) < 0.001 Then
A = 0
End If
s0 = Str(FormatNumber(A, 3))
If A >= 0 Then
s0 = Mid(s0, 2)
End If
If InStr(s0, ".") = 0 Then
s0 = s0 + "."
End If
chaine = s0
End Function
Private Sub word_goto(buffer As String, newvar As varclass, oldvar As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim chaineX As String
Dim chaineY As String
Dim chaineZ As String
Dim chaineI As String
Dim chaineJ As String
Dim chaineK As String
Dim ptd As pointdebut
Dim ptf As pointfinal
chaine2 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
chaineX = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.x = Val(chaineX)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.y = Val(chaineY)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.z = Val(chaineZ)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineI = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.i = Val(chaineI)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineJ = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.j = Val(chaineJ)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
If InStr(chaine2, "PT") > 0 Then
chaineK = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, "PT") - 1)
chaineK = chaine2
End If
ptd.k = Val(chaineK)
ptf = CalculPointFinal(ptd, newvar, oldvar)
If Val(chaine( = Val(chaine( _
And Val(chaine(ptf.bx)) = Val(chaine(oldvar.ptf.bx)) _
And Val(chaine( = Val(chaine( _
And Val(chaine(ptf.dx)) = Val(chaine(oldvar.ptf.dx)) _
And Val(chaine(ptf.ex)) = Val(chaine(oldvar.ptf.ex)) Then
' MsgBox ("nul")
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
newvar.ptf = ptf
newvar.ptd = ptd
newvar.rotdx = 1E+100
newvar.rotex = 1E+100
If (newvar.g.g(1) <> 0) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 73) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 74) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 76) And _
(newvar.g.g(1) <> 81) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 82) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 83) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 84) And _
(newvar.g.g(1) <> 85) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 86) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 87) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 88) And _
(newvar.g.g(1) <> 89) Then
newvar.g.g(1) = 1
End If
If newvar.lintol > 0 And newvar.g.g(1) = 1 And <> 1E+100 And oldvar.ptf.bx <> 1E+100 And _ <> 1E+100 Then
Call linearisation(oldvar, newvar, sortie)
End If
Call format_sortie(oldvar, newvar, sortie)
If newvar.g.g(1) = 0 Then
var1 = oldvar.g.g(5)
var2 = oldvar.outil.f
oldvar = newvar
oldvar.cycle.P = -1
oldvar.cycle.Q = -1
oldvar.g.g(5) = var1
oldvar.outil.f = var2
newvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
oldvar = newvar
End If
newvar.etat = 1
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function angle(ByVal i As Double, ByVal j As Double) As Double
Dim i0 As Double
Dim j0 As Double
Dim angle_Renamed As Double
angle_Renamed = 0
Dim angleR As Double
If i = 0 Then
If j > 0 Then
angle_Renamed = (pi / 2)
End If
If j < 0 Then
angle_Renamed = 0 - (pi / 2)
End If
If j = 0 Then
angle_Renamed = 0
End If
End If
If i > 0 Then
If j >= 0 Then
If j <= i Then
angle_Renamed = Atn(j / i)
End If
If j > i Then
angle_Renamed = (pi / 2) - Atn(i / j)
End If
End If
If j < 0 Then
j0 = j * (0 - 1)
If j0 <= i Then
angle_Renamed = 0 - Atn(j0 / i)
End If
If j0 > i Then
angle_Renamed = 0 - (pi / 2) + Atn(i / j0)
End If
End If
End If
If i < 0 Then
i0 = i * (0 - 1)
If j >= 0 Then
If j <= i0 Then
angle_Renamed = pi - Atn(j / i0)
End If
If j > i0 Then
angle_Renamed = (pi / 2) + Atn(i0 / j)
End If
End If
If j < 0 Then
j0 = j * (0 - 1)
If j0 <= i0 Then
angle_Renamed = 0 - pi + Atn(j0 / i0)
End If
If j0 > i0 Then
angle_Renamed = 0 - (pi / 2) - Atn(i0 / j0)
End If
End If
End If
angleR = angle_Renamed * (180 / pi)
angle = angleR
End Function
Private Function CalculPointFinal(ptd As pointdebut, varnew As varclass, varold As varclass) As pointfinal
Dim r4axe1 As Double
Dim r5axe1 As Double
Dim tab1(6, 3) As Double
Dim axy As Double
Dim ay5z5 As Double
Dim rij As Double
Dim x5f As Double
Dim y5f As Double
Dim z5f As Double
Dim ry5z5 As Double
Dim rxy As Double
Dim xf1 As Double
Dim yf1 As Double
Dim zf1 As Double
Dim a0 As Double, A1 As Double
s1 = 0
Dim a2 As Double
s2 = 0
Dim ar As Double, j1 As Double, y1 As Double, ry1k As Double
Dim rpypz, apypz, raxbx, aaxbx As Double
Dim etat As Integer
etat = 0
Dim i1 As Integer
i1 = 0
Dim i2 As Integer
i2 = 0
Dim ptf As pointfinal
x0 = varnew.rotb.mat(1, 1) * ptd.x + varnew.rotb.mat(1, 2) * ptd.y + varnew.rotb.mat(1, 3) * ptd.z + varnew.rotb.mat(1, 4)
y0 = varnew.rotb.mat(2, 1) * ptd.x + varnew.rotb.mat(2, 2) * ptd.y + varnew.rotb.mat(2, 3) * ptd.z + varnew.rotb.mat(2, 4)
z0 = varnew.rotb.mat(3, 1) * ptd.x + varnew.rotb.mat(3, 2) * ptd.y + varnew.rotb.mat(3, 3) * ptd.z + varnew.rotb.mat(3, 4)
i0 = varnew.rotb.mat(1, 1) * ptd.i + varnew.rotb.mat(1, 2) * ptd.j + varnew.rotb.mat(1, 3) * ptd.k
j0 = varnew.rotb.mat(2, 1) * ptd.i + varnew.rotb.mat(2, 2) * ptd.j + varnew.rotb.mat(2, 3) * ptd.k
k0 = varnew.rotb.mat(3, 1) * ptd.i + varnew.rotb.mat(3, 2) * ptd.j + varnew.rotb.mat(3, 3) * ptd.k
x0 = x0 + varnew.rota.mat(1, 4) - varnew.g682x
y0 = y0 + varnew.rota.mat(2, 4) - varnew.g682y
z0 = z0 + varnew.rota.mat(3, 4) - varnew.g682z
x = varnew.rota.mat(1, 1) * x0 + varnew.rota.mat(1, 2) * y0 + varnew.rota.mat(1, 3) * z0
y = varnew.rota.mat(2, 1) * x0 + varnew.rota.mat(2, 2) * y0 + varnew.rota.mat(2, 3) * z0
z = varnew.rota.mat(3, 1) * x0 + varnew.rota.mat(3, 2) * y0 + varnew.rota.mat(3, 3) * z0
i = varnew.rota.mat(1, 1) * i0 + varnew.rota.mat(1, 2) * j0 + varnew.rota.mat(1, 3) * k0
j = varnew.rota.mat(2, 1) * i0 + varnew.rota.mat(2, 2) * j0 + varnew.rota.mat(2, 3) * k0
k = varnew.rota.mat(3, 1) * i0 + varnew.rota.mat(3, 2) * j0 + varnew.rota.mat(3, 3) * k0
r5axe1 = angle(i, j)
rij = Sqr((i * i) + (j * j))
r4axe1 = angle(k, rij)
If (r4axe1 <> 0) Then
r5axe1 = 90 - r5axe1
End If
If r4axe1 = 0 Then
r5axe1 = varnew.ptf.ex
If ((varnew.defaultex <> 1E+100) And (varold.ptf.ex = 1E+100)) Or ((varnew.defaultex <> 1E+100) And (varold.ptf.dx <> 0)) Then
r5axe1 = varnew.defaultex
etat = 1
End If
If varnew.rotex <> 1E+100 Then
r5axe1 = varnew.rotex
etat = 1
End If
End If
tab1(1, 2) = varnew.ptf.dx
tab1(1, 3) = varnew.ptf.ex
tab1(2, 2) = r4axe1
tab1(2, 3) = r5axe1
tab1(2, 1) = Abs(tab1(2, 2) - tab1(1, 2)) + Abs(tab1(2, 3) - tab1(1, 3))
tab1(3, 2) = r4axe1
tab1(3, 3) = r5axe1
tab1(3, 1) = Abs(tab1(3, 2) - tab1(1, 2)) + Abs(tab1(3, 3) - tab1(1, 3))
tab1(4, 2) = 0 - r4axe1
tab1(4, 3) = r5axe1 - 180
tab1(4, 1) = Abs(tab1(4, 2) - tab1(1, 2)) + Abs(tab1(4, 3) - tab1(1, 3))
tab1(5, 2) = 0 - r4axe1
tab1(5, 3) = r5axe1 + 180
tab1(5, 1) = Abs(tab1(5, 2) - tab1(1, 2)) + Abs(tab1(5, 3) - tab1(1, 3))
i2 = 5
If (tab1(4, 2) < -30) Or (r4axe1 = 0) Then
i2 = 2
End If
tab1(6, 2) = tab1(2, 2)
tab1(6, 3) = tab1(2, 3)
i1 = 2
Do While i1 <= i2
If tab1(2, 1) > tab1(i1, 1) Then
tab1(6, 1) = tab1(i1, 1)
tab1(6, 2) = tab1(i1, 2)
tab1(6, 3) = tab1(i1, 3)
End If
i1 = i1 + 1
r4axe1 = tab1(6, 2)
r5axe1 = tab1(6, 3)
Do While (Abs(r5axe1 - varnew.ptf.ex) > 180) And (etat = 0)
If varnew.ptf.ex <= 0 Then
If r5axe1 < varnew.ptf.ex Then
r5axe1 = r5axe1 + 360
r5axe1 = r5axe1 - 360
End If
End If
If varnew.ptf.ex > 0 Then
If r5axe1 < varnew.ptf.ex Then
r5axe1 = r5axe1 + 360
r5axe1 = r5axe1 - 360
End If
End If
rxy = Sqr(((x) * (x)) + ((y) * (y)))
axy = angle((x), (y))
x5f = rxy * Cos((axy + r5axe1) * pi / 180)
y5f = rxy * Sin((axy + r5axe1) * pi / 180)
z5f = z
ry5z5 = Sqr((y5f * y5f) + (z5f * z5f))
ay5z5 = angle(z5f, y5f)
rpypz = Sqr(( * + (varnew.pz * varnew.pz))
apypz = angle(varnew.pz,
yf1 = ((ry5z5) * Sin((ay5z5 - r4axe1) * pi / 180)) + - (rpypz * Sin((apypz - r4axe1) * pi / 180))
xf1 = x5f
zf1 = ((ry5z5) * Cos((ay5z5 - r4axe1) * pi / 180)) + newvar.pz - (rpypz * Cos((apypz - r4axe1) * pi / 180)) = xf1
ptf.bx = yf1 = zf1
ptf.dx = r4axe1
ptf.ex = r5axe1
If varnew.g434etat = 1 Then = x
ptf.bx = y = z
End If
CalculPointFinal = ptf
End Function
Private Sub calculavance(oldvar As varclass, varnew As varclass, parg5 As String, sfed As String)
parg5 = ""
If (varnew.outil.couple = 1) Or (varnew.outil.couple = 2) Then
y = Sqr((varnew.ptc.ix * varnew.ptc.ix) + (varnew.ptc.jx * varnew.ptc.jx))
If varnew.outil.corrd = 41 Then
If varnew.g.g(1) = 3 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin * y / (y + (varnew.outil.dia / 2))
If CInt(Fix(varnew.outil.f)) = 0 Then
varnew.outil.f = 1
End If
End If
If varnew.g.g(1) = 2 Then
z = y - (varnew.outil.dia / 2)
If z = 0 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin * 2
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin * y / (y - (varnew.outil.dia / 2))
If varnew.outil.f > (varnew.outil.Forigin * 2) Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin * 2
End If
End If
If varnew.outil.couple = 2 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
End If
End If
End If
If varnew.outil.corrd = 42 Then
If varnew.g.g(1) = 3 Then
z = y - (varnew.outil.dia / 2)
If z = 0 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin * 2
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin * y / (y - (varnew.outil.dia / 2))
If varnew.outil.f > (varnew.outil.Forigin * 2) Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin * 2
End If
End If
If varnew.outil.couple = 2 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
End If
End If
If varnew.g.g(1) = 2 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin * y / (y + (varnew.outil.dia / 2))
If CInt(Fix(varnew.outil.f)) = 0 Then
varnew.outil.f = 1
End If
End If
End If
If varnew.outil.corrd = 40 Or varnew.g.g(1) = 1 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
End If
End If
If varnew.outil.couple = 0 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
End If
If (varnew.finvers = 1) And (varnew.g.g(1) = 1) Then
var1 = Val(chaine(Sqr((varnew.ptd.x - oldvar.ptd.x) * (varnew.ptd.x - oldvar.ptd.x)) _
+ ((varnew.ptd.y - oldvar.ptd.y) * (varnew.ptd.y - oldvar.ptd.y)) _
+ ((varnew.ptd.z - oldvar.ptd.z) * (varnew.ptd.z - oldvar.ptd.z))))
If var1 = 0 Then
A = Abs(Val(chaine((varnew.ptf.ex - oldvar.ptf.ex))))
R = Val(chaine(Sqr((varnew.ptd.x * varnew.ptd.x) + (varnew.ptd.y * varnew.ptd.y))))
If A > 0 Then
If R > 0 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin / (R * (A / 180 * pi))
varnew.g.g(5) = 93
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
varnew.g.g(5) = 94
End If
End If
If varnew.lintol = 0 Then
A = Abs(Val(chaine((varnew.ptf.ex - oldvar.ptf.ex))))
R1 = Val(chaine(Sqr((oldvar.ptd.x * oldvar.ptd.x) + (oldvar.ptd.y * oldvar.ptd.y))))
R2 = Val(chaine(Sqr((varnew.ptd.x * varnew.ptd.x) + (varnew.ptd.y * varnew.ptd.y))))
If A > 0 And Val(chaine((varnew.ptf.dx - oldvar.ptf.dx))) = 0 Then
If R1 = R2 And R1 > 0 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin / Sqr(((R1 * (A / 180 * pi)) * (R1 * (A / 180 * pi))) _
+ ((varnew.ptd.z - oldvar.ptd.z) * (varnew.ptd.z - oldvar.ptd.z)))
varnew.g.g(5) = 93
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
varnew.g.g(5) = 94
End If
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
varnew.g.g(5) = 94
End If
If (Abs(Val(chaine((varnew.ptf.dx - oldvar.ptf.dx)))) + _
Abs(Val(chaine((varnew.ptf.ex - oldvar.ptf.ex))))) > 0 Then
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin / var1
varnew.g.g(5) = 93
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
varnew.g.g(5) = 94
End If
End If
End If
End If
If varnew.g.g(5) <> oldvar.g.g(5) Then
If varnew.g.g(5) = 94 Then
parg5 = cg94
parg5 = cg93
End If
End If
If CLng(varnew.outil.f) < Fmini Then
varnew.outil.f = Fmini
End If
If CLng(varnew.outil.f) > Fmaxi Then
varnew.outil.f = Fmaxi
End If
If CLng(varnew.outil.f) <> CLng(oldvar.outil.f) Then
sfed = cavance + Mid(Str(CLng(varnew.outil.f)), 2)
sfed = ""
End If
If (varnew.g.g(5) = 93) And (varnew.g.g(1) = 1) Then
If varnew.outil.f <> oldvar.outil.f Then
sfed = cavance & chaine(varnew.outil.f)
sfed = ""
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub linearisation(oldvar As varclass, newvar As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim var1 As varclass
Dim var2 As varclass
Dim pA As pointdebut
Dim pB As pointdebut
Dim p1 As pointdebut
Dim pfA As pointfinal
Dim pfB As pointfinal
Dim pf1 As pointfinal
Dim pf2 As pointfinal
Dim pf3 As pointfinal
Dim pr1 As pointfinal
Dim p01 As pointfinal
Dim p01r As pointfinal
Dim E1, AA, AB, BA, BB, A1, B1, C1 As Double
Dim linetat As Integer
oldvar.rota = newvar.rota
oldvar.rotb = newvar.rotb
var1 = newvar
var2 = newvar
pB = newvar.ptd
linetat = 1
i1 = 0
While linetat > 0 And i1 < 1000
pA = oldvar.ptd
pfA = oldvar.ptf
pfB = CalculPointFinal(pB, oldvar, oldvar)
p1.x = pA.x + ((pB.x - pA.x) / 2)
p1.y = pA.y + ((pB.y - pA.y) / 2)
p1.z = pA.z + ((pB.z - pA.z) / 2)
AA = 90 - pfA.ex
BA = 90 - pfB.ex
AB = pfA.dx
BB = pfB.dx
A1 = AA + ((BA - AA) / 2)
B1 = AB + ((BB - AB) / 2)
p1.i = Sin(B1 * pi / 180) * Cos(A1 * pi / 180)
p1.j = Sin(B1 * pi / 180) * Sin(A1 * pi / 180)
p1.k = Cos(B1 * pi / 180)
pf1 = CalculPointFinal(p1, oldvar, oldvar) = + (( - / 2)
pr1.bx = pfA.bx + ((pfB.bx - pfA.bx) / 2) = + (( - / 2)
E1 = Sqr((( - * ( - + ((pr1.bx - pf1.bx) * (pr1.bx - pf1.bx)) _
+ (( - * ( -
E1 = Val(chaine(E1))
If E1 <= newvar.lintol Then
If Val(chaine( = Val(chaine( And _
Val(chaine(pfB.bx)) = Val(chaine(newvar.ptf.bx)) And _
Val(chaine( = Val(chaine( And _
Val(chaine(pfB.dx)) = Val(chaine(newvar.ptf.dx)) And _
Val(chaine(pfB.ex)) = Val(chaine(newvar.ptf.ex)) Then
linetat = 0
var1.ptd = pB
var1.ptf = pfB
Call format_sortie(oldvar, var1, sortie)
oldvar = var1
pB = newvar.ptd
End If
pB = p1
End If
i1 = i1 + 1
End Sub
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
bloc 4:
- Code:
Private Sub format_sortie(oldvar As varclass, varnew As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim ch1 As String
ch1 = ""
Dim varptf As pointfinal
Dim parg1 As String
Dim parg2 As String
Dim parg3 As String, parg4 As String
parg4 = ""
Dim parg5 As String
parg5 = ""
Dim sarr As String
sarr = ""
Dim tc As String
Dim ax As String
Dim bx As String
Dim cx As String
Dim dx As String
Dim ex As String
Dim xx As String
Dim yx As String
Dim zx As String
Dim ix As String
Dim jx As String
Dim tc2 As String
Dim ssrot As String
Dim sh As String
Dim scorrh As String
Dim sfed As String
Dim sd As String
Dim scorrd As String
Dim sab As String
Dim sde As String
Dim scx1 As String
Dim scx2 As String
Dim sGs As String
Dim sZp As String
Dim sZr As String
Dim sQ, sP As String
Dim scldx1 As String
Dim scldx2 As String
Dim sclex1 As String
Dim sclex2 As String
Dim sg682 As String
Dim sg51on As String
Dim sg51off As String
sg682 = ""
Dim sg682f As String
sg682f = ""
Dim y As Double
Dim z As Double
Dim tcn As Double
Dim ncx1 As Double
Dim ncx2 As Double
If varnew.outil.s <> oldvar.outil.s Then
ssrot = cvitesse + Mid(Str(varnew.outil.s), 2)
Select Case varnew.outil.rot
Case 3
ssrot = ssrot + cm3
Case 4
ssrot = ssrot + cm4
Case 5
ssrot = cm5
End Select
ssrot = ""
End If
If (varnew.outil.h <> oldvar.outil.h) Or (varnew.g.g(4) <> oldvar.g.g(4)) Then
sh = csth + Mid(Str(varnew.outil.h), 2)
Select Case varnew.outil.corrh
Case 43
scorrh = cg43
Case 43.4
scorrh = cg434
Case 49
scorrh = cg49
End Select
sh = ""
scorrh = ""
End If
If varnew.outil.corrd <> oldvar.outil.corrd Then
If varnew.outil.corrd <> 40 Then
sd = cstd + Mid(Str(varnew.outil.d), 2)
sd = ""
End If
Select Case varnew.outil.corrd
Case 41
scorrd = cg41
Case 42
scorrd = cg42
Case 40
scorrd = cg40
End Select
sd = ""
scorrd = ""
End If
If varnew.outil.arr <> oldvar.outil.arr Then
sarr = newvar.outil.code_arr(newvar.outil.arr)
sarr = ""
End If
If varnew.g.g(1) <> oldvar.g.g(1) Then
Select Case varnew.g.g(1)
Case 0
parg1 = cg0
Case 1
parg1 = cg1
Case 2
parg1 = cg2
Case 3
parg1 = cg3
Case 73
parg1 = cg73
Case 74
parg1 = cg74
Case 76
parg1 = cg76
Case 81
parg1 = cg81
Case 82
parg1 = cg82
Case 83
parg1 = cg83
Case 84
parg1 = cg84
Case 85
parg1 = cg85
Case 86
parg1 = cg86
Case 87
parg1 = cg87
Case 88
parg1 = cg88
Case 89
parg1 = cg89
End Select
parg1 = ""
End If
If varnew.g.g(2) <> oldvar.g.g(2) Then
If varnew.g.g(2) >= 101 And varnew.g.g(2) <= 148 Then
parg2 = cg541p + Mid(Str(varnew.g.g(2) - 100), 2)
Select Case varnew.g.g(2)
Case 52
parg2 = cg52
Case 53
parg2 = cg53
Case 54
parg2 = cg54
Case 55
parg2 = cg55
Case 56
parg2 = cg56
Case 57
parg2 = cg57
Case 58
parg2 = cg58
Case 59
parg2 = cg59
End Select
End If
parg2 = ""
End If
If varnew.g.g(3) <> oldvar.g.g(3) Then
parg3 = cg90
parg3 = ""
End If
If varnew.g.g(4) <> oldvar.g.g(4) Then
Select Case varnew.g.g(4)
Case 43.4
parg4 = cg434
Case 49
parg4 = cg49
End Select
parg4 = ""
End If
If varnew.g.g(5) <> oldvar.g.g(5) Then
Select Case varnew.g.g(5)
Case 93
parg5 = cg93
Case 94
parg5 = cg94
End Select
parg5 = ""
End If
y = Val(chaine(
z = Val(chaine(
If Abs( > 999999.999 Then
sortie.Erreur = sortie.Erreur & vbLf & "M00( DEPASSEMENT COORDONNEE X )"
End If
If (y <> z) Or (varnew.g434etat = 1) Then
ax = cstx + chaine(
ax = ""
End If
y = Val(chaine(varnew.ptf.bx))
z = Val(chaine(oldvar.ptf.bx))
If Abs(varnew.ptf.bx) > 999999.999 Then
sortie.Erreur = sortie.Erreur & vbLf & "M00( DEPASSEMENT COORDONNEE Y )"
End If
If (y <> z) Or (varnew.g434etat = 1) Then
bx = csty + chaine(varnew.ptf.bx)
bx = ""
End If
y = Val(chaine(
z = Val(chaine(
If Abs( > 999999.999 Then
sortie.Erreur = sortie.Erreur & vbLf & "M00( DEPASSEMENT COORDONNEE Z )"
End If
If (y <> z) Or (varnew.g434etat = 1) Then
cx = cstz + chaine(
cx = ""
End If
If Abs(varnew.ptc.ix) > 999999.999 Then
sortie.Erreur = sortie.Erreur & vbLf & "M00( DEPASSEMENT COORDONNEE I )"
End If
ix = csti + chaine(varnew.ptc.ix)
If Abs(varnew.ptc.jx) > 999999.999 Then
sortie.Erreur = sortie.Erreur & vbLf & "M00( DEPASSEMENT COORDONNEE J )"
End If
jx = cstj + chaine(varnew.ptc.jx)
y = Val(chaine(varnew.ptf.dx))
z = Val(chaine(oldvar.ptf.dx))
If Abs(varnew.ptf.dx) > 999999.999 Then
sortie.Erreur = sortie.Erreur & vbLf & "M00( DEPASSEMENT COORDONNEE A )" & vbLf
End If
If (y <> z) Or (varnew.g434etat = 1) Then
dx = csta + chaine(varnew.ptf.dx)
dx = ""
End If
y = Val(chaine(varnew.ptf.ex))
z = Val(chaine(oldvar.ptf.ex))
If Abs(varnew.ptf.ex) > 999999.999 Then
sortie.Erreur = sortie.Erreur & vbLf & "M00( DEPASSEMENT COORDONNEE C )" & vbLf
End If
If (y <> z) Or (varnew.g434etat = 1) Then
ex = cstc + chaine(varnew.ptf.ex)
ex = ""
End If
scldx1 = ""
scldx2 = ""
sclex1 = ""
sclex2 = ""
If InStr(dx, csta) > 0 Then
If varnew.cldx = 0 Then
If oldvar.cldx = 1 Then
scldx1 = caunclamp
scldx1 = ""
End If
scldx2 = ""
If oldvar.cldx = 1 Then
scldx1 = caunclamp
scldx1 = ""
End If
scldx2 = caclamp
End If
End If
If InStr(ex, cstc) > 0 Then
If varnew.clex = 0 Then
If oldvar.clex = 1 Then
sclex1 = ccunclamp
sclex1 = ""
End If
sclex2 = ""
If oldvar.clex = 1 Then
sclex1 = ccunclamp
sclex1 = ""
End If
sclex2 = ccclamp
End If
End If
sg682f = ""
ch1 = dx + ex
sg51on = ""
sg51off = ""
If (Len(ch1) > 0) And (varnew.g682auto = 1) Then
x = varnew.rota.mat(1, 1) * varnew.g682x + varnew.rota.mat(1, 2) * varnew.g682y + varnew.rota.mat(1, 3) * varnew.g682z
y = varnew.rota.mat(2, 1) * varnew.g682x + varnew.rota.mat(2, 2) * varnew.g682y + varnew.rota.mat(2, 3) * varnew.g682z
z = varnew.rota.mat(3, 1) * varnew.g682x + varnew.rota.mat(3, 2) * varnew.g682y + varnew.rota.mat(3, 3) * varnew.g682z
If varnew.high_etat = 1 Then
sg51off = numN + cg51q0
sg51on = numN + cg51q1r + Mid(Str(varnew.high), 2)
End If
If Val(chaine(varnew.ptf.dx)) = 0 And Val(chaine(varnew.ptf.ex)) = 0 Then
chaine1 = numN + cg682 + cstx & chaine(x) & csty & chaine(y) _
& cstz & chaine(z) & "I90.J0.K-90." & vbLf & numN + cg531
If Len(sg51on) > 1 Then
sg682 = sg51on + vbLf + chaine1
sg682 = chaine1
End If
chaine1 = numN + cg682 + cstx & chaine(x) & csty & chaine(y) _
& cstz & chaine(z) & csti & chaine(varnew.ptf.ex) _
& cstj & chaine(varnew.ptf.dx) & "K0" & vbLf & numN + cg531
If Len(sg51on) > 1 Then
sg682 = sg51on + vbLf + chaine1
sg682 = chaine1
End If
End If
If oldvar.g682m = 68.2 Then
If Len(sg51off) > 1 Then
sg682f = numN + cg69 + vbLf + sg51off
sg682f = numN + cg69
End If
End If
End If
Call calculavance(oldvar, varnew, parg5, sfed)
If ((varnew.g.g(1) = 0) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 80)) And (varnew.g434etat = 0) Then
If sarr <> "" Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + sarr + vbLf
End If
scxnew = chaine(
ncxnew = Val(scxnew)
scxold = chaine(
ncxold = Val(scxold)
sab = ax
sab = sab + bx
sab = sab + ssrot
sde = dx + ex
If ncxold > ncxnew Then
If Len(sg682f) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sg682f + vbLf
End If
If Len(scldx1) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + scldx1 + vbLf
End If
If Len(sclex1) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + sclex1 + vbLf
End If
If Len(sde) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + parg1 + parg2 + parg3 + sde + vbLf
End If
If Len(sg682) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sg682 + vbLf
End If
If Len(scldx2) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + scldx2 + vbLf
End If
If Len(sclex2) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + sclex2 + vbLf
End If
If Len(sab) > 1 Then
If Len(sde) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + sab + vbLf
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + parg1 + parg2 + parg3 + sab + vbLf
End If
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + scorrh
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + cx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sh
End If
If ncxnew > ncxold Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + parg1 + parg2 + parg3
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scorrh
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + cx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sh
If Len(sg682f) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf + sg682f
End If
If Len(scldx1) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf + numN + scldx1
End If
If Len(sclex1) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf + numN + sclex1
End If
If Len(sde) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf + numN + sde
End If
If Len(sg682) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf + sg682
End If
If Len(scldx2) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf + numN + scldx2
End If
If Len(sclex2) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf + numN + sclex2
End If
If Len(sab) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf + numN + sab
End If
End If
If ncxnew = ncxold Then
If Len(sg682f) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sg682f + vbLf
End If
If Len(scldx1) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + scldx1 + vbLf
End If
If Len(sclex1) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + sclex1 + vbLf
End If
If Len(sde) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + parg1 + parg2 + parg3 + sde + vbLf
End If
If Len(sg682) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sg682 + vbLf
End If
If Len(scldx2) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + scldx2 + vbLf
End If
If Len(sclex2) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + sclex2 + vbLf
End If
If Len(sab) > 1 Then
If Len(sde) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + sab
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + parg1 + parg2 + parg3 + sab
End If
End If
End If
End If
If (varnew.g.g(1) = 0) And (varnew.g434etat = 1) Then
If Len(ssrot) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + ssrot + vbLf
End If
If Len(scldx1) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + scldx1 + vbLf
End If
If Len(sclex1) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + sclex1 + vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + parg1 + parg3 + parg4
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ax
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + bx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + cx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + dx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ex
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sh
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sd
If Len(scldx2) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf + numN + scldx2
End If
If Len(sclex2) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf + numN + sclex2
End If
End If
If (varnew.g.g(1) = 1) And (varnew.g434etat = 1) Then
If Len(ssrot) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + ssrot + vbLf
End If
If Len(scldx1) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + scldx1 + vbLf
End If
If Len(sclex1) > 1 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + sclex1 + vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + parg1 + parg3 + parg4
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ax
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + bx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + cx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + dx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ex
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sh
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sd
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sfed
If Len(scldx2) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf + numN + scldx2
End If
If Len(sclex2) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf + numN + sclex2
End If
End If
If (varnew.g.g(1) = 1) And (varnew.g434etat = 0) Then
If Len(sortie.chaine) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf
End If
If Len(ssrot) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + ssrot + vbLf
End If
If Len(scldx1) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + scldx1 + vbLf
End If
If Len(sclex1) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + sclex1 + vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + parg1 + parg2 + parg3 + parg5
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scorrd
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ax
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + bx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + cx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + dx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ex
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sd
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sfed
If Len(scldx2) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf + numN + scldx2
End If
If Len(sclex2) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf + numN + sclex2
End If
End If
If varnew.g.g(1) = 2 Or varnew.g.g(1) = 3 Then
If varnew.etat = 1 Then
If Len(sortie.chaine) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf
End If
If Len(ssrot) > 2 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + ssrot + vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + parg1 + parg3 + parg4 + parg5
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ax
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + bx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + cx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ix
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + jx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sfed
End If
End If
If (varnew.g.g(1) = 73) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 74) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 76) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 81) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 82) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 83) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 84) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 85) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 86) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 87) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 88) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 89) Then
varnew.cycle.Zaf = Val(chaine( + varnew.cycle.Za))
If Val(chaine(varnew.cycle.Zaf)) <> Val(chaine(oldvar.cycle.Zaf)) Then
If Val(chaine( <> Val(chaine(varnew.cycle.Zaf)) Then = oldvar.cycle.Zaf
End If
var1 = varnew.g.g(1)
varptf = varnew.ptf
If oldvar.g.g(1) <> 0 And oldvar.g.g(1) <> 1 And oldvar.g.g(1) <> 1E+100 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + cg80 + vbLf
End If
varnew.g.g(1) = 0 = varnew.cycle.Zaf
Call format_sortie(oldvar, varnew, sortie)
oldvar.ptf = varnew.ptf
varnew.g.g(1) = var1
oldvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
varnew.ptf = varptf
oldvar.cycle.Gs = 1E+100
oldvar.cycle.Zaf = varnew.cycle.Zaf
Call format_sortie(oldvar, varnew, sortie)
yx = chaine( + varnew.cycle.Zp)
zx = chaine( + oldvar.cycle.Zp)
y = Val(yx)
z = Val(zx)
If y <> z Or Len(parg1) > 0 Then
sZp = cstz
sZp = sZp + yx
sZp = ""
End If
yx = chaine( + varnew.cycle.Zr)
zx = chaine( + oldvar.cycle.Zr)
y = Val(yx)
z = Val(zx)
If y <> z Or Len(parg1) > 0 Then
sZr = cst_r
sZr = sZr + yx
sZr = ""
End If
sQ = ""
If (varnew.g.g(1) = 73) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 76) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 83) Then
yx = chaine(varnew.cycle.Q)
zx = chaine(oldvar.cycle.Q)
y = Val(yx)
z = Val(zx)
If y <> z Or Len(parg1) > 0 Then
sQ = cstq
sQ = sQ + yx
End If
End If
sP = ""
If (varnew.g.g(1) = 82) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 89) Or (varnew.g.g(1) = 88) Then
yx = chaine(varnew.cycle.P)
zx = chaine(oldvar.cycle.P)
y = Val(yx)
z = Val(zx)
If y <> z Or Len(parg1) > 0 Then
sQ = cstp
sQ = sQ + yx
End If
End If
If varnew.cycle.Gs <> oldvar.cycle.Gs Then
Select Case varnew.cycle.Gs
Case 98
sGs = cg98
Case 99
sGs = cg99
End Select
sGs = ""
End If
If Len(sortie.chaine) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + vbLf
End If
If Len(scldx1) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + scldx1 + vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + parg1 + parg5
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sGs
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + ax
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + bx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + dx
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sZp
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sQ
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sP
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sZr
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + sfed
If Len(scldx2) > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + scldx2
End If
End If
End If
If (InStr(sortie.chaine, parg1) > 0) And (Len(sortie.chaine) = (Len(parg1) + 1)) Then
sortie.chaine = ""
End If
End Sub
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
bloc 5:
- Code:
Private Sub extract_indirv(ByVal buffer As String, varnew As varclass, oldvar As varclass)
Dim Pindirv As pointdebut
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaineI As String
Dim chaineJ As String
Dim chaineK As String
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
chaineI = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
Pindirv.x = Val(chaineI) + varnew.ptd.x
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineJ = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
Pindirv.y = Val(chaineJ) + varnew.ptd.y
chaineK = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
Pindirv.z = Val(chaineK) + varnew.ptd.z
Pindirv.i = varnew.ptd.i
Pindirv.j = varnew.ptd.j
Pindirv.k = varnew.ptd.k
varnew.ptfa = CalculPointFinal(Pindirv, varnew, oldvar)
End Sub
Private Sub words_circle_cylndr(buffer As String, oldvar As varclass, varnew As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim ptindirv As pointfinal
Dim ptd As pointdebut
Dim ptf As pointfinal
Dim cercle As pointfinalcercle
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim chaineX As String
Dim chaineY As String
Dim chaineZ As String
Dim saxc As String
Dim saxd As String
Dim sbxc As String
Dim sbxd As String
Dim A As Double
Dim API As Double
Dim APC As Double
Dim AA As Double
Dim AB As Double
Dim ac As Double
cercle.debut = varnew.ptf
ptindirv = varnew.ptfa
ptd = varnew.ptd
If InStr(buffer, "CIRCLE") > 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "CIRCLE/") + 7)
chaineX = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.x = Val(chaineX)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.y = Val(chaineY)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.z = Val(chaineZ)
ptf = CalculPointFinal(ptd, varnew, oldvar)
cercle.axc =
cercle.bxc = ptf.bx
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, "LINE/") + 5)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineX = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.x = Val(chaineX)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.y = Val(chaineY)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ")") - 1)
ptd.z = Val(chaineZ)
cercle.fin = CalculPointFinal(ptd, varnew, oldvar)
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "CYLNDR/") + 7)
chaineX = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.x = Val(chaineX)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.y = Val(chaineY)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.z = Val(chaineZ)
ptf = CalculPointFinal(ptd, varnew, oldvar)
cercle.axc =
cercle.bxc = ptf.bx
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, "VECTOR/") + 7)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, "POINT/") + 6)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, "POINT/") + 6)
chaineX = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.x = Val(chaineX)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
ptd.y = Val(chaineY)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ")") - 1)
ptd.z = Val(chaineZ)
cercle.fin = CalculPointFinal(ptd, varnew, oldvar)
End If
varnew.ptd = ptd
API = angle(( -, (ptindirv.bx - cercle.debut.bx))
APC = angle((cercle.axc -, (cercle.bxc - cercle.debut.bx))
If A > 180 Then
A = A - 360
End If
If A < -180 Then
A = A + 360
End If
If A > 0 Then
cercle.g = 3
cercle.g = 2
End If
AA = angle((cercle.axc -, (cercle.bxc - cercle.debut.bx))
AB = angle((cercle.axc -, (cercle.bxc - cercle.fin.bx))
If (cercle.g = 3) And (AB < AA) Then
AB = 360 + AB
End If
If (cercle.g = 2) And (AB > AA) Then
AB = AB - 360
End If
ac = AB - AA
If ac < 0 Then
ac = 0 - ac
End If
If Val(chaine( = Val(chaine( _
And Val(chaine(cercle.fin.bx)) = Val(chaine(cercle.debut.bx)) Then
ac = 360
End If
PasCourant = 0
If = 0 Then
PasPrecedent = 0
PasPrecedent = Val(chaine(( - / * 360))
End If
If cercle.g = oldvar.g.g(1) And sortie.cetat = 1 Then
If (Val(chaine(cercle.axc)) = Val(chaine(varnew.ptc.axc))) _
And (Val(chaine(cercle.bxc)) = Val(chaine(varnew.ptc.bxc))) _
And PasPrecedent = PasCourant Then
varnew.ptc.fin = cercle.fin = + ac
varnew.etat = 1
Call spcircle(oldvar, varnew, sortie)
varnew.ptc = cercle = ac
End If
If (oldvar.g.g(1) = 2 Or oldvar.g.g(1) = 3) And sortie.cetat = 1 Then
varnew.etat = 1
Call spcircle(oldvar, varnew, sortie)
End If
varnew.ptc = cercle = ac
varnew.g.g(1) = varnew.ptc.g
varnew.g.g(99) = oldvar.g.g(1)
End If
varnew.etat = 0
varnew.ptf = cercle.fin
oldvar.g.g(1) = varnew.g.g(1)
oldvar.ptf = varnew.ptf
oldvar.outil.Forigin = varnew.outil.Forigin
sortie.imanew1 = varnew
sortie.imaold1 = oldvar
sortie.cetat = 1
End Sub
Private Sub spcircle(oldvar As varclass, varnew As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
If varnew.g.g(99) <> oldvar.g.g(1) Then
oldvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
End If
atotal =
cxf = -
Do While >= 360 = - 360
varnew.ptc.ix = varnew.ptc.axc -
varnew.ptc.jx = varnew.ptc.bxc - varnew.ptc.debut.bx =
varnew.ptf.bx = varnew.ptc.debut.bx = - ((cxf / atotal) *
varnew.g.g(1) = varnew.ptc.g = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.bx = 1E+100
oldvar.ptc.ix = 1E+100
oldvar.ptc.jx = 1E+100 =
Call format_sortie(oldvar, varnew, sortie)
oldvar = varnew
varnew.ptc.debut = varnew.ptf
If > 0 And < 360 Then = 0
varnew.ptf = varnew.ptc.fin
varnew.ptc.ix = varnew.ptc.axc -
varnew.ptc.jx = varnew.ptc.bxc - varnew.ptc.debut.bx
varnew.g.g(1) = varnew.ptc.g = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.bx = 1E+100
oldvar.ptc.ix = 1E+100
oldvar.ptc.jx = 1E+100 =
Call format_sortie(oldvar, varnew, sortie)
oldvar = varnew
End If
varnew.g.g(99) = varnew.g.g(1)
End Sub
Private Sub word_helical(buffer As String, oldvar As varclass, varnew As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim ptindirv As pointfinal
Dim ptd As pointdebut
Dim ptf As pointfinal
Dim cercle As pointfinalcercle
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim chaineX As String
Dim chaineY As String
Dim chaineZ As String
Dim A As Double
Dim API As Double
Dim APC As Double
Dim AA As Double
Dim AB As Double
Dim ac As Double
Dim PasCourant As Double
Dim PasPrecedent As Double
cercle.debut = varnew.ptf
ptindirv = varnew.ptfa
ptd = varnew.ptd
chaine2 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "HELICAL/") + 9)
chaineX = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.x = Val(chaineX)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.y = Val(chaineY)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.z = Val(chaineZ)
ptf = CalculPointFinal(ptd, varnew, oldvar)
cercle.axc =
cercle.bxc = ptf.bx
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineX = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.x = Val(chaineX) + varnew.ptd.x
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.y = Val(chaineY) + varnew.ptd.y
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.z = Val(chaineZ) + varnew.ptd.z
ptindirv = CalculPointFinal(ptd, varnew, oldvar)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
ac = Val(Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1))
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineX = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.x = Val(chaineX)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
ptd.y = Val(chaineY)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = chaine2
ptd.z = Val(chaineZ)
cercle.fin = CalculPointFinal(ptd, varnew, oldvar)
varnew.ptd = ptd
API = angle(( -, (ptindirv.bx - cercle.debut.bx))
APC = angle((cercle.axc -, (cercle.bxc - cercle.debut.bx))
If A > 180 Then
A = A - 360
End If
If A < -180 Then
A = A + 360
End If
If A > 0 Then
cercle.g = 3
cercle.g = 2
End If
PasCourant = Val(chaine(( - / ac * 360))
If = 0 Then
PasPrecedent = 0
PasPrecedent = Val(chaine(( - / * 360))
End If
If cercle.g = oldvar.g.g(1) And sortie.cetat = 1 Then
If (Val(chaine(cercle.axc)) = Val(chaine(varnew.ptc.axc))) _
And (Val(chaine(cercle.bxc)) = Val(chaine(varnew.ptc.bxc))) _
And PasCourant = PasPrecedent Then
varnew.ptc.fin = cercle.fin = + ac
varnew.etat = 1
Call spcircle(oldvar, varnew, sortie)
varnew.ptc = cercle = ac
End If
If (oldvar.g.g(1) = 2 Or oldvar.g.g(1) = 3) And sortie.cetat = 1 Then
varnew.etat = 1
Call spcircle(oldvar, varnew, sortie)
End If
varnew.ptc = cercle = ac
varnew.g.g(1) = varnew.ptc.g
varnew.g.g(99) = oldvar.g.g(1)
End If
varnew.etat = 0
varnew.ptf = cercle.fin
oldvar.g.g(1) = varnew.g.g(1)
oldvar.ptf = varnew.ptf
oldvar.outil.Forigin = varnew.outil.Forigin
sortie.imanew1 = varnew
sortie.imaold1 = oldvar
sortie.cetat = 1
End Sub
Private Sub word_spindl(ByVal buffer As String, oldvar As varclass, newvar As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
oldvar.outil.s = newvar.outil.s
oldvar.outil.rot = newvar.outil.rot
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") = 0 And InStr(buffer, "LOCK") = 0 And InStr(buffer, "ON") = 0 And InStr(buffer, "OUT") = 0 Then
If InStr(chaine1, ",") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ","))
chaine2 = chaine1
End If
newvar.outil.s = Val(chaine2)
If InStr(buffer, "SFM") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.s = 1000 * newvar.outil.s / (pi * newvar.outil.dia)
End If
newvar.outil.s = CLng(newvar.outil.s)
If newvar.outil.s < Smini Then
newvar.outil.s = Smini
End If
If newvar.outil.s > Smaxi Then
newvar.outil.s = Smaxi
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CCLW") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.rot = 4
End If
If InStr(buffer, ",CLW") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.rot = 3
End If
End If
newvar.etat = 0
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = "M5"
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "LOCK") > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = "M19"
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "ON") > 0 Then
oldvar.outil.s = -1
oldvar.outil.rot = -1
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "OUT") > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = "S" + Mid(Str(newvar.outil.s), 2) + "M" + Mid(Str(newvar.outil.rot), 2)
newvar.etat = 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub word_fedrat(buffer As String, varnew As varclass, oldvar As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim chaine2 As String
If InStr(buffer, "INVERS") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "ON") > 0 Then
varnew.finvers = 1
varnew.g.g(5) = 93
varnew.finvers = 0
varnew.g.g(5) = 94
End If
chaine2 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1, InStr(buffer, ","))
varnew.outil.Forigin = Val(chaine2)
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
If InStr(buffer, "MMPR") > 0 Then
varnew.outil.Forigin = varnew.outil.s * varnew.outil.Forigin
varnew.outil.f = varnew.outil.Forigin
End If
End If
newvar.etat = 0
End Sub
Private Sub extract_cutcom(ByVal buffer As String, varnew As varclass)
Dim retour As varclass
retour = varnew
If InStr(buffer, "LEFT") > 0 Then
retour.outil.corrd = 41
End If
If InStr(buffer, "RIGHT") > 0 Then
retour.outil.corrd = 42
End If
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
retour.outil.corrd = 40
End If
varnew = retour
End Sub
Private Sub word_cycle(buffer As String, newvar As varclass)
Dim retour As varclass
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim chaine3 As String
Dim var1 As Double
retour = newvar
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/BRKCHP") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 73
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/INVERS") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 74
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/LOCK") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 76
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/DRILL") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 81
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/FACE") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 82
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/DEEP") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 83
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/TAP") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 84
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/BORE") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 85
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/REAM") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 86
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/STEP") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 87
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/MANUAL") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 88
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/THRU") > 0 Then
retour.g.g(1) = 89
End If
chaine2 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, ",") + 1)
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
retour.cycle.Zp = Val(chaine3)
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/BRKCHP") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/LOCK") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/DEEP") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
retour.cycle.Q = Val(chaine3)
End If
If InStr(chaine2, "MMPM") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, "MMPM") + 5)
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
retour.outil.f = Val(chaine3)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, "MMPR") + 5)
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
retour.outil.f = Val(chaine3) * retour.outil.s
End If
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
If InStr(chaine2, ",") > 0 Then
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
chaine3 = chaine2
End If
retour.cycle.Zr = Val(chaine3)
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/FACE") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/MANUAL") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/THRU") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, "DWELLV") + 7)
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
var1 = Val(chaine3)
If var1 = 0 Then
retour.cycle.P = 0
End If
If var1 = 1 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
retour.cycle.P = (Val(chaine3) / retour.outil.s) * 60
End If
If var1 = 2 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
retour.cycle.P = Val(chaine3)
End If
End If
If InStr(chaine2, "POSZ") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, "POSZ") + 5)
If InStr(chaine2, ",") > 0 Then
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
chaine3 = chaine2
End If
retour.cycle.Za = Val(chaine3)
If retour.cycle.Za <= retour.cycle.Zr Then
retour.cycle.Za = retour.cycle.Zr
retour.cycle.Gs = 99
retour.cycle.Gs = 98
End If
retour.cycle.Za = retour.cycle.Zr
retour.cycle.Gs = 99
End If
If retour.cycle.Za = 0 Then = 1E+100
End If
retour.etat = 0
newvar = retour
End Sub
Private Sub word_pivotz(buffer As String, newvar As varclass)
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim chaineX As String
Dim chaineY As String
Dim chaineZ As String
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
If Val(chaine2) = 2 Then
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineX = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
newvar.px = Val(chaineX)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineY = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1) = Val(chaineY)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaineZ = chaine1
newvar.pz = Val(chaineZ)
newvar.px = 0 = 0
newvar.pz = 0
End If
sortie.chaine = ""
newvar.etat = 0
End Sub
Private Sub word_origin(buffer As String, newvar As varclass, oldvar As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim retour As varclass
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim chaine3 As String
retour = newvar
retour.xdec = 1E+100
retour.ydec = 1E+100
retour.zdec = 1E+100
chaine2 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
If InStr(chaine2, "TYPE") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
If InStr(chaine2, ",") > 0 Then
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
chaine3 = chaine2
End If
If Val(chaine3) >= 0 And Val(chaine3) <= 6 Then
retour.g.g(2) = 53 + Val(chaine3)
End If
If Val(chaine3) >= 101 And Val(chaine3) <> 148 Then
retour.g.g(2) = Val(chaine3)
End If
If InStr(chaine2, ",") > 0 Then
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
chaine3 = chaine2
End If
retour.xdec = Val(chaine3)
If InStr(chaine2, ",") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
If InStr(chaine2, ",") > 0 Then
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
chaine3 = chaine2
End If
retour.ydec = Val(chaine3)
End If
If InStr(chaine2, ",") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, InStr(chaine2, ",") + 1)
If InStr(chaine2, ",") > 0 Then
chaine3 = Mid(chaine2, 1, InStr(chaine2, ",") - 1)
chaine3 = chaine2
End If
retour.zdec = Val(chaine3)
End If
End If
newvar = retour
newvar.etat = 0
If (newvar.xdec <> 1E+100) And (newvar.ydec <> 1E+100) And (newvar.zdec <> 1E+100) Then
sortie.chaine = cg52 + cstx + chaine(newvar.xdec) + csty + chaine(newvar.ydec) + cstz + chaine(newvar.zdec)
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If (InStr(buffer, "OUT") > 0) And (newvar.g.g(2) <> 1E+100) Then
If newvar.g.g(2) >= 53 And newvar.g.g(2) <= 59 Then
sortie.chaine = "G" + Mid(Str(newvar.g.g(2)), 2)
End If
If newvar.g.g(2) >= 101 And newvar.g.g(2) <= 148 Then
sortie.chaine = cg541p + Mid(Str(newvar.g.g(2) - 100), 2)
End If
oldvar.g.g(2) = newvar.g.g(2)
newvar.etat = 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub word_moveto(buffer As String, newvar As varclass, oldvar As varclass, sortie As sortieclass)
Dim chaine1 As String
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
If InStr(chaine1, "START") > 0 Then
If InStr(chaine1, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.defaultex = 1E+100
If InStr(chaine1, "CAXIS") > 0 Then
If newvar.rotex <> 1E+100 Then
newvar.defaultex = newvar.rotex
newvar.defaultex = 0
End If
End If
End If
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "OUT") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "AAXIS") > 0 Then
oldvar.ptf.dx = 1E+100
If newvar.rotdx <> 1E+100 Then
newvar.ptf.dx = newvar.rotdx
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CAXIS") > 0 Then
If newvar.rotex <> 1E+100 Then
newvar.ptf.ex = newvar.rotex
End If
End If
If InStr(chaine1, "XAXIS") > 0 Then = 1E+100
End If
If InStr(chaine1, "YAXIS") > 0 Then
oldvar.ptf.bx = 1E+100
End If
If InStr(chaine1, "ZAXIS") > 0 Then = 1E+100
End If
If (newvar.g.g(1) <> 0) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 73) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 74) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 76) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 81) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 82) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 83) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 84) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 85) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 86) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 87) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 88) And (newvar.g.g(1) <> 80) Then
newvar.g.g(1) = 1
End If
oldvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
Call format_sortie(oldvar, newvar, sortie)
oldvar.ptf = newvar.ptf =
oldvar.outil.arr = newvar.outil.arr
oldvar.g.g(1) = newvar.g.g(1)
oldvar.g.g(2) = newvar.g.g(2)
oldvar.g.g(3) = newvar.g.g(3)
oldvar.g.g(4) = newvar.g.g(4)
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If (InStr(buffer, "START") = 0) And (InStr(buffer, "OUT") = 0) Then
If InStr(chaine1, "XAXIS") > 0 Then = 1E+100
End If
If InStr(chaine1, "YAXIS") > 0 Then
oldvar.ptf.bx = 1E+100
End If
If InStr(chaine1, "ZAXIS") > 0 Then = 1E+100
End If
If InStr(chaine1, "AAXIS") > 0 Then
oldvar.ptf.dx = 1E+100
End If
If InStr(chaine1, "CAXIS") > 0 Then
oldvar.ptf.ex = 2E+120
End If
oldvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
newvar.etat = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub word_catmat(buffer As String, newvar As varclass)
Dim mat1(1 To 3, 1 To 4) As Double
Dim mat2(1 To 3, 1 To 3) As Double
Dim i1 As Integer
Dim j1 As Integer
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim A1 As Double
Dim a2 As Double
Dim B1 As Double
Dim b2 As Double
Dim C1 As Double
Dim c2 As Double
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
For i1 = 1 To 3
For j1 = 1 To 3
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
mat1(i1, j1) = Val(chaine2)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
mat1(1, 4) = Val(chaine2)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
mat1(2, 4) = Val(chaine2)
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)
mat1(3, 4) = Val(chaine2)
For i1 = 1 To 3
For j1 = 1 To 3
newvar.rotb.mat(i1, j1) = mat1(i1, j1)
newvar.rotb.mat(1, 4) = mat1(1, 4)
newvar.rotb.mat(2, 4) = mat1(2, 4)
newvar.rotb.mat(3, 4) = mat1(3, 4)
If newvar.rotetat = 0 Then
detA = (mat1(1, 1) * mat1(2, 2) * mat1(3, 3)) + (mat1(1, 2) * mat1(2, 3) * mat1(3, 1)) + (mat1(1, 3) * mat1(2, 1) * mat1(3, 2))
detA = detA - (mat1(1, 3) * mat1(2, 2) * mat1(3, 1)) - (mat1(2, 3) * mat1(3, 2) * mat1(1, 1)) - (mat1(3, 3) * mat1(1, 2) * mat1(2, 1))
If detA <> 0 Then
dam1 = 1 / detA
mat2(1, 1) = dam1 * ((mat1(2, 2) * mat1(3, 3)) - (mat1(2, 3) * mat1(3, 2)))
mat2(1, 2) = dam1 * ((mat1(1, 3) * mat1(3, 2)) - (mat1(1, 2) * mat1(3, 3)))
mat2(1, 3) = dam1 * ((mat1(1, 2) * mat1(2, 3)) - (mat1(1, 3) * mat1(2, 2)))
mat2(2, 1) = dam1 * ((mat1(2, 3) * mat1(3, 1)) - (mat1(2, 1) * mat1(3, 3)))
mat2(2, 2) = dam1 * ((mat1(1, 1) * mat1(3, 3)) - (mat1(1, 3) * mat1(3, 1)))
mat2(2, 3) = dam1 * ((mat1(1, 3) * mat1(2, 1)) - (mat1(1, 1) * mat1(2, 3)))
mat2(3, 1) = dam1 * ((mat1(2, 1) * mat1(3, 2)) - (mat1(2, 2) * mat1(3, 1)))
mat2(3, 2) = dam1 * ((mat1(1, 2) * mat1(3, 1)) - (mat1(1, 1) * mat1(3, 2)))
mat2(3, 3) = dam1 * ((mat1(1, 1) * mat1(2, 2)) - (mat1(1, 2) * mat1(2, 1)))
MsgBox ("Determinant matrice est nul ! erreur ! ")
Exit Sub
End If
For i1 = 1 To 3
For j1 = 1 To 3
newvar.rota.mat(i1, j1) = mat2(i1, j1)
newvar.rota.mat(1, 4) = -mat1(1, 4)
newvar.rota.mat(2, 4) = -mat1(2, 4)
newvar.rota.mat(3, 4) = -mat1(3, 4)
newvar.rotetat = 1
End If
'MsgBox (Str(mat1(1, 1)) + " " + Str(mat1(1, 2)) + " " + Str(mat1(1, 3)) + vbLf _
'+ Str(mat1(2, 1)) + " " + Str(mat1(2, 2)) + " " + Str(mat1(2, 3)) + vbLf _
'+ Str(mat1(3, 1)) + " " + Str(mat1(3, 2)) + " " + Str(mat1(3, 3)))
End Sub
Private Function Asin(x As Double) As Double
If x = 1 Then
Asin = pi / 2
ElseIf x = -1 Then
Asin = -pi / 2
Asin = Atn(x / Sqr(-x * x + 1))
End If
End Function
Private Function Atan2(y As Double, x As Double) As Double
If x > 0 Then
Atan2 = Atn(y / x)
ElseIf x < 0 Then
Atan2 = Sgn(y) * (pi - Atn(Abs(y / x)))
ElseIf y = 0 Then
Atan2 = 0
Atan2 = Sgn(y) * pi / 2
End If
End Function
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
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- Code:
$$ -----------------------------------------------------------------
$$ Généré le lundi 25 juin 2012 05:56:24
$$ -----------------------------------------------------------------
$$ Programme de fabrication.1
$$ PROG1
$$ Programme de fabrication.1
$$ 0.76604 -0.64279 0.00000 -92.09450
$$ 0.63302 0.75441 -0.17365 -107.48403
$$ 0.11162 0.13302 0.98481 0.00000
CATMAT/ 0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000, 0.63302, 0.75441, -$
0.17365, 0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, -92.09450, -107.48403, $
0.00000,Programme de fabrication.1
$$ PARTNO Programme de fabrication.1
$$ MACHINE. 5-axes.1
$$ CATPROCESS. essai2.CATProcess
$$ CATPRODUCT. Produit1
$$ OPERATION NAME : Instruction post-processeur.1
$$ Début de génération de: Instruction post-processeur.1
$$ Fin de génération de: Instruction post-processeur.1
$$ OPERATION NAME : Changement outil.2
$$ Début de génération de: Changement outil.2
FROM / 0.00000, 0.00000, 500.00000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
CUTTER/ 20.000000, 2.000000, 8.000000, 2.000000, 0.000000,$
0.000000, 60.000000
$$ Fin de génération de: Changement outil.2
$$ Début de génération de: CONTOURNAGE HELICOIDAL
GOTO / 46.32161, 86.31842, 135.40446, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 35.15972, 73.01620, 36.92369, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
FEDRAT/ 1000.0000,MMPM
GOTO / 33.26066, 70.75298, 37.44463, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
INTOL / 0.00200
OUTTOL/ 0.00000
PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ 39.59088, 78.29705, 35.70815),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808))
INDIRV/ 0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000
TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/ 39.59088, 78.29705, 35.70815,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, 10.00000),ON,$
(PLANE/(POINT/ 39.59088, 78.29705, 35.70815),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808)),$
(POINT/ 39.59088, 78.29705, 35.70815),$
(POINT/ 47.25132, 71.86917, 35.70815))
GOTO / 96.47894, 130.53636, 21.26533, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 104.13938, 124.10848, 21.26533,$
0.63302, 0.75441, -0.17365,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 44.84588, 0.09287,$
103.16180, 133.97363, 19.94930
GOTO / 120.86002, 135.40720, 17.53385, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 121.82724, 125.52970, 18.75842,$
0.98903, 0.08158, -0.12312,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 45.15412, 0.09351,$
128.14702, 133.06133, 16.92985
GOTO / 222.83356, 53.27687, 15.48306, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 182.14666, 4.78811, 26.64413,$
0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
4.79164, 64.27405, 146.16060, 1.94541,$
175.55324, -58.75223, 33.99868
GOTO / 175.55324, -58.75223, 33.99868, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 168.29765, -130.76060, 44.54752,$
-0.98879, 0.11380, 0.09670,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
5.45242, 73.13773, 44.40792, 0.67259,$
122.80066, -73.58503, 41.29827
GOTO / 122.80066, -73.58503, 41.29827, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 104.64779, -50.69906, 40.26442,$
-0.77579, -0.60766, 0.17001,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
2.17906, 29.22950, 77.34647, 0.46817,$
86.44693, -73.10493, 44.87838
GOTO / -1.43400, -1.95356, 43.86589, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 4.77500, 5.69063, 42.12962,$
-0.77590, 0.63085, 0.00273,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 90.90086, 0.18824,$
-2.90645, 12.09346, 41.94424
GOTO / 46.32116, 70.76065, 27.50142, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 95.54878, 129.42784, 13.05860, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 103.20922, 122.99996, 13.05860,$
0.63302, 0.75441, -0.17365,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 44.84588, 0.09287,$
102.23164, 132.86511, 11.74257
GOTO / 119.92987, 134.29868, 9.32712, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 120.89708, 124.42118, 10.55169,$
0.98903, 0.08158, -0.12312,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 45.15412, 0.09351,$
127.21687, 131.95281, 8.72312
GOTO / 221.90340, 52.16835, 7.27633, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 181.21650, 3.67959, 18.43740,$
0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
4.79164, 64.27405, 146.16060, 1.94541,$
174.62308, -59.86075, 25.79195
GOTO / 174.62308, -59.86075, 25.79195, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 167.36749, -131.86912, 36.34079,$
-0.98879, 0.11380, 0.09670,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
5.45242, 73.13773, 44.40792, 0.67259,$
121.87050, -74.69355, 33.09154
GOTO / 121.87050, -74.69355, 33.09154, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 103.71763, -51.80757, 32.05769,$
-0.77579, -0.60766, 0.17001,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
2.17906, 29.22950, 77.34647, 0.46817,$
85.51678, -74.21344, 36.67165
GOTO / -2.36415, -3.06208, 35.65916, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 3.84485, 4.58211, 33.92289,$
-0.77590, 0.63085, 0.00273,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 90.90086, 0.18824,$
-3.83661, 10.98495, 33.73751
GOTO / 45.39101, 69.65213, 19.29469, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 94.61862, 128.31932, 4.85187, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 102.27907, 121.89145, 4.85187,$
0.63302, 0.75441, -0.17365,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 44.84588, 0.09287,$
101.30149, 131.75659, 3.53584
GOTO / 118.99971, 133.19016, 1.12039, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 119.96692, 123.31267, 2.34496,$
0.98903, 0.08158, -0.12312,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 45.15412, 0.09351,$
126.28671, 130.84429, 0.51639
GOTO / 220.97324, 51.05984, -0.93040, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 180.28634, 2.57108, 10.23067,$
0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
4.79164, 64.27405, 146.16060, 1.94541,$
173.69292, -60.96927, 17.58522
GOTO / 173.69292, -60.96927, 17.58522, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 166.43733, -132.97764, 28.13405,$
-0.98879, 0.11380, 0.09670,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
5.45242, 73.13773, 44.40792, 0.67259,$
120.94034, -75.80207, 24.88481
GOTO / 120.94034, -75.80207, 24.88481, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 102.78747, -52.91609, 23.85096,$
-0.77579, -0.60766, 0.17001,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
2.17906, 29.22950, 77.34647, 0.46817,$
84.58662, -75.32196, 28.46492
GOTO / -3.29431, -4.17060, 27.45242, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 2.91469, 3.47359, 25.71616,$
-0.77590, 0.63085, 0.00273,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 90.90086, 0.18824,$
-4.76677, 9.87643, 25.53078
GOTO / 44.46085, 68.54362, 11.08796, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 93.68847, 127.21080, -3.35486, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 101.34891, 120.78293, -3.35486,$
0.63302, 0.75441, -0.17365,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 44.84588, 0.09287,$
100.37133, 130.64807, -4.67089
GOTO / 118.06955, 132.08164, -7.08634, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 119.03677, 122.20415, -5.86177,$
0.98903, 0.08158, -0.12312,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 45.15412, 0.09351,$
125.35655, 129.73577, -7.69034
GOTO / 220.04309, 49.95132, -9.13713, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 179.35619, 1.46256, 2.02394,$
0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
4.79164, 64.27405, 146.16060, 1.94541,$
172.76277, -62.07779, 9.37849
GOTO / 172.76277, -62.07779, 9.37849, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 165.50717, -134.08616, 19.92732,$
-0.98879, 0.11380, 0.09670,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
5.45242, 73.13773, 44.40792, 0.67259,$
120.01018, -76.91059, 16.67808
GOTO / 120.01018, -76.91059, 16.67808, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 101.85731, -54.02461, 15.64423,$
-0.77579, -0.60766, 0.17001,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
2.17906, 29.22950, 77.34647, 0.46817,$
83.65646, -76.43048, 20.25819
GOTO / -4.22447, -5.27912, 19.24569, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 1.98453, 2.36507, 17.50943,$
-0.77590, 0.63085, 0.00273,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 90.90086, 0.18824,$
-5.69692, 8.76791, 17.32404
GOTO / 43.53069, 67.43510, 2.88122, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 92.75831, 126.10229, -11.56160, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 100.41875, 119.67441, -11.56160,$
0.63302, 0.75441, -0.17365,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 44.84588, 0.09287,$
99.44117, 129.53955, -12.87762
GOTO / 117.13939, 130.97312, -15.29308, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 118.10661, 121.09563, -14.06851,$
0.98903, 0.08158, -0.12312,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 45.15412, 0.09351,$
124.42639, 128.62726, -15.89707
GOTO / 219.11293, 48.84280, -17.34386, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 178.42603, 0.35404, -6.18279,$
0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
4.79164, 64.27405, 146.16060, 1.94541,$
171.83261, -63.18630, 1.17176
GOTO / 171.83261, -63.18630, 1.17176, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 164.57702, -135.19468, 11.72059,$
-0.98879, 0.11380, 0.09670,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
5.45242, 73.13773, 44.40792, 0.67259,$
119.08003, -78.01911, 8.47135
GOTO / 119.08003, -78.01911, 8.47135, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 100.92716, -55.13313, 7.43750,$
-0.77579, -0.60766, 0.17001,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
2.17906, 29.22950, 77.34647, 0.46817,$
82.72630, -77.53900, 12.05146
GOTO / -5.15463, -6.38764, 11.03896, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 1.05437, 1.25655, 9.30269,$
-0.77590, 0.63085, 0.00273,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 90.90086, 0.18824,$
-6.62708, 7.65939, 9.11731
GOTO / 42.60053, 66.32658, -5.32551, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 91.82815, 124.99377, -19.76833, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 99.48859, 118.56589, -19.76833,$
0.63302, 0.75441, -0.17365,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 44.84588, 0.09287,$
98.51101, 128.43103, -21.08435
GOTO / 116.20924, 129.86461, -23.49981, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 117.17645, 119.98711, -22.27524,$
0.98903, 0.08158, -0.12312,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 45.15412, 0.09351,$
123.49624, 127.51874, -24.10380
GOTO / 218.18277, 47.73428, -25.55059, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 177.49587, -0.75448, -14.38952,$
0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
4.79164, 64.27405, 146.16060, 1.94541,$
170.90245, -64.29482, -7.03497
GOTO / 170.90245, -64.29482, -7.03497, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 163.64686, -136.30319, 3.51386,$
-0.98879, 0.11380, 0.09670,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
5.45242, 73.13773, 44.40792, 0.67259,$
118.14987, -79.12762, 0.26461
GOTO / 118.14987, -79.12762, 0.26461, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 99.99700, -56.24165, -0.76923,$
-0.77579, -0.60766, 0.17001,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
2.17906, 29.22950, 77.34647, 0.46817,$
81.79615, -78.64752, 3.84473
GOTO / -6.08478, -7.49616, 2.83223, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
HELICAL/ 0.12422, 0.14804, 1.09596,$
-0.77590, 0.63085, 0.00273,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481,$
0.74550, 10.00000, 90.90086, 0.18824,$
-7.55724, 6.55087, 0.91058
GOTO / 41.67038, 65.21806, -13.53224, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 91.00120, 124.00824, -27.06448, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ 98.66164, 117.58037, -27.06448),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808))
INDIRV/ 0.63302, 0.75441, -0.17365
TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/ 98.66164, 117.58037, -27.06448,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, 10.00000),ON,$
(PLANE/(POINT/ 98.66164, 117.58037, -27.06448),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808)),$
(POINT/ 98.66164, 117.58037, -27.06448),$
(POINT/ 97.69443, 127.45786, -28.28905))
GOTO / 115.41638, 128.91972, -30.49513, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ 116.38360, 119.04222, -29.27056),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808))
INDIRV/ 0.98903, 0.08158, -0.12312
TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/ 116.38360, 119.04222, -29.27056,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, 10.00000),ON,$
(PLANE/(POINT/ 116.38360, 119.04222, -29.27056),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808)),$
(POINT/ 116.38360, 119.04222, -29.27056),$
(POINT/ 122.71382, 126.58629, -31.00704))
GOTO / 217.56433, 46.99725, -31.00704, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ 176.87743, -1.49150, -19.84597),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808))
INDIRV/ 0.76604, -0.64279, 0.00000
TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/ 176.87743, -1.49150, -19.84597,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, 64.27405),ON,$
(PLANE/(POINT/ 176.87743, -1.49150, -19.84597),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808)),$
(POINT/ 176.87743, -1.49150, -19.84597),$
(POINT/ 170.50116, -64.77306, -10.57556))
PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ 163.24557, -136.78144, -0.02673),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808))
INDIRV/ -0.98879, 0.11380, 0.09670
TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/ 163.24557, -136.78144, -0.02673,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, 73.13773),ON,$
(PLANE/(POINT/ 163.24557, -136.78144, -0.02673),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808)),$
(POINT/ 163.24557, -136.78144, -0.02673),$
(POINT/ 117.82365, -79.51640, -2.61360))
PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ 99.67078, -56.63042, -3.64745),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808))
INDIRV/ -0.77579, -0.60766, 0.17001
TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/ 99.67078, -56.63042, -3.64745,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, 29.22950),ON,$
(PLANE/(POINT/ 99.67078, -56.63042, -3.64745),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808)),$
(POINT/ 99.67078, -56.63042, -3.64745),$
(POINT/ 81.52218, -78.97401, 1.42757))
GOTO / -6.20900, -7.64419, 1.73627, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808))
INDIRV/ -0.77590, 0.63085, 0.00273
TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, 10.00000),ON,$
(PLANE/(POINT/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808)),$
(POINT/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000),$
(POINT/ -7.66044, 6.42788, 0.00000))
GOTO / 41.67038, 65.21806, -13.53224, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ 34.00993, 71.64594, -13.53224),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808))
INDIRV/ 0.63302, 0.75441, -0.17365
TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/ 34.00993, 71.64594, -13.53224,$
0.11162, 0.13302, 0.98481, 10.00000),ON,$
(PLANE/(POINT/ 34.00993, 71.64594, -13.53224),PERPTO,$
(VECTOR/ 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808)),$
(POINT/ 34.00993, 71.64594, -13.53224),$
(POINT/ 40.34016, 79.19000, -15.26872))
GOTO / 38.44109, 76.92678, -14.74778, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 55.18392, 96.88012, 132.97339, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
$$ Fin de génération de: CONTOURNAGE HELICOIDAL
$$ OPERATION NAME : Changement outil.3
$$ Début de génération de: Changement outil.3
CUTTER/ 10.000000, 0.000000, 5.000000, 2.886751, 30.000000,$
0.000000, 50.000000
$$ Fin de génération de: Changement outil.3
$$ Début de génération de: PERCAGE
SPINDL/ 2000.0000,RPM,CLW
GOTO / 202.22595, 18.52789, 127.90633, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 191.06406, 5.22567, 29.42555, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
CYCLE/DEEP, -30.000000, 10.000000,MMPM, 300.000000, 1.000000,POS$
Z, 0.000000
GOTO / 190.95244, 5.09265, 28.44074, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
GOTO / 202.22595, 18.52789, 127.90633, 0.111619, 0.133022, 0.984808
$$ Fin de génération de: PERCAGE
vous devez avoir le résultat suivant:
- Code:
( T1 FRAISE D20)
N10 G0 G40 G49 G80 G90 M9
N15 G52 X0. Y0. Z0.
N20 (------------)
N25 G53 G90 G0 Z0. H0
N30 M1
N35 T0001 M6
N40 T0003
N45 M8
N50 M79
N55 M11
N60 G0 G54 G90 A10. C40.
N65 M78
N70 M10
N75 X-20. Y70.929 S70 M3
N80 G43 Z150. H1
N85 Z50.
N90 G1 G94 G41 Y67.929 D1 F1000
N95 G3 X-10. Y77.929 I0. J10.
N100 G1 Y155.858 Z49.075
N105 G2 X-7.09 Y162.91 Z48.982 I10. J0.
N110 G1 X5.546 Y175.614 Z48.77
N115 G2 X12.636 Y178.562 Z48.676 I7.09 J-7.052
N120 G1 X136.454 Y178.563 Z47.207
N125 G2 X172.247 Y60.902 Z45.262 I0. J-64.274
N130 G3 X141.37 Y15.051 Z44.589 I40.728 J-60.748
N135 G2 X113.213 Y-8.221 Z44.121 I-28.617 J5.954
N140 G1 X.157 Y-9.999 Z42.78
N145 G2 X-10. Y0. Z42.591 I-.157 J9.999
N150 G1 Y77.929 Z41.667
N155 Y155.858 Z40.742
N160 G2 X-7.09 Y162.91 Z40.649 I10. J0.
N165 G1 X5.546 Y175.614 Z40.437
N170 G2 X12.636 Y178.562 Z40.343 I7.09 J-7.052
N175 G1 X136.454 Y178.563 Z38.874
N180 G2 X172.247 Y60.902 Z36.929 I0. J-64.274
N185 G3 X141.37 Y15.051 Z36.256 I40.728 J-60.748
N190 G2 X113.213 Y-8.221 Z35.788 I-28.617 J5.954
N195 G1 X.157 Y-9.999 Z34.446
N200 G2 X-10. Y0. Z34.258 I-.157 J9.999
N205 G1 Y77.929 Z33.333
N210 Y155.858 Z32.409
N215 G2 X-7.09 Y162.91 Z32.316 I10. J0.
N220 G1 X5.546 Y175.614 Z32.103
N225 G2 X12.636 Y178.562 Z32.01 I7.09 J-7.052
N230 G1 X136.454 Y178.563 Z30.541
N235 G2 X172.247 Y60.902 Z28.595 I0. J-64.274
N240 G3 X141.37 Y15.051 Z27.923 I40.728 J-60.748
N245 G2 X113.213 Y-8.221 Z27.454 I-28.617 J5.954
N250 G1 X.157 Y-9.999 Z26.113
N255 G2 X-10. Y0. Z25.925 I-.157 J9.999
N260 G1 Y77.929 Z25.
N265 Y155.858 Z24.075
N270 G2 X-7.09 Y162.91 Z23.982 I10. J0.
N275 G1 X5.546 Y175.614 Z23.77
N280 G2 X12.636 Y178.562 Z23.676 I7.09 J-7.052
N285 G1 X136.454 Y178.563 Z22.207
N290 G2 X172.247 Y60.902 Z20.262 I0. J-64.274
N295 G3 X141.37 Y15.051 Z19.589 I40.728 J-60.748
N300 G2 X113.213 Y-8.221 Z19.121 I-28.617 J5.954
N305 G1 X.157 Y-9.999 Z17.78
N310 G2 X-10. Y0. Z17.591 I-.157 J9.999
N315 G1 Y77.929 Z16.667
N320 Y155.858 Z15.742
N325 G2 X-7.09 Y162.91 Z15.649 I10. J0.
N330 G1 X5.546 Y175.614 Z15.437
N335 G2 X12.636 Y178.562 Z15.343 I7.09 J-7.052
N340 G1 X136.454 Y178.563 Z13.874
N345 G2 X172.247 Y60.902 Z11.929 I0. J-64.274
N350 G3 X141.37 Y15.051 Z11.256 I40.728 J-60.748
N355 G2 X113.213 Y-8.221 Z10.788 I-28.617 J5.954
N360 G1 X.157 Y-9.999 Z9.446
N365 G2 X-10. Y0. Z9.258 I-.157 J9.999
N370 G1 Y77.929 Z8.333
N375 Y155.858 Z7.409
N380 G2 X-7.09 Y162.91 Z7.316 I10. J0.
N385 G1 X5.546 Y175.614 Z7.103
N390 G2 X12.636 Y178.562 Z7.01 I7.09 J-7.052
N395 G1 X136.454 Y178.563 Z5.541
N400 G2 X172.247 Y60.902 Z3.595 I0. J-64.274
N405 G3 X141.37 Y15.051 Z2.923 I40.728 J-60.748
N410 G2 X113.213 Y-8.221 Z2.454 I-28.617 J5.954
N415 G1 X.157 Y-9.999 Z1.113
N420 G2 X-10. Y0. Z.925 I-.157 J9.999
N425 G1 Y77.929 Z0.
N430 Y155.858
N435 G2 X-7.09 Y162.91 I10. J0.
N440 G1 X5.546 Y175.614
N445 G2 X12.636 Y178.562 I7.09 J-7.052
N450 G1 X136.454 Y178.563
N455 G2 X172.247 Y60.902 I0. J-64.274
N460 G3 X141.37 Y15.051 I40.728 J-60.748
N465 G2 X113.213 Y-8.221 I-28.617 J5.954
N470 G1 X.157 Y-9.999
N475 G2 X-10. Y0. I-.157 J9.999
N480 G1 Y77.929
N485 G3 X-20. Y87.929 I-10. J0.
N490 G1 G40 Y84.929
N495 G0 Z150.
( T2 FORET D 10)
N500 G53 G90 G0 Z0. H0
N505 M1
N510 T0003 M6
N515 T0001
N520 M8
N525 M79
N530 M11
N535 G0 G54 G90 A10. C40.
N540 M78
N545 M10
N550 X143.004 Y119.781 S2000 M3
N555 G43 Z151. H3
N560 Z51.
N565 G83 G94 G99 Z20. Q10. R51. F300
N570 G80
N575 G0 Z151.
N580 M9
N585 G53 G90 G0 Z0. H0
N590 M5
N595 G53 G90 G0 X0. Y0.
N600 T0001 M6
N605 M30
si c'est le cas, le PP fonctionne au premier abord,
tenez moi au courant, svp !
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
ce que j'attends
si vous avez réussi a faire fonctionner le post processeur avec l'exemple,
je me propose, si ça intéresse, d'indiquer la méthode de configuration catia
pour générer un fichier aptsource compatible.
ensuite, j'attendrais vos résultats de tests sur simulateur machine fanuc pour discuter.
si vous avez réussi a faire fonctionner le post processeur avec l'exemple,
je me propose, si ça intéresse, d'indiquer la méthode de configuration catia
pour générer un fichier aptsource compatible.
ensuite, j'attendrais vos résultats de tests sur simulateur machine fanuc pour discuter.
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
post processeur simplifie (sans interface graphique a creer)
ceci est valable pour catia V5 et V6:
dans Outils > Macro > Macros..., ensuite "Creer" le module "PostPro_5AX"
copier-coller le code suivant:
"Creer" ensuite le module "Module_PP_5AX",
copier-coller le "bloc 1" (voir messages precedent)
copier-coller le "bloc 2" suivant:
copier-coller les blocs "bloc 3", "bloc 4", et "bloc 5"
ceci est valable pour catia V5 et V6:
dans Outils > Macro > Macros..., ensuite "Creer" le module "PostPro_5AX"
copier-coller le code suivant:
- Code:
Const urlaptsource As String = "C:\Users\user\Documents\pp5axesV2\prismatique.aptsource"
Sub CATMain()
If PresenceFichier(urlaptsource) = False Then
MsgBox ("Fichier non trouvé !")
Exit Sub
End If
pp5axes (urlaptsource)
End Sub
"Creer" ensuite le module "Module_PP_5AX",
copier-coller le "bloc 1" (voir messages precedent)
copier-coller le "bloc 2" suivant:
- Code:
Sub pp5axes(ByVal urlaptsource As String)
MsgBox ("debut traitement")
Dim newvar0 As varclass
Dim oldvar0 As varclass
Dim ch0 As String
Dim path As String
path = ""
Dim nom_de_fichier As String
ch0 = urlaptsource
Do While InStr(ch0, Chr(92)) > 0
path = path + Mid(ch0, 1, InStr(ch0, Chr(92)))
ch0 = Mid(ch0, InStr(ch0, Chr(92)) + 1)
nom_de_fichier = Mid(ch0, 1, InStr(ch0, ".") - 1)
Dim fichier_sortie As String
Dim fichier_sortie_principal As String
Dim fichier_sortie_etat As Integer
fichier_sortie_etat = -1
Dim fichier_sortie2 As Integer
fichier_sortie2 = FreeFile
numeroBloc = 5
increment = 5
oldvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(2) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(3) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(5) = 9999 = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.bx = 1E+100 = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.dx = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.ex = 0 = 1E+100
oldvar.outil.arr = 0
oldvar.outil.s = 1E+100
oldvar.outil.rot = 1E+100
oldvar.outil.corrd = 40
oldvar.cycle.Zaf = 1E+100 = 1E+100
oldvar.ptc.bc = 1E+100 = 0
oldvar.cycle.Gs = 1E+100
oldvar.plunge = 0
oldvar.cldx = 1
oldvar.clex = 1
oldvar.g682m = 69
newvar.px = 0 = 0
newvar.pz = 0
newvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
newvar.g.g(2) = 54
newvar.g.g(3) = 90
newvar.g.g(5) = 94
newvar.ptf.dx = 0
newvar.ptf.ex = 0
newvar.outil.arr = 0
newvar.outil.code_arr(0) = cstarr0
newvar.outil.code_arr(1) = cstarr1
newvar.outil.code_arr(2) = cstarr2
newvar.outil.code_arr(3) = cstarr3
newvar.outil.code_arr(4) = cstarr4
newvar.outil.s = 1E+100
newvar.outil.f = 10000000000#
newvar.outil.rot = 1E+100
newvar.outil.couple = 0
newvar.outil.corrd = 40
newvar.cycle.Zaf = 1E+100 = 0
newvar.plunge = 0
newvar.cldx = 1
newvar.clex = 1
newvar.rotdx = 1E+100
newvar.rotex = 1E+100
newvar.defaultex = 1E+100
newvar.g682auto = 0
newvar.g682m = 69
newvar.g682x = 0
newvar.g682y = 0
newvar.g682z = 0
newvar.g434etat = 0
newvar.lintol = 0
newvar.rotetat = 0
sortie.cetat = 0
Dim ptd As pointdebut
Dim ptf As pointfinal
Dim ptfa As pointfinal
sortie.chaine = ""
sortie.Erreur = ""
Dim saisie As String
Dim buffer As String
Dim buffer2 As String
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim cle1 As String
Dim concat As Integer
Dim compteur As Double
Dim num1 As Integer
Dim i_outil_suivant As Integer
Dim at As Double
Dim az As Double
Dim var1 As Double
Dim var2 As Double
Dim var3 As Double
Dim ch1 As String
Dim total As Long
total = 0
newvar.etat = 0
Dim liste_outils(1999) As Long
Dim i1 As Integer
i1 = 1
Dim fichier_entree0 As Integer
fichier_entree0 = FreeFile
Open urlaptsource For Input As fichier_entree0
Do While Not EOF(fichier_entree0)
Line Input #fichier_entree0, saisie
total = total + 1
chaine1 = saisie
If InStr(chaine1, "LOADTL") = 1 Then
chaine1 = Mid(saisie, InStr(saisie, "/") + 1)
If InStr(chaine1, ",") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ","))
chaine2 = chaine1
End If
liste_outils(i1) = CLng(Fix(Val(chaine2)))
If (i1 > 1) And (liste_outils(i1) = liste_outils(i1 - 1)) Then
i1 = i1 - 1
End If
i1 = i1 + 1
End If
liste_outils(i1) = liste_outils(1)
Close #fichier_entree0
i_outil_suivant = 2
Dim ligne As Long
ligne = 0
concat = 0
boucle = 1
passage = 0
Dim fichier_entree As Integer
fichier_entree = FreeFile
Open urlaptsource For Input As #fichier_entree
Do While Not EOF(fichier_entree)
If boucle = 1 Then
Line Input #fichier_entree, saisie
saisie = buffer
passage = 1
End If
compteur = compteur + 1
If CLng(compteur / 100) <> ligne Then
ligne = CLng(compteur / 100)
' pp_saisie.Label1.Caption = Str(ligne * 100) + " lignes traitees sur " + Str(total)
' DoEvents
End If
If InStr(saisie, "$$") > 0 Then
saisie = "rien"
newvar.etat = 0
buffer2 = saisie
End If
num1 = Len(saisie)
If InStr(saisie, "$") > 0 Then
If concat = 0 Then
buffer = Mid(saisie, 1, InStr(saisie, "$") - 1)
concat = 1
buffer = buffer + Mid(saisie, 1, InStr(saisie, "$") - 1)
End If
If concat = 0 Then
buffer = saisie
buffer = buffer + saisie
concat = 0
End If
End If
If concat = 0 Then
newvar.etat = 0
If InStr(buffer, "PARTNO") = 1 Then
ch0 = UCase(Mid(buffer, 8))
fichier_sortie_principal = ""
For i1 = 1 To Len(ch0)
num1 = Asc(Mid(ch0, i1, 1))
If num1 >= 48 And num1 <= 57 Then
fichier_sortie_principal = fichier_sortie_principal + Chr(num1)
End If
If Val(fichier_sortie_principal) = 0 Or Val(fichier_sortie_principal) > 9999 Then
fichier_sortie_principal = "0001"
MsgBox ("PARTNO incorrect, sortie renommée en 0001 ")
End If
sortie.chaine = "%O" + Mid(Str(Val(fichier_sortie_principal) + 10000), 3)
fichier_sortie = fichier_sortie_principal
newvar.etat = 1
If PresenceFichier(path + fichier_sortie + ".tap") <> False Then
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFile(path + fichier_sortie + ".tap")
End If
Dim Fichier0 As Long
Fichier0 = FreeFile
Open path + fichier_sortie + ".tap" For Append As #Fichier0
MsgBox (fichier_sortie + ".tap")
' DoEvents
fichier_sortie_etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "SEQNO") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
numeroBloc = -1
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
numeroBloc = Abs(Val(Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ",") - 1)))
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, "INCR,") + 5)
increment = Abs(Val(chaine1))
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "PPRINT") = 1 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, 7)
chaine1 = StrConv(chaine1, vbUpperCase)
chaine2 = "("
chaine2 = chaine2 + chaine1
chaine2 = chaine2 & ")"
sortie.chaine = chaine2
newvar.etat = 1
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "INSERT") = 1 Then
chaine2 = Mid(buffer, 8)
chaine2 = chaine2
sortie.chaine = chaine2
newvar.etat = 1
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "PIVOTZ") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "AUTO") > 0 Then
Call word_pivotz(buffer, newvar)
oldvar.px = newvar.px =
oldvar.pz = newvar.pz
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "DEFSUB") = 1 Then
If fichier_sortie_etat = 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
chaine2 = Str(10000 + Val(chaine1))
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, 3)
fichier_sortie = fichier_sortie_principal & "S" & chaine2
If PresenceFichier(path + fichier_sortie + ".tap") <> False Then
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFile(path + fichier_sortie + ".tap")
End If
Close #Fichier0
Fichier0 = FreeFile
Open path + fichier_sortie + ".tap" For Append As #Fichier0
pp_saisie.Label2.Caption = fichier_sortie + ".tap"
sortie.chaine = "%O" & chaine2
newvar.etat = 1
fichier_sortie_etat = 1
End If
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "ENDSUB") = 1 Then
If fichier_sortie_etat = 1 Then
newvar.etat = 0
Print #Fichier0, numN + " M99" + vbLf + "%" + vbLf
Close #Fichier0
fichier_sortie_etat = 0
fichier_sortie = fichier_sortie_principal
Fichier0 = FreeFile
Open path + fichier_sortie + ".tap" For Append As #Fichier0
pp_saisie.Label2.Caption = fichier_sortie + ".tap"
End If
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CALSUB") = 1 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
chaine2 = Str(10000 + Val(chaine1))
chaine2 = Mid(chaine2, 3)
sortie.chaine = numN + " M98 P" & chaine2
newvar.etat = 1
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CLAMP") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "1") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.cldx = 0
newvar.cldx = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "2") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.clex = 0
newvar.clex = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.cldx = 0
newvar.clex = 0
newvar.cldx = 1
newvar.clex = 1
End If
End If
End If
newvar.etat = 0
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CUTTER") = 1 Then
newvar.outil.dia = Val(Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1, InStr(buffer, ",")))
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "LOADTL") = 1 Then
newvar.outil.ts = liste_outils(i_outil_suivant)
Call word_loadtl(buffer, newvar, oldvar, sortie)
i_outil_suivant = i_outil_suivant + 1
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "COOLNT") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "FLOOD") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.arr = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "MIST") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, ",1") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, ",") = 0 Then
newvar.outil.arr = 2
End If
If InStr(buffer, ",2") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.arr = 3
End If
If InStr(buffer, ",3") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.arr = 4
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.arr = 0
If newvar.outil.arr <> oldvar.outil.arr Then
sortie.chaine = cm9
sortie.chaine = ""
End If
newvar.etat = 1
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "SPINDL") = 1 Then
Call word_spindl(buffer, oldvar, newvar, sortie)
If sortie.cetat = 1 And newvar.outil.s <> oldvar.outil.s Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "COUPLE") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "ON") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "1") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.couple = 1
newvar.outil.couple = 2
End If
newvar.outil.couple = 0
End If
newvar.etat = 0
If sortie.cetat = 1 And newvar.outil.couple <> oldvar.outil.couple Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "FEDRAT") = 1 Then
Call word_fedrat(buffer, newvar, oldvar, sortie)
' MsgBox ("fedrat " + Str(newvar.outil.Forigin))
If sortie.cetat = 1 And newvar.outil.Forigin <> oldvar.outil.Forigin Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "RAPID") = 1 Then
If newvar.g.g(1) <> 80 Then
newvar.g.g(1) = 0
End If
newvar.etat = 0
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CUTCOM") = 1 Then
Call extract_cutcom(buffer, newvar)
newvar.etat = 0
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "GOTO") = 1 Then
Call word_goto(buffer, newvar, oldvar, sortie)
End If
If InStr(buffer, "INDIRV") > 0 Then
Call extract_indirv(buffer, newvar, oldvar)
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CIRCLE") > 0 Or InStr(buffer, "CYLNDR") > 0 Then
If sortie.cetat = 10 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
Call words_circle_cylndr(buffer, oldvar, newvar, sortie)
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "HELICAL") > 0 Then
If sortie.cetat = 10 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
Call word_helical(buffer, oldvar, newvar, sortie)
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "MODE") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "HIGH") > 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.high = 0
If newvar.high_etat = 1 Then
newvar.etat = 0
sortie.chaine = cg51q0
newvar.etat = 1
End If
ch1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, ",") + 1)
If InStr(ch1, ",") > 0 Then
ch1 = Mid(ch1, 1, InStr(ch1, ",") - 1)
End If
newvar.high = Val(ch1)
If InStr(buffer, "START") > 0 Then
newvar.high_etat = 1
newvar.etat = 0
newvar.high_etat = 0
End If
If newvar.high >= 1 And newvar.high <= 10 And newvar.high_etat = 0 Then
sortie.chaine = cg51q1r + Mid(Str(newvar.high), 2)
newvar.etat = 1
End If
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "XYZ") = 0 And InStr(buffer, "HIGH") = 0 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = "G49G53Z0"
newvar.g434etat = 0
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "ON") > 0 Then
newvar.g.g(4) = 43.4
oldvar.g.g(4) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(3) = 1E+100
oldvar.outil.f = 100000000
newvar.g434etat = 1
newvar.etat = 0
End If
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "REVERS") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.g682auto = 0
newvar.g682m = 69
newvar.g682x = 0
newvar.g682y = 0
newvar.g682z = 0
sortie.chaine = "G69"
oldvar.g682m = 69
newvar.etat = 1
newvar.g682auto = 1
newvar.g682m = 68.2
newvar.etat = 0
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "TOOLNO") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "RADIUS") > 0 Then
newvar.outil.d = CInt(Fix(Val(Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, ",") + 1))))
newvar.outil.h = CInt(Fix(Val(Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1))))
oldvar.outil.corrh = -1
End If
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If InStr(buffer, "STOP") = 1 Then
sortie.chaine = cm0
newvar.etat = 1
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "OSTOP") = 1 Then
sortie.chaine = cm1
newvar.etat = 1
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "ROTABL") = 1 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
If InStr(chaine1, "AAXIS") > 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
If InStr(chaine1, ",") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ","))
chaine2 = chaine1
End If
newvar.rotdx = Val(chaine2)
End If
If InStr(chaine1, "CAXIS") > 0 Then
chaine1 = Mid(chaine1, InStr(chaine1, ",") + 1)
If InStr(chaine1, ",") > 0 Then
chaine2 = Mid(chaine1, 1, InStr(chaine1, ","))
chaine2 = chaine1
End If
newvar.rotex = Val(chaine2)
newvar.ptf.ex = newvar.rotex
End If
newvar.etat = 0
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "MOVETO") = 1 Then
Call word_moveto(buffer, newvar, oldvar, sortie)
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "DELAY") = 1 Then
chaine1 = Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1)
sortie.chaine = "G4X" + chaine(Val(chaine1))
newvar.etat = 1
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "ORIGIN") = 1 Then
Call word_origin(buffer, newvar, oldvar, sortie)
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/OFF") = 1 Then
newvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
oldvar.g.g(1) = 1E+100
newvar.cycle.Gs = 999
sortie.chaine = numN + cg80 = newvar.cycle.Zaf
newvar.etat = 1
End If
If InStr(buffer, "LINTOL") = 1 Then
If InStr(buffer, "OFF") > 0 Then
newvar.lintol = 0
newvar.lintol = Val(Mid(buffer, InStr(buffer, "/") + 1))
End If
newvar.etat = 0
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/BRKCHP") = 1 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/INVERS") = 1 Or _
InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/LOCK") = 1 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/DRILL") = 1 Or _
InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/FACE") = 1 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/DEEP") = 1 Or _
InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/TAP") = 1 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/BORE") = 1 Or _
InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/REAM") = 1 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/STEP") = 1 Or _
InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/MANUAL") = 1 Or InStr(buffer, "CYCLE/THRU") = 1 Then
oldvar.cycle.Gs = 999
Call word_cycle(buffer, newvar)
newvar.outil.Forigin = newvar.outil.f
oldvar.outil.f = -1
newvar.etat = 0
If sortie.cetat = 1 Then
sortie.cetat = 2
End If
End If
If InStr(buffer, "CATMAT") = 1 Then
Call word_catmat(buffer, newvar)
If newvar.g682auto = 1 Then
newvar.g682x = newvar.rotb.mat(1, 4) + newvar.rota.mat(1, 4)
newvar.g682y = newvar.rotb.mat(2, 4) + newvar.rota.mat(2, 4)
newvar.g682z = newvar.rotb.mat(3, 4) + newvar.rota.mat(3, 4)
oldvar.ptf.dx = 1E+100
oldvar.ptf.ex = 1E+100
End If
newvar.etat = 0
End If
If sortie.cetat = 2 And boucle = 1 Then
' MsgBox ("Fold0 " + Str(oldvar.outil.Forigin) + " Fnew0 " + Str(newvar.outil.Forigin))
newvar = sortie.imanew1
oldvar = sortie.imaold1
newvar.etat = 1
' MsgBox ("Fold1 " + Str(oldvar.outil.Forigin) + " Fnew1 " + Str(newvar.outil.Forigin))
Call spcircle(oldvar, newvar, sortie)
boucle = -1
sortie.cetat = 0
End If
If newvar.etat = 1 Then
If fichier_sortie_etat <> -1 Then
If Len(sortie.Erreur) > 0 Then
Print #Fichier0, sortie.Erreur
End If
If Len(sortie.chaine) > 0 Then
Print #Fichier0, sortie.chaine
End If
sortie.chaine = ""
sortie.Erreur = ""
Close #fichier_entree
MsgBox ("PARTNO non défini !")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
If passage = 1 Then
boucle = 1
passage = 0
End If
Close #fichier_entree
sortie.chaine = numN + cstarr0 + vbLf
If numeroBloc > 0 Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + finligne1 + vbLf
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + cstn + "9999" + finligne1 + vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + finligne2 + vbLf
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + finligne3 + vbLf
If liste_outils(1) <> Then
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + cstt + Mid(Str(10000 + _
liste_outils(1)), 3) + cm6 + vbLf
End If
sortie.chaine = sortie.chaine + numN + finligne4 + vbLf + "%" + vbLf
Print #Fichier0, sortie.chaine
Close #Fichier0
MsgBox ("fin traitement")
End Sub
copier-coller les blocs "bloc 3", "bloc 4", et "bloc 5"
bruno18100- actif
- Messages : 39
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Localisation : vierzon
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