Adaptation macro cartouche
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Adaptation macro cartouche
Bonjour à tous,
j'aurais besoin d'aide d'expert pour modifier une macro catia.
Pour mon travail, je voulais adapter un des cartouches proposé par défaut dans catia v5. Et ce afin de ne pas a avoir a enregistrer un fichier drawing "type" que je dois ressortir à chaque fois que je fais une mise en plan.
Dans un premier temps, j'ai modifié les textes qui étaient en anglais (ex: checked by -> vérifier par...)
Tout fonctionne sauf que maintenant lorsque j'utilise ce cartouche, les actions sont en anglais. Comment faire pour revenir a une interface en français?
Après j'aurais deux autres questions:
- comment ajouter le logo de l'entreprise à gauche du nom de la société?
- comment ajouter un block de texte dans le coin inférieur gauche de la feuille avec les infos suivantes:
-ARÊTES VIVES: CH 0.5 x 45°
j'aurais besoin d'aide d'expert pour modifier une macro catia.
Pour mon travail, je voulais adapter un des cartouches proposé par défaut dans catia v5. Et ce afin de ne pas a avoir a enregistrer un fichier drawing "type" que je dois ressortir à chaque fois que je fais une mise en plan.
Dans un premier temps, j'ai modifié les textes qui étaient en anglais (ex: checked by -> vérifier par...)
Tout fonctionne sauf que maintenant lorsque j'utilise ce cartouche, les actions sont en anglais. Comment faire pour revenir a une interface en français?
Après j'aurais deux autres questions:
- comment ajouter le logo de l'entreprise à gauche du nom de la société?
- comment ajouter un block de texte dans le coin inférieur gauche de la feuille avec les infos suivantes:
-ARÊTES VIVES: CH 0.5 x 45°
- Code:
' ****************************************************************************
' Purpose: To draw a Frame and TitleBlock
' Assumptions: A Drafting document should be active
' Author: GDG\DU\PYW
' Languages: VBScript
' Version: V5R18
' Reg. Settings: English (United States)
' ****************************************************************************
Public ActiveDoc As Document
Public Sheets
Public Sheet
Public Views
Public View
Public Texts As DrawingTexts
Public Text As DrawingText
Public Fact As Factory2D
Public Selection As Selection
Function Col(idx As Integer) As Variant
Col = Array(-190, -145, -125, -110, -95, -50, -30, -15)(idx - 1)
End Function
Function Row(idx As Integer) As Variant
Row = Array(10, 12, 24, 36, 40, 60)(idx - 1)
End Function
Function GetRulerLength() As Double
GetRulerLength = 200#
End Function
Function GetMacroID() As String
GetMacroID = "Drawing_Ateliers_Serres"
End Function
Function GetNbOfRevision() As Integer
GetNbOfRevision = 9
End Function
Function GetRevRowHeight() As Double
GetRevRowHeight = 10#
End Function
Function GetDisplayFormat() As String
GetDisplayFormat = Array("Letter", "Legal", "A0", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "User")(Sheet.PaperSize)
End Function
Function GetOffset() As Double
If Sheet.PaperSize = CatPaperA0 Or Sheet.PaperSize = CatPaperA1 Or (Sheet.PaperSize = CatPaperUser And (GetWidth() > 594# Or GetHeight() > 594#)) Then
GetOffset = 20#
GetOffset = 10#
End If
End Function
Function GetWidth() As Double
Select Case TypeName(Sheet)
Case "DrawingSheet": GetWidth = Sheet.GetPaperWidth
Case "Layout2DSheet": GetWidth = Sheet.PaperWidth
End Select
End Function
Function GetHeight() As Double
Select Case TypeName(Sheet)
Case "DrawingSheet": GetHeight = Sheet.GetPaperHeight
Case "Layout2DSheet": GetHeight = Sheet.PaperHeight
End Select
End Function
Function GetOH() As Double
GetOH = GetWidth() - GetOffset()
End Function
Function GetOV() As Double
GetOV = GetOffset()
End Function
Function GetColRev(index As Integer)
GetColRev = Array(-190, -175, -140, -20)(index - 1)
End Function
Function GetRevLetter(index As Integer)
GetRevLetter = Chr(Asc("A") + index - 1)
End Function
Function CreateLine(iX1 As Double, iY1 As Double, iX2 As Double, iY2 As Double, iName As String) As Curve2D
' Creates a sketcher lines thanks to the current 2D factory set to the global variable Fact
' The created line is reneamed to the given iName
' Start point and End point are created and renamed iName&"_start", iName&"_end"
Set CreateLine = Fact.CreateLine(iX1, iY1, iX2, iY2)
CreateLine.Name = iName
Set Point = CreateLine.StartPoint 'Create the start point
point.Name = iName&"_start"
Set Point = CreateLine.EndPoint 'Create the start point
point.Name = iName&"_end"
End Function
Function CreateText(iCaption As String, iX As Double, iY As Double, iName As String) As DrawingText
'How to create a text
Set CreateText = Texts.Add(iCaption, iX, iY)
CreateText.Name = iName
CreateText.AnchorPosition = catMiddleCenter
End Function
Function CreateTextAF(iCaption As String, iX As Double, iY As Double, iName As String, iAnchorPosition As CatTextAnchorPosition, iFontSize As Double) As DrawingText
'How to create a text
Set CreateTextAF = Texts.Add(iCaption, iX, iY)
CreateTextAF.Name = iName
CreateTextAF.AnchorPosition = iAnchorPosition
CreateTextAF.SetFontSize 0, 0, iFontSize
End Function
Sub SelectAll(iQuery As String)
Selection.Add (View)
'MsgBox iQuery
Selection.Search iQuery&",sel"
End Sub
Sub DeleteAll(iQuery As String)
'Delete all elements matching the query string iQuery
'Pay attention no to provide a localized query string.
Selection.Add (View)
'MsgBox iQuery
Selection.Search iQuery&",sel"
' Avoid Delete failure in case of an empty query result
If Selection.Count2 <> 0 Then Selection.Delete
End Sub
Sub CATMain()
If Not CATInit(targetSheet) Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
Name = Texts.GetItem("Reference_" + GetMacroID()).Name
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Name = "none"
End If
On Error GoTo 0
If (Name = "none") Then
End If
End Sub
Sub CATDrw_Creation(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to create the FTB
If Not CATInit(targetSheet) Then Exit Sub
If CATCheckRef(1) Then Exit Sub 'To check whether a FTB exists already in the sheet
CATCreateReference 'To place on the drawing a reference point
CATFrame 'To draw the frame
CATCreateTitleBlockFrame 'To draw the geometry
CATTitleBlockText 'To fill in the title block
CATColorGeometry 'To change the geometry color
CATExit targetSheet 'To save the sketch edition
End Sub
Sub CATDrw_Deletion(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to delete the FTB
If Not CATInit(targetSheet) Then Exit Sub
If CATCheckRef(0) Then Exit Sub
DeleteAll "..Name=Frame_*"
DeleteAll "..Name=TitleBlock_*"
DeleteAll "..Name=RevisionBlock_*"
DeleteAll "..Name=Reference_*"
CATExit targetSheet
End Sub
Sub CATDrw_Resizing(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to resize the FTB
If Not CATInit(targetSheet) Then Exit Sub
If CATCheckRef(0) Then Exit Sub
Dim TbTranslation(2)
ComputeTitleBlockTranslation TbTranslation
Dim RbTranslation(2)
ComputeRevisionBlockTranslation RbTranslation
If TbTranslation(0) <> 0 Or TbTranslation(1) <> 0 Then
' Redraw Sheet Frame
DeleteAll "CATDrwSearch.DrwText.Name=Frame_Text_*"
DeleteAll "CATDrwSearch.2DGeometry.Name=Frame_*"
' Redraw Title Block Frame
CATMoveTitleBlockText TbTranslation
' Redraw revision block
CATMoveRevisionBlockText RbTranslation
' Move the views
CATMoveViews TbTranslation
End If
CATExit targetSheet
End Sub
Sub CATDrw_Update(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to update the FTB
If Not CATInit(targetSheet) Then Exit Sub
If CATCheckRef(0) Then Exit Sub
CATExit targetSheet
End Sub
Function GetContext()
' Find execution context
Select Case TypeName(Sheet)
Case "DrawingSheet"
Select Case TypeName(ActiveDoc)
Case "DrawingDocument": GetContext = "DRW"
Case "ProductDocument": GetContext = "SCH"
Case Else: GetContext = "Unexpected"
End Select
Case "Layout2DSheet": GetContext = "LAY"
Case Else: GetContext = "Unexpected"
End Select
End Function
Sub CATDrw_CheckedBy(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to update a bit more the FTB
If Not CATInit(targetSheet) Then Exit Sub
If CATCheckRef(0) Then Exit Sub
CATFillField "TitleBlock_Text_Check_1", "TitleBlock_Text_CDate_1", "checked"
CATExit targetSheet
End Sub
Sub CATDrw_AddRevisionBlock(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to create or modify a revison block
If Not CATInit(targetSheet) Then Exit Sub
If CATCheckRef(0) Then Exit Sub
CATAddRevisionBlockText 'To fill in the title block
CATCreateRevisionBlockFrame 'To draw the geometry
CATExit targetSheet
End Sub
Function CATInit(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to init the dialog and create main objects
Set Selection = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
Set Sheet = targetSheet
Set Sheets = Sheet.Parent
Set ActiveDoc = Sheets.Parent
Set Views = Sheet.Views
Set View = Views.Item(2) 'Get the background view
Set Texts = View.Texts
Set Fact = View.Factory2D
If GetContext() = "Unexpected" Then
Msg = "The macro runs in an inappropriate environment." & Chr(13) & "The script will terminate wihtout finishing the current action."
Title = "Unexpected environement error"
MsgBox Msg, 16, Title
CATInit = False 'Exit with error
Exit Function
End If
CATIA.HSOSynchronized = False
'Exit without error
CATInit = True 'Exit without error
End Function
Sub CATExit(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to restore the document working mode
CATIA.HSOSynchronized = True
End Sub
Sub CATCreateReference()
'How to create a reference text
Set Text = Texts.Add("", GetWidth() - GetOffset(), GetOffset())
Text.Name = "Reference_" + GetMacroID
End Sub
Function CATCheckRef(Mode As Integer) As Integer
'How to check that the called macro is the right one
nbTexts = Texts.Count
i = 0
notFound = 0
While (notFound = 0 And i < nbTexts)
i = i + 1
Set Text = Texts.Item(i)
WholeName = Text.Name
leftText = Left(WholeName, 10)
If (leftText = "Reference_") Then
notFound = 1
refText = "Reference_" + GetMacroID()
If (Mode = 1) Then
MsgBox "Frame and Titleblock already created!"
CATCheckRef = 1
Exit Function
ElseIf (Text.Name <> refText) Then
MsgBox "Frame and Titleblock created using another style:" + Chr(10) + " " + GetMacroID()
CATCheckRef = 1
Exit Function
CATCheckRef = 0
Exit Function
End If
End If
If Mode = 1 Then
CATCheckRef = 0
MsgBox "No Frame and Titleblock!"
CATCheckRef = 1
End If
End Function
Function CATCheckRev() As Integer
'How to check that a revision block alredy exists
SelectAll "CATDrwSearch.DrwText.Name=RevisionBlock_Text_Rev_*"
CATCheckRev = Selection.Count2
End Function
Sub CATFrame()
'How to create the Frame
Dim Cst_1 As Double 'Length (in cm) between 2 horinzontal marks
Dim Cst_2 As Double 'Length (in cm) between 2 vertical marks
Dim Nb_CM_H As Integer 'Number/2 of horizontal centring marks
Dim Nb_CM_V As Integer 'Number/2 of vertical centring marks
Dim Ruler As Integer 'Ruler length (in cm)
CATFrameStandard Nb_CM_H, Nb_CM_V, Ruler, Cst_1, Cst_2
CATFrameCentringMark Nb_CM_H, Nb_CM_V, Ruler, Cst_1, Cst_2
CATFrameText Nb_CM_H, Nb_CM_V, Ruler, Cst_1, Cst_2
CATFrameRuler Ruler, Cst_1
End Sub
Sub CATFrameStandard(Nb_CM_H As Integer, Nb_CM_V As Integer, Ruler As Integer, Cst_1 As Double, Cst_2 As Double)
'How to compute standard values
Cst_1 = 74.2 '297, 594, 1189 are multiples of 74.2
Cst_2 = 52.5 '210, 420, 841 are multiples of 52.2
If Sheet.Orientation = CatPaperPortrait And _
(Sheet.PaperSize = CatPaperA0 Or _
Sheet.PaperSize = CatPaperA2 Or _
Sheet.PaperSize = CatPaperA4) Or _
Sheet.Orientation = CatPaperLandscape And _
(Sheet.PaperSize = CatPaperA1 Or _
Sheet.PaperSize = CatPaperA3) Then
Cst_1 = 52.5
Cst_2 = 74.2
End If
Nb_CM_H = CInt(0.5 * GetWidth() / Cst_1)
Nb_CM_V = CInt(0.5 * GetHeight() / Cst_2)
Ruler = CInt((Nb_CM_H - 1) * Cst_1 / 50) * 100 'here is computed the maximum ruler length
If GetRulerLength() < Ruler Then Ruler = GetRulerLength()
End Sub
Sub CATFrameBorder()
'How to draw the frame border
On Error Resume Next
CreateLine GetOV(), GetOV(), GetOH(), GetOV(), "Frame_Border_Bottom"
CreateLine GetOH(), GetOV(), GetOH(), GetHeight() - GetOffset(), "Frame_Border_Left"
CreateLine GetOH(), GetHeight() - GetOffset(), GetOV(), GetHeight() - GetOffset(), "Frame_Border_Top"
CreateLine GetOV(), GetHeight() - GetOffset(), GetOV(), GetOV(), "Frame_Border_Right"
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub CATFrameCentringMark(Nb_CM_H As Integer, Nb_CM_V As Integer, Ruler As Integer, Cst_1 As Double, Cst_2 As Double)
'How to draw the centring marks
On Error Resume Next
CreateLine 0.5 * GetWidth(), GetHeight() - GetOffset(), 0.5 * GetWidth(), GetHeight(), "Frame_CentringMark_Top"
CreateLine 0.5 * GetWidth(), GetOV(), 0.5 * GetWidth(), 0#, "Frame_CentringMark_Bottom"
CreateLine GetOV(), 0.5 * GetHeight(), 0#, 0.5 * GetHeight(), "Frame_CentringMark_Left"
CreateLine GetWidth() - GetOffset(), 0.5 * GetHeight(), GetWidth(), 0.5 * GetHeight(), "Frame_CentringMark_Right"
For i = Nb_CM_H To Ruler / 2 / Cst_1 Step -1
If (i * Cst_1 < 0.5 * GetWidth() - 1#) Then
x = 0.5 * GetWidth() + i * Cst_1
CreateLine x, GetOV(), x, 0.25 * GetOffset(), "Frame_CentringMark_Bottom_" & Int(x)
x = 0.5 * GetWidth() - i * Cst_1
CreateLine x, GetOV(), x, 0.25 * GetOffset(), "Frame_CentringMark_Bottom_" & Int(x)
End If
For i = 1 To Nb_CM_H
If (i * Cst_1 < 0.5 * GetWidth() - 1#) Then
x = 0.5 * GetWidth() + i * Cst_1
CreateLine x, GetHeight() - GetOffset(), x, GetHeight() - 0.25 * GetOffset(), "Frame_CentringMark_Top_" & Int(x)
x = 0.5 * GetWidth() - i * Cst_1
CreateLine x, GetHeight() - GetOffset(), x, GetHeight() - 0.25 * GetOffset(), "Frame_CentringMark_Top_" & Int(x)
End If
For i = 1 To Nb_CM_V
If (i * Cst_2 < 0.5 * GetHeight() - 1#) Then
y = 0.5 * GetHeight() + i * Cst_2
CreateLine GetOV(), y, 0.25 * GetOffset(), y, "Frame_CentringMark_Left_" & Int(y)
CreateLine GetOH(), y, GetWidth() - 0.25 * GetOffset(), y, "Frame_CentringMark_Right_" & Int(y)
y = 0.5 * GetHeight() - i * Cst_2
CreateLine GetOV(), y, 0.25 * GetOffset(), y, "Frame_CentringMark_Left_" & Int(y)
CreateLine GetOH(), y, GetWidth() - 0.25 * GetOffset(), y, "Frame_CentringMark_Right_" & Int(y)
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub CATFrameText(Nb_CM_H As Integer, Nb_CM_V As Integer, Ruler As Integer, Cst_1 As Double, Cst_2 As Double)
'How to create coordinates
On Error Resume Next
For i = Nb_CM_H To (Ruler / 2 / Cst_1 + 1) Step -1
CreateText Chr(65 + Nb_CM_H - i), 0.5 * GetWidth() + (i - 0.5) * Cst_1, 0.5 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Text_Bottom_1_" & Chr(65 + Nb_CM_H - i)
CreateText Chr(64 + Nb_CM_H + i), 0.5 * GetWidth() - (i - 0.5) * Cst_1, 0.5 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Text_Bottom_2_" & Chr(65 + Nb_CM_H + i)
For i = 1 To Nb_CM_H
t = Chr(65 + Nb_CM_H - i)
CreateText(t, 0.5 * GetWidth() + (i - 0.5) * Cst_1, GetHeight() - 0.5 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Text_Top_1_" & t).Angle = -90
t = Chr(64 + Nb_CM_H + i)
CreateText(t, 0.5 * GetWidth() - (i - 0.5) * Cst_1, GetHeight() - 0.5 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Text_Top_2_" & t).Angle = -90
For i = 1 To Nb_CM_V
t = CStr(Nb_CM_V + i)
CreateText t, GetWidth() - 0.5 * GetOffset(), 0.5 * GetHeight() + (i - 0.5) * Cst_2, "Frame_Text_Right_1_" & t
CreateText(t, 0.5 * GetOffset(), 0.5 * GetHeight() + (i - 0.5) * Cst_2, "Frame_Text_Left_1_" & t).Angle = -90
t = CStr(Nb_CM_V - i + 1)
CreateText t, GetWidth() - 0.5 * GetOffset(), 0.5 * GetHeight() - (i - 0.5) * Cst_2, "Frame_Text_Right_1_" & t
CreateText(t, 0.5 * GetOffset(), 0.5 * GetHeight() - (i - 0.5) * Cst_2, "Frame_Text_Left_2" & t).Angle = -90
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub CATFrameRuler(Ruler As Integer, Cst_1 As Single)
'How to create a ruler
'Frame_Ruler_Guide -----------------------------------------------
'Frame_Ruler_1cm | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
'Frame_Ruler_5cm | | | | |
On Error Resume Next
CreateLine 0.5 * GetWidth() - Ruler / 2, 0.75 * GetOffset(), 0.5 * GetWidth() + Ruler / 2, 0.75 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Ruler_Guide"
For i = 1 To Ruler / 100
CreateLine 0.5 * GetWidth() - 50 * i, GetOV(), 0.5 * GetWidth() - 50 * i, 0.5 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Ruler_1_" & i
CreateLine 0.5 * GetWidth() + 50 * i, GetOV(), 0.5 * GetWidth() + 50 * i, 0.5 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Ruler_2_" & i
For j = 1 To 4
CreateLine .5 * GetWidth() - 50 * i + 10 * j, GetOV(), .5 * GetWidth() - 50 * i + 10 * j, .75 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Ruler_3"&i&"_"&j
CreateLine .5 * GetWidth() + 50 * i - 10 * j, GetOV(), .5 * GetWidth() + 50 * i - 10 * j, .75 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Ruler_4"&i&"_"&j
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub CATDeleteTitleBlockFrame()
DeleteAll "CATDrwSearch.2DGeometry.Name=TitleBlock_Line_*"
End Sub
Sub CATCreateTitleBlockFrame()
'How to draw the title block geometry
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(1), GetOV(), GetOH(), GetOV(), "TitleBlock_Line_Bottom"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(1), GetOV(), GetOH() + Col(1), GetOV() + Row(6), "TitleBlock_Line_Left"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(1), GetOV() + Row(6), GetOH(), GetOV() + Row(6), "TitleBlock_Line_Top"
CreateLine GetOH(), GetOV() + Row(6), GetOH(), GetOV(), "TitleBlock_Line_Right"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(3), GetOV() + Row(1), GetOH(), GetOV() + Row(1), "TitleBlock_Line_Row_1"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(1), GetOV() + Row(2), GetOH() + Col(3), GetOV() + Row(2), "TitleBlock_Line_Row_2"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(1), GetOV() + Row(3), GetOH(), GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Line_Row_3"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(1), GetOV() + Row(4), GetOH() + Col(3), GetOV() + Row(4), "TitleBlock_Line_Row_4"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(3), GetOV() + Row(5), GetOH(), GetOV() + Row(5), "TitleBlock_Line_Row_5"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(2), GetOV(), GetOH() + Col(2), GetOV() + Row(4), "TitleBlock_Line_Column_1"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(3), GetOV(), GetOH() + Col(3), GetOV() + Row(6), "TitleBlock_Line_Column_2"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(4), GetOV() + Row(1), GetOH() + Col(4), GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Line_Column_3"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(5), GetOV(), GetOH() + Col(5), GetOV() + Row(1), "TitleBlock_Line_Column_4"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(6), GetOV(), GetOH() + Col(6), GetOV() + Row(1), "TitleBlock_Line_Column_5"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(7), GetOV(), GetOH() + Col(7), GetOV() + Row(1), "TitleBlock_Line_Column_6"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(8), GetOV() + Row(1), GetOH() + Col(8), GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Line_Column_7"
End Sub
Sub CATTitleBlockText()
'How to fill in the title block
Text_01 = "CONÇU PAR"
Text_02 = CATIA.SystemService.Environ("LOGNAME")
If Text_02 = "" Then Text_02 = CATIA.SystemService.Environ("USERNAME")
Text_03 = "DATE"
Text_04 = "XXX"
Text_05 = "VÉRIFIÉ PAR"
Text_06 = "DESSINÉ PAR"
Text_07 = "Ce document est la propriété." + Chr(10) + _
"des ATELIERS SERRES." + Chr(10) + _
"Il ne peut être communiqué" + Chr(10) + _
"à des tiers et/ou reproduit." + Chr(10) + _
"sans autorisation écrite."
Text_08 = "ÉCHELLE"
Text_09 = "MASSE (kg)"
Text_10 = "FEUILLE"
Text_11 = "FORMAT"
Text_12 = "XXX" ' Paper Format
Text_13 = "RÉFÉRENCE – N° PLAN"
Text_14 = "INDICE"
Text_15 = "X"
CreateTextAF Text_01, GetOH() + Col(1) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(2), "TitleBlock_Text_Design", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_04, GetOH() + Col(1) + 1#, GetOV(), "TitleBlock_Text_Design_1", catBottomLeft, 4
CreateTextAF Text_03, GetOH() + Col(2) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(2), "TitleBlock_Text_DeDate", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_04, GetOH() + 0.5 * (Col(2) + Col(3)), GetOV(), "TitleBlock_Text_DeDate_1", catBottomCenter, 2
CreateTextAF Text_05, GetOH() + Col(1) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Text_Check", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_04, GetOH() + Col(1) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(2), "TitleBlock_Text_Check_1", catBottomLeft, 4
CreateTextAF Text_03, GetOH() + Col(2) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Text_CDate", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_04, GetOH() + 0.5 * (Col(2) + Col(3)), GetOV() + Row(2), "TitleBlock_Text_CDate_1", catBottomCenter, 2
CreateTextAF Text_06, GetOH() + Col(1) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(4), "TitleBlock_Text_Drawn", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_02, GetOH() + Col(1) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Text_Drawn_1", catBottomLeft, 4
CreateTextAF Text_03, GetOH() + Col(2) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(4), "TitleBlock_Text_DrDate", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF "" & Date, GetOH() + 0.5 * (Col(2) + Col(3)), GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Text_DrDate_1", catBottomCenter, 2
CreateTextAF Text_07, GetOH() + 0.5 * (Col(1) + Col(3)), GetOV() + 0.5 * (Row(6) + Row(4)), "TitleBlock_Text_Rights", catMiddleCenter, 2.5
CreateTextAF Text_08, GetOH() + Col(3) + 1, GetOV() + 0.5 * Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_Scale", catMiddleLeft, 3
' Insert Text Attribute link on sheet's scale
Set Text = CreateTextAF("", GetOH() + Col(5) - 1, GetOV() + 0.5 * Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_Scale_1", catMiddleRight, 3)
Select Case GetContext():
Case "LAY": Text.InsertVariable 0, 0, ActiveDoc.Part.GetItem("CATLayoutRoot").Parameters.Item(ActiveDoc.Part.GetItem("CATLayoutRoot").Name + "\" + Sheet.Name + "\ViewMakeUp2DL.1\Scale")
Case "DRW": Text.InsertVariable 0, 0, ActiveDoc.DrawingRoot.Parameters.Item("Drawing\" + Sheet.Name + "\ViewMakeUp.1\Scale")
Case Else: Text.Text = "XX"
End Select
CreateTextAF Text_09, GetOH() + Col(5) + 1, GetOV() + 0.5 * Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_Weight", catMiddleLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_04, GetOH() + Col(6) - 1, GetOV() + 0.5 * Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_Weight_1", catMiddleRight, 3
CreateTextAF Text_10, GetOH() + Col(7) + 1, GetOV() + 0.5 * Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_Sheet", catMiddleLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_04, GetOH() - 1, GetOV() + 0.5 * Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_Sheet_1", catMiddleRight, 3
CreateTextAF Text_11, GetOH() + Col(3) + 1, GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Text_Size", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_12, GetOH() + 0.5 * (Col(3) + Col(4)), GetOV() + Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_Size_1", catBottomCenter, 4
CreateTextAF Text_13, GetOH() + Col(4) + 1, GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Text_Number", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_04, GetOH() + 0.5 * (Col(4) + Col(8)), GetOV() + Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_EnoviaV5_Effectivity", catBottomCenter, 4
CreateTextAF Text_14, GetOH() + Col(8) + 1, GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Text_Rev", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_15, GetOH() + 0.5 * Col(8), GetOV() + Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_Rev_1", catBottomCenter, 4
CreateTextAF Text_16, GetOH() + Col(3) + 1, GetOV() + Row(5), "TitleBlock_Text_Title", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_04, GetOH() + 0.5 * Col(3), GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Text_Title_1", catBottomCenter, 4
CreateTextAF Text_17, GetOH() + 0.5 * Col(3), GetOV() + 0.5 * (Row(5) + Row(6)), "TitleBlock_Text_Company", catMiddleCenter, 5
End Sub
Sub CATDeleteRevisionBlockFrame()
DeleteAll "CATDrwSearch.2DGeometry.Name=RevisionBlock_Line_*"
End Sub
Sub CATCreateRevisionBlockFrame()
'How to draw the revision block geometry
revision = CATCheckRev()
If revision = 0 Then Exit Sub
For ii = 0 To revision
iX = GetOH()
iY1 = GetHeight() - GetOV() - GetRevRowHeight() * ii
iY2 = GetHeight() - GetOV() - GetRevRowHeight() * (ii + 1)
CreateLine iX + GetColRev(1), iY1, iX + GetColRev(1), iY2, "RevisionBlock_Line_Column_" + GetRevLetter(ii) + "_1"
CreateLine iX + GetColRev(2), iY1, iX + GetColRev(2), iY2, "RevisionBlock_Line_Column_" + GetRevLetter(ii) + "_2"
CreateLine iX + GetColRev(3), iY1, iX + GetColRev(3), iY2, "RevisionBlock_Line_Column_" + GetRevLetter(ii) + "_3"
CreateLine iX + GetColRev(4), iY1, iX + GetColRev(4), iY2, "RevisionBlock_Line_Column_" + GetRevLetter(ii) + "_4"
CreateLine iX + GetColRev(1), iY2, iX, iY2, "RevisionBlock_Line_Row_" + GetRevLetter(ii)
End Sub
Sub CATAddRevisionBlockText()
'How to fill in the revision block
revision = CATCheckRev() + 1
x = GetOH()
y = GetHeight() - GetOV() - GetRevRowHeight() * (revision - 0.5)
Init = InputBox("This review has been done by:", "Reviewer's name", "XXX")
Description = InputBox("Comment to be inserted:", "Description", "None")
If revision = 1 Then
CreateTextAF "REV", x + GetColRev(1) + 1#, y, "RevisionBlock_Text_Rev", catMiddleLeft, 5
CreateTextAF "DATE", x + GetColRev(2) + 1#, y, "RevisionBlock_Text_Date", catMiddleLeft, 5
CreateTextAF "DESCRIPTION", x + GetColRev(3) + 1#, y, "RevisionBlock_Text_Description", catMiddleLeft, 5
CreateTextAF "INIT", x + GetColRev(4) + 1#, y, "RevisionBlock_Text_Init", catMiddleLeft, 5
End If
CreateTextAF GetRevLetter(revision), x + 0.5 * (GetColRev(1) + GetColRev(2)), y - GetRevRowHeight(), "RevisionBlock_Text_Rev_" + GetRevLetter(revision), catMiddleCenter, 5
CreateTextAF "" & Date, x + 0.5 * (GetColRev(2) + GetColRev(3)), y - GetRevRowHeight(), "RevisionBlock_Text_Date_" + GetRevLetter(revision), catMiddleCenter, 3.5
CreateTextAF Description, x + GetColRev(3) + 1#, y - GetRevRowHeight(), "RevisionBlock_Text_Description_" + GetRevLetter(revision), catMiddleLeft, 2.5
CreateTextAF Init, x + 0.5 * GetColRev(4), y - GetRevRowHeight(), "RevisionBlock_Text_Init_" + GetRevLetter(revision), catMiddleCenter, 5
On Error Resume Next
Texts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_MDate_" + GetRevLetter(revision)).Text = "" & Date
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub ComputeTitleBlockTranslation(TranslationTab As Variant)
TranslationTab(0) = 0#
TranslationTab(1) = 0#
On Error Resume Next
Set Text = Texts.GetItem("Reference_" + GetMacroID()) 'Get the reference text
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
TranslationTab(0) = GetWidth() - GetOffset() - Text.x
TranslationTab(1) = GetOffset() - Text.y
Text.x = Text.x + TranslationTab(0)
Text.y = Text.y + TranslationTab(1)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub ComputeRevisionBlockTranslation(TranslationTab As Variant)
TranslationTab(0) = 0#
TranslationTab(1) = 0#
On Error Resume Next
Set Text = Texts.GetItem("RevisionBlock_Text_Init") 'Get the reference text
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
TranslationTab(0) = GetWidth() - GetOffset() + GetColRev(4) - Text.x
TranslationTab(1) = GetHeight() - GetOffset() - 0.5 * GetRevRowHeight() - Text.y
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub CATRemoveFrame()
'How to remove the whole frame
DeleteAll "CATDrwSearch.DrwText.Name=Frame_Text_*"
DeleteAll "CATDrwSearch.2DGeometry.Name=Frame_*"
DeleteAll "CATDrwSearch.2DPoint.Name=TitleBlock_Line_*"
End Sub
Sub CATMoveTitleBlockText(Translation As Variant)
'How to translate the whole title block after changing the page setup
SelectAll "CATDrwSearch.DrwText.Name=TitleBlock_Text_*"
Count = Selection.Count2
For ii = 1 To Count
Set Text = Selection.Item2(ii).Value
Text.x = Text.x + Translation(0)
Text.y = Text.y + Translation(1)
End Sub
Sub CATMoveViews(Translation As Variant)
'How to translate the views after changing the page setup
For i = 3 To Views.Count
For i = 3 To Views.Count
Set View = Views.Item(i)
View.x = View.x + Translation(0)
View.y = View.y + Translation(1)
End Sub
Sub CATMoveRevisionBlockText(Translation As Varient)
'How to translate the whole revision block after changing the page setup
SelectAll "CATDrwSearch.DrwText.Name=RevisionBlock_Text_*"
Count = Selection.Count2
For ii = 1 To Count
Set Text = Selection.Item2(ii).Value
Text.x = Text.x + Translation(0)
Text.y = Text.y + Translation(1)
End Sub
Sub CATLinks()
'How to fill in texts with data of the part/product linked with current sheet
On Error Resume Next
Dim ViewDocument
Select Case GetContext():
Case "LAY": Set ViewDocument = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product
Case "DRW":
If Views.Count >= 3 Then
Set ViewDocument = Views.Item(3).GenerativeBehavior.Document
Set ViewDocument = Nothing
End If
Case Else: Set ViewDocument = Nothing
End Select
'Find the product document
Dim ProductDrawn
Set ProductDrawn = Nothing
For i = 1 To 8
If TypeName(ViewDocument) = "PartDocument" Then
Set ProductDrawn = ViewDocument.Product
Exit For
End If
If TypeName(ViewDocument) = "Product" Then
Set ProductDrawn = ViewDocument
Exit For
End If
Set ViewDocument = ViewDocument.Parent
If ProductDrawn <> Nothing Then
Texts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_EnoviaV5_Effectivity").Text = ProductDrawn.PartNumber
Texts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_Title_1").Text = ProductDrawn.Definition
Dim ProductAnalysis As Analyze
Set ProductAnalysis = ProductDrawn.Analyze
Texts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_Weight_1").Text = FormatNumber(ProductAnalysis.Mass, 2)
End If
'Display sheet format
Dim textFormat As DrawingText
Set textFormat = Texts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_Size_1")
textFormat.Text = GetDisplayFormat()
If Len(GetDisplayFormat()) > 4 Then
textFormat.SetFontSize 0, 0, 2.5
textFormat.SetFontSize 0, 0, 4#
End If
'Display sheet numbering
Dim nbSheet As Integer
Dim curSheet As Integer
If Not DrwSheet.IsDetail Then
For Each itSheet In Sheets
If Not itSheet.IsDetail Then nbSheet = nbSheet + 1
For Each itSheet In Sheets
If Not itSheet.IsDetail Then
curSheet = curSheet + 1
itSheet.Views.Item(2).Texts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_Sheet_1").Text = CStr(curSheet) & "/" & CStr(nbSheet)
End If
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub CATFillField(string1 As String, string2 As String, string3 As String)
'How to call a dialog to fill in manually a given text
Dim TextToFill_1 As DrawingText
Dim TextToFill_2 As DrawingText
Dim Person As String
Set TextToFill_1 = Texts.GetItem(string1)
Set TextToFill_2 = Texts.GetItem(string2)
Person = TextToFill_1.Text
If Person = "XXX" Then Person = "John Smith"
Person = InputBox("This Document has been " + string3 + " by:", "Controller's name", Person)
If Person = "" Then Person = "XXX"
TextToFill_1.Text = Person
TextToFill_2.Text = "" & Date
End Sub
Sub CATColorGeometry()
'How to color all geometric elements of the active view
' Uncomment the following sections if needed
Select Case GetContext():
'Case "DRW":
' SelectAll "CATDrwSearch.2DGeometry"
' Selection.VisProperties.SetRealColor 0,0,0,0
' Selection.Clear
Case "LAY":
SelectAll "CATDrwSearch.2DGeometry"
Selection.VisProperties.SetRealColor 255, 255, 255, 0
'Case "SCH":
' SelectAll "CATDrwSearch.2DGeometry"
' Selection.VisProperties.SetRealColor 0,0,0,0
' Selection.Clear
End Select
End Sub
Sub CATDrw_DesignedBy(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to update a bit more the FTB
If Not CATInit(targetSheet) Then Exit Sub
If CATCheckRef(0) Then Exit Sub
CATFillField "TitleBlock_Text_Design_1", "TitleBlock_Text_DeDate_1", "designed"
CATExit targetSheet
End Sub
de barros- timide
- Messages : 13
Date d'inscription : 06/07/2015
Localisation : bordeaux
Re: Adaptation macro cartouche
Pour insérer un logo :
[code][/ Set LogoPicture = DrwView.Pictures.Add("C:\Temp\logo_cartouche.jpg", 120, 65)
LogoPicture.format = "JPG"
LogoPicture.ratioLock = 1
LogoPicture.Height = 24
LogoPicture.Width = 70
LogoPicture.Name = "Nom_Logo1"code]
A adapter à ton code. Les valeurs 120 et 65 sont les positions du logo.
Pour le texte il suffit de reprendre l'exemple de la "Sub CATTitleBlockText()" sauf si tu veux rendre le contenu interactif.
Pour insérer un logo :
[code][/ Set LogoPicture = DrwView.Pictures.Add("C:\Temp\logo_cartouche.jpg", 120, 65)
LogoPicture.format = "JPG"
LogoPicture.ratioLock = 1
LogoPicture.Height = 24
LogoPicture.Width = 70
LogoPicture.Name = "Nom_Logo1"code]
A adapter à ton code. Les valeurs 120 et 65 sont les positions du logo.
Pour le texte il suffit de reprendre l'exemple de la "Sub CATTitleBlockText()" sauf si tu veux rendre le contenu interactif.
lumpazepfel- Fédérateur
- Messages : 319
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2015
Localisation : Ensisheim
Re: Adaptation macro cartouche
Salut Filipe,
J'ai testé la modif dans le script Dassault de base et ça donne:
Pour le texte j'ai rajouté la variable Text_16.
Pour le Logo, il y avait une petite erreur (à priori la ligne LogoPicture.format = "JPG" n'est pas reconnue en VBScript), j'ai également nommé l'image avec la racine ""TitleBlock_*" pour permettre sa suppression. Les modifs sont dans "Sub CATTitleBlockText()"
Résultat :
J'ai testé la modif dans le script Dassault de base et ça donne:
Pour le texte j'ai rajouté la variable Text_16.
Pour le Logo, il y avait une petite erreur (à priori la ligne LogoPicture.format = "JPG" n'est pas reconnue en VBScript), j'ai également nommé l'image avec la racine ""TitleBlock_*" pour permettre sa suppression. Les modifs sont dans "Sub CATTitleBlockText()"
- Code:
Sub CATTitleBlockText()
'How to fill in the title block
Text_01 = "This drawing is our property; it can't be reproduced or communicated without our written agreement."
Text_02 = "SCALE"
Text_03 = "XXX"
Text_04 = "WEIGHT (kg)"
Text_05 = "XXX"
Text_07 = "SHEET"
Text_08 = "SIZE"
Text_09 = "USER"
Text_10 = "XXX" ' Paper Format
Text_12 = "CHECKED BY:"
Text_13 = "DATE:"
Text_14 = "DESIGNED BY:"
Text_15 = CATIA.SystemService.Environ("LOGNAME")
'modif Marc,rajout Text_16
Text_16 = "MATIERE : "& chr(10)& "TRAITE POUR : " ' CHR(10) pour aller )à la ligne
CreateTextAF Text_16,(GetWidth()-GetOH())+5,GetOV()+5 ,"TitleBlock_Text_libre" , catBottomLeft ,5
'modif Marc,rajout Logo
Set LogoPicture = View.Pictures.Add("C:\Temp\logo_cartouche.jpg", GetOH()-145, GetOV()+45)
LogoPicture.ratioLock = 1
LogoPicture.Height = 25
LogoPicture.Width = 25
LogoPicture.Name = "TitleBlock_Logo"
'fin modif Marc
If Text_15 = "" Then Text_15 = CATIA.SystemService.Environ("USERNAME")
CreateTextAF Text_01,GetOH() + Col(1) + 1. ,GetOV() + .5*Row(1) ,"TitleBlock_Text_Rights" , catMiddleLeft ,1.5
CreateTextAF Text_02,GetOH() + Col(1) + 1. ,GetOV() + Row(2) ,"TitleBlock_Text_Scale" , catTopLeft ,1.5
' Insert Text Attribute link on sheet's scale
Set Text= CreateTextAF("", GetOH()+.5*(Col(1)+Col(2))-4, GetOV() + Row(1) ,"TitleBlock_Text_Scale_1", catBottomCenter,5)
Select Case GetContext():
Case "LAY": Text.InsertVariable 0, 0, ActiveDoc.Part.GetItem("CATLayoutRoot").Parameters.Item(ActiveDoc.Part.GetItem("CATLayoutRoot").Name+"\"+Sheet.Name+"\ViewMakeUp2DL.1\Scale")
Case "DRW": Text.InsertVariable 0, 0, ActiveDoc.DrawingRoot.Parameters.Item("Drawing\"+Sheet.Name+"\ViewMakeUp.1\Scale")
Case Else:Text.Text = "XX"
End Select
CreateTextAF Text_04,GetOH() + Col(2) + 1. ,GetOV() + Row(2) ,"TitleBlock_Text_Weight" ,catTopLeft ,1.5
CreateTextAF Text_05,GetOH() + .5*(Col(2)+Col(3)),GetOV() + Row(1) ,"TitleBlock_Text_Weight_1" ,catBottomCenter,5
CreateTextAF Text_06,GetOH() + Col(3) + 1. ,GetOV() + Row(2) ,"TitleBlock_Text_Number" ,catTopLeft ,1.5
CreateTextAF Text_05,GetOH() + .5*(Col(3)+Col(4)),GetOV() + Row(1) ,"TitleBlock_Text_EnoviaV5_Effectivity" ,catBottomCenter,4
CreateTextAF Text_07,GetOH() + Col(4) + 1. ,GetOV() + Row(2) ,"TitleBlock_Text_Sheet" ,catTopLeft ,1.5
CreateTextAF Text_05,GetOH() + .5*(Col(4)+Col(5)),GetOV() + Row(1) ,"TitleBlock_Text_Sheet_1" ,catBottomCenter,5
CreateTextAF Text_08,GetOH() + Col(1) + 1. ,GetOV() + Row(3) ,"TitleBlock_Text_Size" ,catTopLeft ,1.5
If (Sheet.PaperSize = 13) Then
CreateTextAF Text_09, GetOH() + .5*(Col(1)+Col(2)), GetOV() + Row(2) + 2 ,"TitleBlock_Text_Size_1" ,catBottomCenter, 5
CreateTextAF Text_10, GetOH() + .5*(Col(1)+Col(2)), GetOV() + Row(2) + 2 ,"TitleBlock_Text_Size_1" ,catBottomCenter, 5
End If
CreateTextAF Text_11,GetOH() + .5*(Col(3)+Col(5)),GetOV() + .5*(Row(2)+Row(3)),"TitleBlock_Text_Company" ,catMiddleCenter,5
CreateTextAF Text_12,GetOH() + Col(1) + 1. ,GetOV() + Row(4) ,"TitleBlock_Text_Controller" ,catTopLeft ,1.5
CreateTextAF Text_05,GetOH() + Col(2) + 2.5 ,GetOV() + .5*(Row(3)+Row(4)),"TitleBlock_Text_Controller_1",catBottomCenter,3
CreateTextAF Text_13,GetOH() + Col(1) + 1. ,GetOV() + .5*(Row(3)+Row(4)),"TitleBlock_Text_CDate" ,catTopLeft ,1.5
CreateTextAF Text_05,GetOH() + Col(2) + 2.5 ,GetOV() + Row(3) ,"TitleBlock_Text_CDate_1" ,catBottomCenter,3
CreateTextAF Text_14,GetOH() + Col(1) + 1. ,GetOV() + Row(5) ,"TitleBlock_Text_Designer" ,catTopLeft ,1.5
CreateTextAF Text_15,GetOH() + Col(2) + 2.5 ,GetOV() + .5*(Row(4)+Row(5)),"TitleBlock_Text_Designer_1" ,catBottomCenter,3
CreateTextAF Text_13,GetOH() + Col(1) + 1. ,GetOV() + .5*(Row(4)+Row(5)),"TitleBlock_Text_DDate" ,catTopLeft ,1.5
CreateTextAF ""&Date,GetOH() + Col(2) + 2.5 ,GetOV() + Row(4) ,"TitleBlock_Text_DDate_1" ,catBottomCenter,3
CreateTextAF Text_05,GetOH() + .5*(Col(3)+Col(5)),GetOV() + Row(4) ,"TitleBlock_Text_Title_1" ,catMiddleCenter,7
For ii = 1 To GetNbOfRevision()
iY=GetOV() + (ii-.5) * Row(5)/GetNbOfRevision()
CreateTextAF GetRevLetter(ii),GetOH() + .5*(Col(5)+Col(6)),iY,"TitleBlock_Text_Modif_" + GetRevLetter(ii),catMiddleCenter,2.5
CreateTextAF "_" ,GetOH() + .5*Col(6) ,iY,"TitleBlock_Text_MDate_" + GetRevLetter(ii),catMiddleCenter,2.
End Sub
Résultat :
lumpazepfel- Fédérateur
- Messages : 319
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2015
Localisation : Ensisheim
Re: Adaptation macro cartouche
Bonjour lumpazepfel,
Je te remercie beaucoup pour ton aide.
Par contre j'ai testé ma macro avec tes modifs, et il semble que ça ne fonctionne pas.
Un message d'erreur apparait.
Si ça ne te dérange pas, pourrais-tu jeter un coup d’œil et voir si je m'y suis mal pris.
Je te remercie beaucoup pour ton aide.
Par contre j'ai testé ma macro avec tes modifs, et il semble que ça ne fonctionne pas.
Un message d'erreur apparait.
Si ça ne te dérange pas, pourrais-tu jeter un coup d’œil et voir si je m'y suis mal pris.
- Code:
' ****************************************************************************
' Purpose: To draw a Frame and TitleBlock
' Assumptions: A Drafting document should be active
' Author: GDG\DU\PYW
' Languages: VBScript
' Version: V5R18
' Reg. Settings: English (United States)
' ****************************************************************************
Public ActiveDoc As Document
Public Sheets
Public Sheet
Public Views
Public View
Public Texts As DrawingTexts
Public Text As DrawingText
Public Fact As Factory2D
Public Selection As Selection
Function Col(idx As Integer) As Variant
Col = Array(-190, -145, -125, -110, -95, -50, -30, -15)(idx - 1)
End Function
Function Row(idx As Integer) As Variant
Row = Array(10, 12, 24, 36, 40, 60)(idx - 1)
End Function
Function GetRulerLength() As Double
GetRulerLength = 200#
End Function
Function GetMacroID() As String
GetMacroID = "Drawing_Ateliers_Serres"
End Function
Function GetNbOfRevision() As Integer
GetNbOfRevision = 9
End Function
Function GetRevRowHeight() As Double
GetRevRowHeight = 10#
End Function
Function GetDisplayFormat() As String
GetDisplayFormat = Array("Letter", "Legal", "A0", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "User")(Sheet.PaperSize)
End Function
Function GetOffset() As Double
If Sheet.PaperSize = CatPaperA0 Or Sheet.PaperSize = CatPaperA1 Or (Sheet.PaperSize = CatPaperUser And (GetWidth() > 594# Or GetHeight() > 594#)) Then
GetOffset = 20#
GetOffset = 10#
End If
End Function
Function GetWidth() As Double
Select Case TypeName(Sheet)
Case "DrawingSheet": GetWidth = Sheet.GetPaperWidth
Case "Layout2DSheet": GetWidth = Sheet.PaperWidth
End Select
End Function
Function GetHeight() As Double
Select Case TypeName(Sheet)
Case "DrawingSheet": GetHeight = Sheet.GetPaperHeight
Case "Layout2DSheet": GetHeight = Sheet.PaperHeight
End Select
End Function
Function GetOH() As Double
GetOH = GetWidth() - GetOffset()
End Function
Function GetOV() As Double
GetOV = GetOffset()
End Function
Function GetColRev(index As Integer)
GetColRev = Array(-190, -175, -140, -20)(index - 1)
End Function
Function GetRevLetter(index As Integer)
GetRevLetter = Chr(Asc("A") + index - 1)
End Function
Function CreateLine(iX1 As Double, iY1 As Double, iX2 As Double, iY2 As Double, iName As String) As Curve2D
' Creates a sketcher lines thanks to the current 2D factory set to the global variable Fact
' The created line is reneamed to the given iName
' Start point and End point are created and renamed iName&"_start", iName&"_end"
Set CreateLine = Fact.CreateLine(iX1, iY1, iX2, iY2)
CreateLine.Name = iName
Set Point = CreateLine.StartPoint 'Create the start point
point.Name = iName&"_start"
Set Point = CreateLine.EndPoint 'Create the start point
point.Name = iName&"_end"
End Function
Function CreateText(iCaption As String, iX As Double, iY As Double, iName As String) As DrawingText
'How to create a text
Set CreateText = Texts.Add(iCaption, iX, iY)
CreateText.Name = iName
CreateText.AnchorPosition = catMiddleCenter
End Function
Function CreateTextAF(iCaption As String, iX As Double, iY As Double, iName As String, iAnchorPosition As CatTextAnchorPosition, iFontSize As Double) As DrawingText
'How to create a text
Set CreateTextAF = Texts.Add(iCaption, iX, iY)
CreateTextAF.Name = iName
CreateTextAF.AnchorPosition = iAnchorPosition
CreateTextAF.SetFontSize 0, 0, iFontSize
End Function
Sub SelectAll(iQuery As String)
Selection.Add (View)
'MsgBox iQuery
Selection.Search iQuery&",sel"
End Sub
Sub DeleteAll(iQuery As String)
'Delete all elements matching the query string iQuery
'Pay attention no to provide a localized query string.
Selection.Add (View)
'MsgBox iQuery
Selection.Search iQuery&",sel"
' Avoid Delete failure in case of an empty query result
If Selection.Count2 <> 0 Then Selection.Delete
End Sub
Sub CATMain()
If Not CATInit(targetSheet) Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
Name = Texts.GetItem("Reference_" + GetMacroID()).Name
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Name = "none"
End If
On Error GoTo 0
If (Name = "none") Then
End If
End Sub
Sub CATDrw_Creation(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to create the FTB
If Not CATInit(targetSheet) Then Exit Sub
If CATCheckRef(1) Then Exit Sub 'To check whether a FTB exists already in the sheet
CATCreateReference 'To place on the drawing a reference point
CATFrame 'To draw the frame
CATCreateTitleBlockFrame 'To draw the geometry
CATTitleBlockText 'To fill in the title block
CATColorGeometry 'To change the geometry color
CATExit targetSheet 'To save the sketch edition
End Sub
Sub CATDrw_Deletion(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to delete the FTB
If Not CATInit(targetSheet) Then Exit Sub
If CATCheckRef(0) Then Exit Sub
DeleteAll "..Name=Frame_*"
DeleteAll "..Name=TitleBlock_*"
DeleteAll "..Name=RevisionBlock_*"
DeleteAll "..Name=Reference_*"
CATExit targetSheet
End Sub
Sub CATDrw_Resizing(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to resize the FTB
If Not CATInit(targetSheet) Then Exit Sub
If CATCheckRef(0) Then Exit Sub
Dim TbTranslation(2)
ComputeTitleBlockTranslation TbTranslation
Dim RbTranslation(2)
ComputeRevisionBlockTranslation RbTranslation
If TbTranslation(0) <> 0 Or TbTranslation(1) <> 0 Then
' Redraw Sheet Frame
DeleteAll "CATDrwSearch.DrwText.Name=Frame_Text_*"
DeleteAll "CATDrwSearch.2DGeometry.Name=Frame_*"
' Redraw Title Block Frame
CATMoveTitleBlockText TbTranslation
' Redraw revision block
CATMoveRevisionBlockText RbTranslation
' Move the views
CATMoveViews TbTranslation
End If
CATExit targetSheet
End Sub
Sub CATDrw_Update(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to update the FTB
If Not CATInit(targetSheet) Then Exit Sub
If CATCheckRef(0) Then Exit Sub
CATExit targetSheet
End Sub
Function GetContext()
' Find execution context
Select Case TypeName(Sheet)
Case "DrawingSheet"
Select Case TypeName(ActiveDoc)
Case "DrawingDocument": GetContext = "DRW"
Case "ProductDocument": GetContext = "SCH"
Case Else: GetContext = "Unexpected"
End Select
Case "Layout2DSheet": GetContext = "LAY"
Case Else: GetContext = "Unexpected"
End Select
End Function
Sub CATDrw_CheckedBy(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to update a bit more the FTB
If Not CATInit(targetSheet) Then Exit Sub
If CATCheckRef(0) Then Exit Sub
CATFillField "TitleBlock_Text_Check_1", "TitleBlock_Text_CDate_1", "checked"
CATExit targetSheet
End Sub
Sub CATDrw_AddRevisionBlock(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to create or modify a revison block
If Not CATInit(targetSheet) Then Exit Sub
If CATCheckRef(0) Then Exit Sub
CATAddRevisionBlockText 'To fill in the title block
CATCreateRevisionBlockFrame 'To draw the geometry
CATExit targetSheet
End Sub
Function CATInit(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to init the dialog and create main objects
Set Selection = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
Set Sheet = targetSheet
Set Sheets = Sheet.Parent
Set ActiveDoc = Sheets.Parent
Set Views = Sheet.Views
Set View = Views.Item(2) 'Get the background view
Set Texts = View.Texts
Set Fact = View.Factory2D
If GetContext() = "Unexpected" Then
Msg = "The macro runs in an inappropriate environment." & Chr(13) & "The script will terminate wihtout finishing the current action."
Title = "Unexpected environement error"
MsgBox Msg, 16, Title
CATInit = False 'Exit with error
Exit Function
End If
CATIA.HSOSynchronized = False
'Exit without error
CATInit = True 'Exit without error
End Function
Sub CATExit(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to restore the document working mode
CATIA.HSOSynchronized = True
End Sub
Sub CATCreateReference()
'How to create a reference text
Set Text = Texts.Add("", GetWidth() - GetOffset(), GetOffset())
Text.Name = "Reference_" + GetMacroID
End Sub
Function CATCheckRef(Mode As Integer) As Integer
'How to check that the called macro is the right one
nbTexts = Texts.Count
i = 0
notFound = 0
While (notFound = 0 And i < nbTexts)
i = i + 1
Set Text = Texts.Item(i)
WholeName = Text.Name
leftText = Left(WholeName, 10)
If (leftText = "Reference_") Then
notFound = 1
refText = "Reference_" + GetMacroID()
If (Mode = 1) Then
MsgBox "Frame and Titleblock already created!"
CATCheckRef = 1
Exit Function
ElseIf (Text.Name <> refText) Then
MsgBox "Frame and Titleblock created using another style:" + Chr(10) + " " + GetMacroID()
CATCheckRef = 1
Exit Function
CATCheckRef = 0
Exit Function
End If
End If
If Mode = 1 Then
CATCheckRef = 0
MsgBox "No Frame and Titleblock!"
CATCheckRef = 1
End If
End Function
Function CATCheckRev() As Integer
'How to check that a revision block alredy exists
SelectAll "CATDrwSearch.DrwText.Name=RevisionBlock_Text_Rev_*"
CATCheckRev = Selection.Count2
End Function
Sub CATFrame()
'How to create the Frame
Dim Cst_1 As Double 'Length (in cm) between 2 horinzontal marks
Dim Cst_2 As Double 'Length (in cm) between 2 vertical marks
Dim Nb_CM_H As Integer 'Number/2 of horizontal centring marks
Dim Nb_CM_V As Integer 'Number/2 of vertical centring marks
Dim Ruler As Integer 'Ruler length (in cm)
CATFrameStandard Nb_CM_H, Nb_CM_V, Ruler, Cst_1, Cst_2
CATFrameCentringMark Nb_CM_H, Nb_CM_V, Ruler, Cst_1, Cst_2
CATFrameText Nb_CM_H, Nb_CM_V, Ruler, Cst_1, Cst_2
CATFrameRuler Ruler, Cst_1
End Sub
Sub CATFrameStandard(Nb_CM_H As Integer, Nb_CM_V As Integer, Ruler As Integer, Cst_1 As Double, Cst_2 As Double)
'How to compute standard values
Cst_1 = 74.2 '297, 594, 1189 are multiples of 74.2
Cst_2 = 52.5 '210, 420, 841 are multiples of 52.2
If Sheet.Orientation = CatPaperPortrait And _
(Sheet.PaperSize = CatPaperA0 Or _
Sheet.PaperSize = CatPaperA2 Or _
Sheet.PaperSize = CatPaperA4) Or _
Sheet.Orientation = CatPaperLandscape And _
(Sheet.PaperSize = CatPaperA1 Or _
Sheet.PaperSize = CatPaperA3) Then
Cst_1 = 52.5
Cst_2 = 74.2
End If
Nb_CM_H = CInt(0.5 * GetWidth() / Cst_1)
Nb_CM_V = CInt(0.5 * GetHeight() / Cst_2)
Ruler = CInt((Nb_CM_H - 1) * Cst_1 / 50) * 100 'here is computed the maximum ruler length
If GetRulerLength() < Ruler Then Ruler = GetRulerLength()
End Sub
Sub CATFrameBorder()
'How to draw the frame border
On Error Resume Next
CreateLine GetOV(), GetOV(), GetOH(), GetOV(), "Frame_Border_Bottom"
CreateLine GetOH(), GetOV(), GetOH(), GetHeight() - GetOffset(), "Frame_Border_Left"
CreateLine GetOH(), GetHeight() - GetOffset(), GetOV(), GetHeight() - GetOffset(), "Frame_Border_Top"
CreateLine GetOV(), GetHeight() - GetOffset(), GetOV(), GetOV(), "Frame_Border_Right"
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub CATFrameCentringMark(Nb_CM_H As Integer, Nb_CM_V As Integer, Ruler As Integer, Cst_1 As Double, Cst_2 As Double)
'How to draw the centring marks
On Error Resume Next
CreateLine 0.5 * GetWidth(), GetHeight() - GetOffset(), 0.5 * GetWidth(), GetHeight(), "Frame_CentringMark_Top"
CreateLine 0.5 * GetWidth(), GetOV(), 0.5 * GetWidth(), 0#, "Frame_CentringMark_Bottom"
CreateLine GetOV(), 0.5 * GetHeight(), 0#, 0.5 * GetHeight(), "Frame_CentringMark_Left"
CreateLine GetWidth() - GetOffset(), 0.5 * GetHeight(), GetWidth(), 0.5 * GetHeight(), "Frame_CentringMark_Right"
For i = Nb_CM_H To Ruler / 2 / Cst_1 Step -1
If (i * Cst_1 < 0.5 * GetWidth() - 1#) Then
x = 0.5 * GetWidth() + i * Cst_1
CreateLine x, GetOV(), x, 0.25 * GetOffset(), "Frame_CentringMark_Bottom_" & Int(x)
x = 0.5 * GetWidth() - i * Cst_1
CreateLine x, GetOV(), x, 0.25 * GetOffset(), "Frame_CentringMark_Bottom_" & Int(x)
End If
For i = 1 To Nb_CM_H
If (i * Cst_1 < 0.5 * GetWidth() - 1#) Then
x = 0.5 * GetWidth() + i * Cst_1
CreateLine x, GetHeight() - GetOffset(), x, GetHeight() - 0.25 * GetOffset(), "Frame_CentringMark_Top_" & Int(x)
x = 0.5 * GetWidth() - i * Cst_1
CreateLine x, GetHeight() - GetOffset(), x, GetHeight() - 0.25 * GetOffset(), "Frame_CentringMark_Top_" & Int(x)
End If
For i = 1 To Nb_CM_V
If (i * Cst_2 < 0.5 * GetHeight() - 1#) Then
y = 0.5 * GetHeight() + i * Cst_2
CreateLine GetOV(), y, 0.25 * GetOffset(), y, "Frame_CentringMark_Left_" & Int(y)
CreateLine GetOH(), y, GetWidth() - 0.25 * GetOffset(), y, "Frame_CentringMark_Right_" & Int(y)
y = 0.5 * GetHeight() - i * Cst_2
CreateLine GetOV(), y, 0.25 * GetOffset(), y, "Frame_CentringMark_Left_" & Int(y)
CreateLine GetOH(), y, GetWidth() - 0.25 * GetOffset(), y, "Frame_CentringMark_Right_" & Int(y)
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub CATFrameText(Nb_CM_H As Integer, Nb_CM_V As Integer, Ruler As Integer, Cst_1 As Double, Cst_2 As Double)
'How to create coordinates
On Error Resume Next
For i = Nb_CM_H To (Ruler / 2 / Cst_1 + 1) Step -1
CreateText Chr(65 + Nb_CM_H - i), 0.5 * GetWidth() + (i - 0.5) * Cst_1, 0.5 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Text_Bottom_1_" & Chr(65 + Nb_CM_H - i)
CreateText Chr(64 + Nb_CM_H + i), 0.5 * GetWidth() - (i - 0.5) * Cst_1, 0.5 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Text_Bottom_2_" & Chr(65 + Nb_CM_H + i)
For i = 1 To Nb_CM_H
t = Chr(65 + Nb_CM_H - i)
CreateText(t, 0.5 * GetWidth() + (i - 0.5) * Cst_1, GetHeight() - 0.5 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Text_Top_1_" & t).Angle = -90
t = Chr(64 + Nb_CM_H + i)
CreateText(t, 0.5 * GetWidth() - (i - 0.5) * Cst_1, GetHeight() - 0.5 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Text_Top_2_" & t).Angle = -90
For i = 1 To Nb_CM_V
t = CStr(Nb_CM_V + i)
CreateText t, GetWidth() - 0.5 * GetOffset(), 0.5 * GetHeight() + (i - 0.5) * Cst_2, "Frame_Text_Right_1_" & t
CreateText(t, 0.5 * GetOffset(), 0.5 * GetHeight() + (i - 0.5) * Cst_2, "Frame_Text_Left_1_" & t).Angle = -90
t = CStr(Nb_CM_V - i + 1)
CreateText t, GetWidth() - 0.5 * GetOffset(), 0.5 * GetHeight() - (i - 0.5) * Cst_2, "Frame_Text_Right_1_" & t
CreateText(t, 0.5 * GetOffset(), 0.5 * GetHeight() - (i - 0.5) * Cst_2, "Frame_Text_Left_2" & t).Angle = -90
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub CATFrameRuler(Ruler As Integer, Cst_1 As Single)
'How to create a ruler
'Frame_Ruler_Guide -----------------------------------------------
'Frame_Ruler_1cm | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
'Frame_Ruler_5cm | | | | |
On Error Resume Next
CreateLine 0.5 * GetWidth() - Ruler / 2, 0.75 * GetOffset(), 0.5 * GetWidth() + Ruler / 2, 0.75 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Ruler_Guide"
For i = 1 To Ruler / 100
CreateLine 0.5 * GetWidth() - 50 * i, GetOV(), 0.5 * GetWidth() - 50 * i, 0.5 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Ruler_1_" & i
CreateLine 0.5 * GetWidth() + 50 * i, GetOV(), 0.5 * GetWidth() + 50 * i, 0.5 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Ruler_2_" & i
For j = 1 To 4
CreateLine .5 * GetWidth() - 50 * i + 10 * j, GetOV(), .5 * GetWidth() - 50 * i + 10 * j, .75 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Ruler_3"&i&"_"&j
CreateLine .5 * GetWidth() + 50 * i - 10 * j, GetOV(), .5 * GetWidth() + 50 * i - 10 * j, .75 * GetOffset(), "Frame_Ruler_4"&i&"_"&j
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub CATDeleteTitleBlockFrame()
DeleteAll "CATDrwSearch.2DGeometry.Name=TitleBlock_Line_*"
End Sub
Sub CATCreateTitleBlockFrame()
'How to draw the title block geometry
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(1), GetOV(), GetOH(), GetOV(), "TitleBlock_Line_Bottom"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(1), GetOV(), GetOH() + Col(1), GetOV() + Row(6), "TitleBlock_Line_Left"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(1), GetOV() + Row(6), GetOH(), GetOV() + Row(6), "TitleBlock_Line_Top"
CreateLine GetOH(), GetOV() + Row(6), GetOH(), GetOV(), "TitleBlock_Line_Right"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(3), GetOV() + Row(1), GetOH(), GetOV() + Row(1), "TitleBlock_Line_Row_1"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(1), GetOV() + Row(2), GetOH() + Col(3), GetOV() + Row(2), "TitleBlock_Line_Row_2"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(1), GetOV() + Row(3), GetOH(), GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Line_Row_3"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(1), GetOV() + Row(4), GetOH() + Col(3), GetOV() + Row(4), "TitleBlock_Line_Row_4"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(3), GetOV() + Row(5), GetOH(), GetOV() + Row(5), "TitleBlock_Line_Row_5"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(2), GetOV(), GetOH() + Col(2), GetOV() + Row(4), "TitleBlock_Line_Column_1"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(3), GetOV(), GetOH() + Col(3), GetOV() + Row(6), "TitleBlock_Line_Column_2"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(4), GetOV() + Row(1), GetOH() + Col(4), GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Line_Column_3"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(5), GetOV(), GetOH() + Col(5), GetOV() + Row(1), "TitleBlock_Line_Column_4"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(6), GetOV(), GetOH() + Col(6), GetOV() + Row(1), "TitleBlock_Line_Column_5"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(7), GetOV(), GetOH() + Col(7), GetOV() + Row(1), "TitleBlock_Line_Column_6"
CreateLine GetOH() + Col(8), GetOV() + Row(1), GetOH() + Col(8), GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Line_Column_7"
End Sub
Sub CATTitleBlockText()
'How to fill in the title block
Text_01 = "CONÇU PAR"
Text_02 = CATIA.SystemService.Environ("LOGNAME")
If Text_02 = "" Then Text_02 = CATIA.SystemService.Environ("USERNAME")
Text_03 = "DATE"
Text_04 = "XXX"
Text_05 = "VÉRIFIÉ PAR"
Text_06 = "DESSINÉ PAR"
Text_07 = "Ce document est la propriété." + Chr(10) + _
"des ATELIERS SERRES." + Chr(10) + _
"Il ne peut être communiqué" + Chr(10) + _
"à des tiers et/ou reproduit." + Chr(10) + _
"sans autorisation écrite."
Text_08 = "ÉCHELLE"
Text_09 = "MASSE (kg)"
Text_10 = "FEUILLE"
Text_11 = "FORMAT"
Text_12 = "XXX" ' Paper Format
Text_13 = "RÉFÉRENCE – N° PLAN"
Text_14 = "INDICE"
Text_15 = "X"
Text_18 = "MATIERE : " & Chr(10) & "TRAITE POUR : " ' CHR(10) pour aller )à la ligne
CreateTextAF Text_18, (GetWidth() - GetOH()) + 5, GetOV() + 5, "TitleBlock_Text_libre", catBottomLeft, 5
'modif Marc,rajout Logo
Set LogoPicture = View.Pictures.Add("C:\Temp\LogoAS.jpg", GetOH() - 125, GetOV() + 40)
LogoPicture.ratioLock = 1
LogoPicture.Height = 25
LogoPicture.Width = 25
LogoPicture.Name = "TitleBlock_Logo"
CreateTextAF Text_01, GetOH() + Col(1) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(2), "TitleBlock_Text_Design", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_04, GetOH() + Col(1) + 1#, GetOV(), "TitleBlock_Text_Design_1", catBottomLeft, 4
CreateTextAF Text_03, GetOH() + Col(2) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(2), "TitleBlock_Text_DeDate", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_04, GetOH() + 0.5 * (Col(2) + Col(3)), GetOV(), "TitleBlock_Text_DeDate_1", catBottomCenter, 2
CreateTextAF Text_05, GetOH() + Col(1) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Text_Check", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_04, GetOH() + Col(1) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(2), "TitleBlock_Text_Check_1", catBottomLeft, 4
CreateTextAF Text_03, GetOH() + Col(2) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Text_CDate", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_04, GetOH() + 0.5 * (Col(2) + Col(3)), GetOV() + Row(2), "TitleBlock_Text_CDate_1", catBottomCenter, 2
CreateTextAF Text_06, GetOH() + Col(1) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(4), "TitleBlock_Text_Drawn", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_02, GetOH() + Col(1) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Text_Drawn_1", catBottomLeft, 4
CreateTextAF Text_03, GetOH() + Col(2) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(4), "TitleBlock_Text_DrDate", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF "" & Date, GetOH() + 0.5 * (Col(2) + Col(3)), GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Text_DrDate_1", catBottomCenter, 2
CreateTextAF Text_07, GetOH() + 0.5 * (Col(1) + Col(3)), GetOV() + 0.5 * (Row(6) + Row(4)), "TitleBlock_Text_Rights", catMiddleCenter, 2.5
CreateTextAF Text_08, GetOH() + Col(3) + 1, GetOV() + 0.5 * Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_Scale", catMiddleLeft, 3
' Insert Text Attribute link on sheet's scale
Set Text = CreateTextAF("", GetOH() + Col(5) - 1, GetOV() + 0.5 * Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_Scale_1", catMiddleRight, 3)
Select Case GetContext():
Case "LAY": Text.InsertVariable 0, 0, ActiveDoc.Part.GetItem("CATLayoutRoot").Parameters.Item(ActiveDoc.Part.GetItem("CATLayoutRoot").Name + "\" + Sheet.Name + "\ViewMakeUp2DL.1\Scale")
Case "DRW": Text.InsertVariable 0, 0, ActiveDoc.DrawingRoot.Parameters.Item("Drawing\" + Sheet.Name + "\ViewMakeUp.1\Scale")
Case Else: Text.Text = "XX"
End Select
CreateTextAF Text_09, GetOH() + Col(5) + 1, GetOV() + 0.5 * Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_Weight", catMiddleLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_04, GetOH() + Col(6) - 1, GetOV() + 0.5 * Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_Weight_1", catMiddleRight, 3
CreateTextAF Text_10, GetOH() + Col(7) + 1, GetOV() + 0.5 * Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_Sheet", catMiddleLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_04, GetOH() - 1, GetOV() + 0.5 * Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_Sheet_1", catMiddleRight, 3
CreateTextAF Text_11, GetOH() + Col(3) + 1, GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Text_Size", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_12, GetOH() + 0.5 * (Col(3) + Col(4)), GetOV() + Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_Size_1", catBottomCenter, 4
CreateTextAF Text_13, GetOH() + Col(4) + 1, GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Text_Number", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_04, GetOH() + 0.5 * (Col(4) + Col(8)), GetOV() + Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_EnoviaV5_Effectivity", catBottomCenter, 4
CreateTextAF Text_14, GetOH() + Col(8) + 1, GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Text_Rev", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_15, GetOH() + 0.5 * Col(8), GetOV() + Row(1), "TitleBlock_Text_Rev_1", catBottomCenter, 4
CreateTextAF Text_16, GetOH() + Col(3) + 1, GetOV() + Row(5), "TitleBlock_Text_Title", catTopLeft, 3
CreateTextAF Text_04, GetOH() + 0.5 * Col(3), GetOV() + Row(3), "TitleBlock_Text_Title_1", catBottomCenter, 4
CreateTextAF Text_17, GetOH() + 0.5 * Col(3), GetOV() + 0.5 * (Row(5) + Row(6)), "TitleBlock_Text_Company", catMiddleCenter, 5
End Sub
Sub CATDeleteRevisionBlockFrame()
DeleteAll "CATDrwSearch.2DGeometry.Name=RevisionBlock_Line_*"
End Sub
Sub CATCreateRevisionBlockFrame()
'How to draw the revision block geometry
revision = CATCheckRev()
If revision = 0 Then Exit Sub
For ii = 0 To revision
iX = GetOH()
iY1 = GetHeight() - GetOV() - GetRevRowHeight() * ii
iY2 = GetHeight() - GetOV() - GetRevRowHeight() * (ii + 1)
CreateLine iX + GetColRev(1), iY1, iX + GetColRev(1), iY2, "RevisionBlock_Line_Column_" + GetRevLetter(ii) + "_1"
CreateLine iX + GetColRev(2), iY1, iX + GetColRev(2), iY2, "RevisionBlock_Line_Column_" + GetRevLetter(ii) + "_2"
CreateLine iX + GetColRev(3), iY1, iX + GetColRev(3), iY2, "RevisionBlock_Line_Column_" + GetRevLetter(ii) + "_3"
CreateLine iX + GetColRev(4), iY1, iX + GetColRev(4), iY2, "RevisionBlock_Line_Column_" + GetRevLetter(ii) + "_4"
CreateLine iX + GetColRev(1), iY2, iX, iY2, "RevisionBlock_Line_Row_" + GetRevLetter(ii)
End Sub
Sub CATAddRevisionBlockText()
'How to fill in the revision block
revision = CATCheckRev() + 1
x = GetOH()
y = GetHeight() - GetOV() - GetRevRowHeight() * (revision - 0.5)
Init = InputBox("This review has been done by:", "Reviewer's name", "XXX")
Description = InputBox("Comment to be inserted:", "Description", "None")
If revision = 1 Then
CreateTextAF "REV", x + GetColRev(1) + 1#, y, "RevisionBlock_Text_Rev", catMiddleLeft, 5
CreateTextAF "DATE", x + GetColRev(2) + 1#, y, "RevisionBlock_Text_Date", catMiddleLeft, 5
CreateTextAF "DESCRIPTION", x + GetColRev(3) + 1#, y, "RevisionBlock_Text_Description", catMiddleLeft, 5
CreateTextAF "INIT", x + GetColRev(4) + 1#, y, "RevisionBlock_Text_Init", catMiddleLeft, 5
End If
CreateTextAF GetRevLetter(revision), x + 0.5 * (GetColRev(1) + GetColRev(2)), y - GetRevRowHeight(), "RevisionBlock_Text_Rev_" + GetRevLetter(revision), catMiddleCenter, 5
CreateTextAF "" & Date, x + 0.5 * (GetColRev(2) + GetColRev(3)), y - GetRevRowHeight(), "RevisionBlock_Text_Date_" + GetRevLetter(revision), catMiddleCenter, 3.5
CreateTextAF Description, x + GetColRev(3) + 1#, y - GetRevRowHeight(), "RevisionBlock_Text_Description_" + GetRevLetter(revision), catMiddleLeft, 2.5
CreateTextAF Init, x + 0.5 * GetColRev(4), y - GetRevRowHeight(), "RevisionBlock_Text_Init_" + GetRevLetter(revision), catMiddleCenter, 5
On Error Resume Next
Texts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_MDate_" + GetRevLetter(revision)).Text = "" & Date
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub ComputeTitleBlockTranslation(TranslationTab As Variant)
TranslationTab(0) = 0#
TranslationTab(1) = 0#
On Error Resume Next
Set Text = Texts.GetItem("Reference_" + GetMacroID()) 'Get the reference text
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
TranslationTab(0) = GetWidth() - GetOffset() - Text.x
TranslationTab(1) = GetOffset() - Text.y
Text.x = Text.x + TranslationTab(0)
Text.y = Text.y + TranslationTab(1)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub ComputeRevisionBlockTranslation(TranslationTab As Variant)
TranslationTab(0) = 0#
TranslationTab(1) = 0#
On Error Resume Next
Set Text = Texts.GetItem("RevisionBlock_Text_Init") 'Get the reference text
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
TranslationTab(0) = GetWidth() - GetOffset() + GetColRev(4) - Text.x
TranslationTab(1) = GetHeight() - GetOffset() - 0.5 * GetRevRowHeight() - Text.y
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub CATRemoveFrame()
'How to remove the whole frame
DeleteAll "CATDrwSearch.DrwText.Name=Frame_Text_*"
DeleteAll "CATDrwSearch.2DGeometry.Name=Frame_*"
DeleteAll "CATDrwSearch.2DPoint.Name=TitleBlock_Line_*"
End Sub
Sub CATMoveTitleBlockText(Translation As Variant)
'How to translate the whole title block after changing the page setup
SelectAll "CATDrwSearch.DrwText.Name=TitleBlock_Text_*"
Count = Selection.Count2
For ii = 1 To Count
Set Text = Selection.Item2(ii).Value
Text.x = Text.x + Translation(0)
Text.y = Text.y + Translation(1)
End Sub
Sub CATMoveViews(Translation As Variant)
'How to translate the views after changing the page setup
For i = 3 To Views.Count
For i = 3 To Views.Count
Set View = Views.Item(i)
View.x = View.x + Translation(0)
View.y = View.y + Translation(1)
End Sub
Sub CATMoveRevisionBlockText(Translation As Varient)
'How to translate the whole revision block after changing the page setup
SelectAll "CATDrwSearch.DrwText.Name=RevisionBlock_Text_*"
Count = Selection.Count2
For ii = 1 To Count
Set Text = Selection.Item2(ii).Value
Text.x = Text.x + Translation(0)
Text.y = Text.y + Translation(1)
End Sub
Sub CATLinks()
'How to fill in texts with data of the part/product linked with current sheet
On Error Resume Next
Dim ViewDocument
Select Case GetContext():
Case "LAY": Set ViewDocument = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product
Case "DRW":
If Views.Count >= 3 Then
Set ViewDocument = Views.Item(3).GenerativeBehavior.Document
Set ViewDocument = Nothing
End If
Case Else: Set ViewDocument = Nothing
End Select
'Find the product document
Dim ProductDrawn
Set ProductDrawn = Nothing
For i = 1 To 8
If TypeName(ViewDocument) = "PartDocument" Then
Set ProductDrawn = ViewDocument.Product
Exit For
End If
If TypeName(ViewDocument) = "Product" Then
Set ProductDrawn = ViewDocument
Exit For
End If
Set ViewDocument = ViewDocument.Parent
If ProductDrawn <> Nothing Then
Texts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_EnoviaV5_Effectivity").Text = ProductDrawn.PartNumber
Texts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_Title_1").Text = ProductDrawn.Definition
Dim ProductAnalysis As Analyze
Set ProductAnalysis = ProductDrawn.Analyze
Texts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_Weight_1").Text = FormatNumber(ProductAnalysis.Mass, 2)
End If
'Display sheet format
Dim textFormat As DrawingText
Set textFormat = Texts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_Size_1")
textFormat.Text = GetDisplayFormat()
If Len(GetDisplayFormat()) > 4 Then
textFormat.SetFontSize 0, 0, 2.5
textFormat.SetFontSize 0, 0, 4#
End If
'Display sheet numbering
Dim nbSheet As Integer
Dim curSheet As Integer
If Not DrwSheet.IsDetail Then
For Each itSheet In Sheets
If Not itSheet.IsDetail Then nbSheet = nbSheet + 1
For Each itSheet In Sheets
If Not itSheet.IsDetail Then
curSheet = curSheet + 1
itSheet.Views.Item(2).Texts.GetItem("TitleBlock_Text_Sheet_1").Text = CStr(curSheet) & "/" & CStr(nbSheet)
End If
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub CATFillField(string1 As String, string2 As String, string3 As String)
'How to call a dialog to fill in manually a given text
Dim TextToFill_1 As DrawingText
Dim TextToFill_2 As DrawingText
Dim Person As String
Set TextToFill_1 = Texts.GetItem(string1)
Set TextToFill_2 = Texts.GetItem(string2)
Person = TextToFill_1.Text
If Person = "XXX" Then Person = "John Smith"
Person = InputBox("This Document has been " + string3 + " by:", "Controller's name", Person)
If Person = "" Then Person = "XXX"
TextToFill_1.Text = Person
TextToFill_2.Text = "" & Date
End Sub
Sub CATColorGeometry()
'How to color all geometric elements of the active view
' Uncomment the following sections if needed
Select Case GetContext():
'Case "DRW":
' SelectAll "CATDrwSearch.2DGeometry"
' Selection.VisProperties.SetRealColor 0,0,0,0
' Selection.Clear
Case "LAY":
SelectAll "CATDrwSearch.2DGeometry"
Selection.VisProperties.SetRealColor 255, 255, 255, 0
'Case "SCH":
' SelectAll "CATDrwSearch.2DGeometry"
' Selection.VisProperties.SetRealColor 0,0,0,0
' Selection.Clear
End Select
End Sub
Sub CATDrw_DesignedBy(targetSheet As CATIABase)
'How to update a bit more the FTB
If Not CATInit(targetSheet) Then Exit Sub
If CATCheckRef(0) Then Exit Sub
CATFillField "TitleBlock_Text_Design_1", "TitleBlock_Text_DeDate_1", "designed"
CATExit targetSheet
End Sub
de barros- timide
- Messages : 13
Date d'inscription : 06/07/2015
Localisation : bordeaux
Re: Adaptation macro cartouche
J'avais tester ta macro et reçu le même message d'erreur.
J'ai donc fais mes modifications dans le script Dassault d'origine et une première différence que j'ai pu remarquer c'est qu'il n'y a pas les # derrière les nombres (il y a un point):
ta macro : GetRulerLength = 200#
macro Dassault :GetRulerLength = 200.
Je ne sais pas quel est la différence mais regarde dans ce sens.
As tu testé une macro Dassault non modifiée?
En remplaçant tous les # par des . je n'ai plus d'erreur.
J'avais tester ta macro et reçu le même message d'erreur.
J'ai donc fais mes modifications dans le script Dassault d'origine et une première différence que j'ai pu remarquer c'est qu'il n'y a pas les # derrière les nombres (il y a un point):
ta macro : GetRulerLength = 200#
macro Dassault :GetRulerLength = 200.
Je ne sais pas quel est la différence mais regarde dans ce sens.
As tu testé une macro Dassault non modifiée?
En remplaçant tous les # par des . je n'ai plus d'erreur.
lumpazepfel- Fédérateur
- Messages : 319
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2015
Localisation : Ensisheim
Re: Adaptation macro cartouche
Pour le problème de langue, je suppose qu'il doit y avoir un fichier de configuration, mais où? Mystère!
La solution que j'ai trouvée est de réutiliser un nom de macro de Dassault pour ta propre macro:
Pour le problème de langue, je suppose qu'il doit y avoir un fichier de configuration, mais où? Mystère!
La solution que j'ai trouvée est de réutiliser un nom de macro de Dassault pour ta propre macro:
lumpazepfel- Fédérateur
- Messages : 319
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2015
Localisation : Ensisheim
Re: Adaptation macro cartouche
Merci beaucoup pour le coup de main, tu sais pas comment ça va me simplifier la vie au boulot.
Par curiosité, connaitrais-tu le code qui définie la taille du texte. Par exemple dans mon cas: matière, traité pour
Par curiosité, connaitrais-tu le code qui définie la taille du texte. Par exemple dans mon cas: matière, traité pour
de barros- timide
- Messages : 13
Date d'inscription : 06/07/2015
Localisation : bordeaux
Re: Adaptation macro cartouche
De rien
Pour tous les textes créés avec la fonction CreateTxtAF, la taille du texte est défini par le nombre à la fin des lignes :
CreateTextAF Text_03, GetOH() + Col(2) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(4), "TitleBlock_Text_DrDate", catTopLeft, 3
L'argument catTopLeft indique le point d'ancrage du texte (ici en haut, à gauche)
Pour tous les textes créés avec la fonction CreateTxtAF, la taille du texte est défini par le nombre à la fin des lignes :
CreateTextAF Text_03, GetOH() + Col(2) + 1#, GetOV() + Row(4), "TitleBlock_Text_DrDate", catTopLeft, 3
L'argument catTopLeft indique le point d'ancrage du texte (ici en haut, à gauche)
lumpazepfel- Fédérateur
- Messages : 319
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2015
Localisation : Ensisheim
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