Astuces et autres routines basiques utiles pour la création de macros
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Astuces et autres routines basiques utiles pour la création de macros
Ici j'aimerais qu'on puisse regrouper les petites routines, qu'on peut rencontrer régulièrement qui sont souvent bien utiles.
- Je suis tombé sur une routine qui permet de désactivé le rafraichissement de catia lors de l'exécution d'une macro.
De ce fait le traitement de la macro est accéléré.
Je pense que c'est très utile pour ceux qui on des macros ayant de long temps de traitement- Code:
Sub CATMain()
CATIA.RefreshDisplay = False
‘enter code here
CATIA.RefreshDisplay = True
End Sub
- Une macro que j'ai créé permettant de cacher automatiquement les flèches de repère bleus dans les différente vues de mise en plan
- Code:
Option Explicit
Sub CATMain()
'---- Début du script de résolution de l'objet : Axe horizontal
Dim drawingDocument1 As DrawingDocument
Set drawingDocument1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Dim drawingSheets1 As DrawingSheets
Set drawingSheets1 = drawingDocument1.Sheets
Dim selection1 As Selection
Set selection1 = drawingDocument1.Selection
Dim visPropertySet1 As VisPropertySet
Set visPropertySet1 = selection1.VisProperties
Dim drawingSheet1 As DrawingSheet
Set drawingSheet1 = drawingSheets1.Item("Calque.1")
Dim drawingViews1 As DrawingViews
Set drawingViews1 = drawingSheet1.Views
Set visPropertySet1 = visPropertySet1.Parent
'---- Fin du script de résolution
Dim drawingView1 As DrawingView
Dim geometricElements1 As GeometricElements
Dim repere As GeometricElement
Dim axe_h As GeometricElement
Dim axe_v As GeometricElement
Dim point2D1 As GeometricElement
Dim A As Integer
selection1.Clear '---- libère toutes les séléctions
For A = 3 To drawingViews1.Count '---- séléctionne tous les repères
Set drawingView1 = drawingViews1.Item(A)
Set geometricElements1 = drawingView1.GeometricElements
Set repere = geometricElements1.Item("Repère")
Set axe_h = repere.GetItem("Axe horizontal")
Set axe_v = repere.GetItem("Axe vertical")
Set point2D1 = repere.GetItem("Origine")
selection1.Add axe_v
selection1.Add axe_h
selection1.Add point2D1
visPropertySet1.SetShow 1 '---- cache tout ce qui à été séléctionné
selection1.Clear '---- libère toutes les séléctions
End Sub
- Une fonction permettant de choisir un répertoire
- Code:
Function Choix_Rep(Titre As String) As String
Dim ObjShell As Object, ObjFolder As Object
Set ObjShell = CreateObject("shell.Application")
Set ObjFolder = ObjShell.BrowseForFolder(0, Titre, 0)
If (Not ObjFolder Is Nothing) Then
Choix_Rep = ObjFolder.Items.Item.Path
End If
Set ObjFolder = Nothing
Set ObjShell = Nothing
End Function
- Des fonctions permettant de lire et écrire dans les fichiers .ini
Utile pour enregistrer des paramètres liè a une macro- Code:
Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" _
(ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String, _
ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" _
(ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpString As Any, _
ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
Private Function LitDansFichierIni(Section As String, Cle As String, Fichier As String, _
Optional ValeurParDefaut As String = "") As String
Dim strReturn As String
strReturn = String(255, 0)
GetPrivateProfileString Section, Cle, ValeurParDefaut, strReturn, Len(strReturn), Fichier
LitDansFichierIni = Left(strReturn, InStr(strReturn, Chr(0)) - 1)
End Function
Private Function EcritDansFichierIni(Section As String, Cle As String, _
Valeur As String, Fichier As String) As Long
EcritDansFichierIni = WritePrivateProfileString(Section, Cle, Valeur, Fichier)
End Function
- Pour les utilisateurs de base de donnée comme smarteam, une fonction permettant de vérifier si smarteam est connecté ou non
- Code:
Function test_smarteam() As Boolean
Dim smarteam As StiEngine
Set smarteam = CATIA.GetItem("CAIEngine")
test_smarteam = smarteam.IsConnected()
End Function
- Une fonction permettant de démarrer Excel
- Code:
Public Excel As Object
Private Declare Function BringWindowToTop Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Sub start_excel()
lignes = 10
colonnes = 3
'---- initialisation excel
On Error Resume Next
Set Excel = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set Excel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Excel.Visible = True
'---- position Excel en 1er plan
BringWindowToTop (Excel.hwnd)
'---- création de la feuille excel
End Sub
- Récupérer les nom et chemin de la macro en cours d'utilisation
- Code:
Option Explicit
Sub CATMain()
MsgBox Info_Macro("chemin")
MsgBox Info_Macro("nom")
MsgBox Info_Macro()
End Sub
Function Info_Macro(Optional Genre As String) As String
Dim APC As Object
Dim ChrI, i, t
Set APC = CreateObject("MSAPC.Apc")
Info_Macro = APC.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName
If Genre = "nom" Then
For i = 1 To Len(Info_Macro)
ChrI = Left(Right(Info_Macro, i), 1)
If ChrI = "\" Then
Info_Macro = Right(Info_Macro, i - 1)
Exit For
End If
If Genre = "chemin" Then
For i = 1 To Len(Info_Macro)
ChrI = Left(Right(Info_Macro, i), 1)
If ChrI = "\" Then
Info_Macro = Left(Info_Macro, Len(Info_Macro) - i + 1)
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Dernière édition par Guss_ le Ven 28 Aoû 2015 - 11:45, édité 1 fois
Guss_- Admin
- Messages : 530
Date d'inscription : 08/01/2010
Re: Astuces et autres routines basiques utiles pour la création de macros
Une petite macro qui permet de générer une série de spline en fonction d'un fichiers de point formaté
fichier contenant les points
"SL " defini le début de définition d'une ligne
la ligne suivante est une texte qui sera le nom de la spline
la ligne suivant est le nombre de points
les lignes suivantes sont les coordonnées x y z de chaque points
- Code:
Option Explicit
Sub CATMain()
'------------- initialisation document de travail ---------------
Dim documents1 As Documents
Set documents1 = CATIA.Documents 'documents
Dim partDocument1 As PartDocument
Set partDocument1 = documents1.Add("Part") 'documents.document(créé une part)
'------------- fin initialisation document de travail ---------------
'------------- initialisation objet de travail ---------------
Dim part1 As Part
Set part1 = partDocument1.Part 'documents.document.part
Dim hybridBodies1 As HybridBodies
Set hybridBodies1 = part1.HybridBodies 'Documents.Document.Part.HybridBodies
Dim hybridBody1 As HybridBody
Set hybridBody1 = hybridBodies1.Add() 'Documents.Document.Part.HybridBodies.HybridBody (créé un set géometrique)
Dim hybridShapeFactory1 As HybridShapeFactory
Set hybridShapeFactory1 = part1.HybridShapeFactory 'Documents.Document.Part.HybridBodies.HybridBody.HybridShapeFactory
'------------- fin initialisation objet de travail ---------------
'------------- variables des travail -------------
Dim X#, Y#, Z#
X# = 0
Y# = 0
Z# = 0
Dim nb_ligne, max_point, tps1, tps2, tps3, last_point
Dim nom_ligne(), nb_point()
Dim coord_start(), coord_end()
Dim coord1(), temp1()
'------------- variables des travail -------------
'-------------- Lecture fichier ---------------
Dim oFileSys As Object
Set oFileSys = CATIA.FileSystem
Dim oFSO As Object
Dim oFl
Dim oTxt
Dim chaine_traitement, point, ligne
'Instanciation du FSO
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFl = oFSO.GetFile("G:\N2EDM\DISCO\D7_Dossier_Interfaces_Et_Echanges\Phy_Vers_Meca\cordonnées_lignes.txt")
Set oTxt = oFl.OpenAsTextStream(1)
'fin initialisation
nb_ligne = 0
max_point = 0
With oTxt
While Not .AtEndOfStream
chaine_traitement = .ReadLine
If chaine_traitement = "SL" Then
ReDim Preserve nom_ligne(nb_ligne), nb_point(nb_ligne)
nom_ligne(nb_ligne) = .ReadLine
ReDim Preserve coord_start(2, nb_ligne), coord_end(2, nb_ligne)
nb_point(nb_ligne) = .ReadLine
If max_point < nb_point(nb_ligne) Then
last_point = max_point
max_point = nb_point(nb_ligne)
temp1() = coord1()
ReDim coord1(2, max_point - 1, nb_ligne)
For tps1 = 0 To 2
For tps2 = 0 To last_point - 1
For tps3 = 0 To nb_ligne - 1
coord1(tps1, tps2, tps3) = temp1(tps1, tps2, tps3)
End If
ReDim Preserve coord1(2, max_point - 1, nb_ligne)
For point = 0 To nb_point(nb_ligne) - 1
chaine_traitement = .ReadLine
If Len(chaine_traitement) <> 52 Then
MsgBox "erreur de lecteur des coordonée de la ligne " & nom_ligne(nb_ligne) & " série de points " & point
coord1(0, point, nb_ligne) = Mid(chaine_traitement, 1, 7)
coord1(1, point, nb_ligne) = Mid(chaine_traitement, 10, 7)
coord1(2, point, nb_ligne) = Mid(chaine_traitement, 19, 7)
End If
'MsgBox point
nb_ligne = nb_ligne + 1
End If
End With
'------------- fin lecture fichier ---------------
'------------- initialisation de la spline --------------------
Dim hybridShapeSpline1 As HybridShapeSpline
Dim reference2 As Reference
'------------- fin initialisation de la spline --------------------
'------------- initialisation point a créer ---------------
Dim hybridShapePointCoord1 As HybridShapePointCoord
'------------- fin initialisation point a créer ---------------
'------------- initialisation du repere de référence---------------
Dim axisSystems1 As AxisSystems
Dim axisSystem1 As AxisSystem
Dim reference1 As Reference
'------------- fin initialisation du repere de référence ---------------
For ligne = 0 To nb_ligne - 1
'------------- création de la spline ------------------
Set hybridShapeSpline1 = hybridShapeFactory1.AddNewSpline() 'Documents.Document.Part.HybridBodies.HybridBody.HybridShapeFactory.HybridShapeSpline (créé une spline)
hybridShapeSpline1.SetSplineType 0
hybridShapeSpline1.SetClosing 0
'------------- fin création de la spline ------------------
For point = 0 To nb_point(ligne) - 1
'------------- création d un point ---------------
X# = coord1(0, point, ligne)
Y# = coord1(1, point, ligne)
Z# = coord1(2, point, ligne)
Set hybridShapePointCoord1 = hybridShapeFactory1.AddNewPointCoord(X#, Y#, Z#) 'Documents.Document.Part.HybridBodies.HybridBody.HybridShapeFactory.HybridShapePointCoord (créé un point)
'------------- fin création d un point ---------------
'------------- création du repere de référence---------------
Set axisSystems1 = part1.AxisSystems 'documents.document.part.AxisSystems
Set axisSystem1 = axisSystems1.Item("Repère absolu") 'documents.document.part.AxisSystems.AxisSystem
Set reference1 = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(axisSystem1) 'documents.document.part.Reference
'------------- fin création du repere de référence ---------------
' ------------------ création point 1 ----------------
hybridShapePointCoord1.RefAxisSystem = reference1
hybridShapePointCoord1.Name = "Pt." & X# & "." & Y#
hybridBody1.AppendHybridShape hybridShapePointCoord1
part1.InWorkObject = hybridShapePointCoord1
' ------------------ fin création point 1 ----------------
'------------- ajout de point sur la spline ------------------
Set reference2 = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(hybridShapePointCoord1) 'documents.document.part.Reference
hybridShapeSpline1.AddPointWithConstraintExplicit reference2, Nothing, -1#, 1, Nothing, 0#
hybridShapeSpline1.Name = nom_ligne(ligne)
'------------- fin ajout de point sur la spline ------------------
hybridBody1.AppendHybridShape hybridShapeSpline1
part1.InWorkObject = hybridShapeSpline1
End Sub
fichier contenant les points
- Code:
Ligne 0000 toto
00.000 00.000 00.000
01.000 01.000 00.000
02.000 04.000 00.000
03.000 02.000 00.000
Ligne 0002
00.000 01.000 00.000
01.500 03.000 00.000
03.000 07.000 00.000
05.000 04.000 00.000
Ligne 0003
00.000 01.000 00.000
01.500 03.000 00.000
03.000 07.000 00.000
Ligne 0004
00.000 01.000 00.000
-01.500 03.000 00.000
03.000 -07.000 00.000
01.500 03.000 00.000
03.000 07.000 00.000
"SL " defini le début de définition d'une ligne
la ligne suivante est une texte qui sera le nom de la spline
la ligne suivant est le nombre de points
les lignes suivantes sont les coordonnées x y z de chaque points
Dernière édition par Guss_ le Mer 19 Nov 2014 - 13:21, édité 1 fois
Guss_- Admin
- Messages : 530
Date d'inscription : 08/01/2010
Re: Astuces et autres routines basiques utiles pour la création de macros
super tes va me servir..merci
Re: Astuces et autres routines basiques utiles pour la création de macros
De rien c'est fait pour ça
Guss_- Admin
- Messages : 530
Date d'inscription : 08/01/2010
Re: Astuces et autres routines basiques utiles pour la création de macros
Une fonction permettant d'ouvrir une fenêtre de sélection de fichier
La fonction renvoie le chemin du fichier sélectionné, le paramétré permet de sélectionner le type de fichier par défaut
code de teste de la fonction
- Code:
Function fichier(type_fichier As String)
Dim strFilePath As String
Dim objFile As File
Dim objTextStream As TextStream
Dim strLine As String
'Display file open dialog
strFilePath = CATIA.FileSelectionBox("Select Text File", type_fichier, 0)
'If user clicked cancel (empty string is returned), then exit the program
If strFilePath = "" Then Exit Function
fichier = strFilePath
End Function
La fonction renvoie le chemin du fichier sélectionné, le paramétré permet de sélectionner le type de fichier par défaut
code de teste de la fonction
- Code:
Sub catmain()
Dim chemin
chemin = fichier("*.txt")
MsgBox chemin
End Sub
Guss_- Admin
- Messages : 530
Date d'inscription : 08/01/2010
Re: Astuces et autres routines basiques utiles pour la création de macros
Lorsque que je veux être dans un module précis avant de commencer ma macro. Surtout pratique s'il y a changement de "workbench" dans la macro
- Code:
'Vérification si je suis en part ou product
Dim woid As String 'workobjectid
woid = CATIA.GetWorkbenchId
If woid <> "Assembly" Then
MsgBox ("Mettre actif dans le product")
End If
ramzar- timide
- Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 12/09/2014
Localisation : Canada
Re: Astuces et autres routines basiques utiles pour la création de macros
Test pour savoir si le document actif est un CATProduct
- Code:
Option Explicit
Public pub_current_document As Document
Sub CATMain()
' Test que c'est un product qui est courant
On Error Resume Next
Set pub_current_document = CATIA.ActiveDocument
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Aucun document n'est chargé dans votre session CATIA V5 !", vbCritical, "Aucun traitement ne peut être effectué"
Exit Sub
End If
If TypeName(pub_current_document) <> "ProductDocument" Then
MsgBox "Le document courant n'est pas un CATProduct (ensemble) !", vbCritical, "Aucun traitement ne peut être effectué"
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Set pub_current_product = pub_current_document.Product
End Sub
Re: Astuces et autres routines basiques utiles pour la création de macros
ramzar a écrit:Lorsque que je veux être dans un module précis avant de commencer ma macro. Surtout pratique s'il y a changement de "workbench" dans la macro
- Code:
'Vérification si je suis en part ou product
Dim woid As String 'workobjectid
woid = CATIA.GetWorkbenchId
If woid <> "Assembly" Then
MsgBox ("Mettre actif dans le product")
End If
Tu peux agrémenter d'un
- Code:
CATIA.StartWorkbench ("Assembly")
à la place de MsgBox ("Mettre actif dans le product") pour basculer directement sur le mode "assembly design"
Guss_- Admin
- Messages : 530
Date d'inscription : 08/01/2010
Re: Astuces et autres routines basiques utiles pour la création de macros
Salut à tous
Voici une Class qui permet de gérer facilement de paramètres qu'on pourrait vouloir garder en mémoire d'un lancement à l'autre d'une macro
Exemple d'utilisation
Voici une Class qui permet de gérer facilement de paramètres qu'on pourrait vouloir garder en mémoire d'un lancement à l'autre d'une macro
- Code:
'* Classe : Configuration
'* Fonctions : Enregistre dans un fichier .ini des valeurs à sauvgarder
'* Modification : 27/08/15
'* Version : 0.1
Option Explicit
Private Path As String 'variable contenant le chemin du fichier de configuration
Private App_name As String 'variable contenant le nom de la macro dont on veut garder des configuration
Private Version_App As String 'version de le macro si on veux s'y retrouver après plusieurs évolution
'--- fonctions permettant la gestion des fichiers .ini
'on utilise les fonctions 'GetPrivateProfileStringA' et 'WritePrivateProfileStringA' de la librairie 'kernel32'
Private Declare Function ini_Lecture Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal Nom_App As String, ByVal Clef As Any, ByVal Valeur_Default As String, ByVal Variable_retour As String, ByVal Longueur As Long, ByVal Chemin_ini As String) As Long
Private Declare Function ini_Ecriture Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal Nom_App As String, ByVal Clef As Any, ByVal Valeur As Any, ByVal Chemin_ini As String) As Long
Private Sub Class_initialize() 'initialisation de la class, génère le chemin de configuration par defaut
Dim WshShell As Object, WshSysEnv As Object
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WshSysEnv = WshShell.Environment("PROCESS")
Path = WshSysEnv("appdata") + "\DassaultSystemes\CATSettings\Macros_Settings.ini"
App_name = ""
Version_App = ""
' le chemin par defaut est celui des cat settings de la session active
End Sub
' gestion de la propriété du chemin du fichier de configurations
Public Property Let Chemin(Path_Conf As String)
Path = Path_Conf
End Property
Public Property Get Chemin() As String
Chemin = Path
End Property
' gestion de la propriété du nom a associer à la macro
Public Property Let Nom(Nom_Macro As String)
App_name = Nom_Macro
End Property
Public Property Get Nom() As String
Nom = App_name
End Property
'gestion de la propriété de la version de la macro
Public Property Let Version(Version_Macro As String)
Version_App = Version_Macro
End Property
Public Property Get Version() As String
Version = Version_App
End Property
Public Sub Enregistre(Clef As String, Valeur As String) 'enregistre les données en fonction de la clef
If App_name = "" Or Version_App = "" Then
MsgBox "la propriété ' Nom ' n'est pas renseignée"
If App_name = "" Or Version_App = "" Then
MsgBox "la propriété ' Version ' n'est pas renseignée"
ini_Ecriture App_name + " " + Version_App, Clef, Valeur, Path
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Function Lecture(Clef As String) 'lecture et mise en forme des données lue en fonction de la clef
Dim Valeur_Retour As String
Dim ValeurParDefaut
If App_name = "" Or Version_App = "" Then
MsgBox "la propriété ' Nom ' n'est pas renseignée"
If App_name = "" Or Version_App = "" Then
MsgBox "la propriété ' Version ' n'est pas renseignée"
ValeurParDefaut = ""
Valeur_Retour = String(255, 0)
ini_Lecture App_name + " " + Version_App, Clef, ValeurParDefaut, Valeur_Retour, Len(Valeur_Retour), Path
Lecture = Left(Valeur_Retour, InStr(Valeur_Retour, Chr(0)) - 1)
End If
End If
End Function
Exemple d'utilisation
- Code:
Option Explicit
Sub cat_main()
Dim Configuration As New Configuration
Dim mavaleur As String
Configuration.Nom = "test"
Configuration.Version = "0.1"
Configuration.Enregistre "val_test1", "truc"
mavaleur = Configuration.Lecture("val_test1")
MsgBox mavaleur + vbCrLf + Configuration.Chemin + vbCrLf + Configuration.Nom + vbCrLf + Configuration.Version
End Sub
Guss_- Admin
- Messages : 530
Date d'inscription : 08/01/2010
Re: Astuces et autres routines basiques utiles pour la création de macros
Une fonction qui permet de scanner un répertoire et de renvoyer un tableau contenant la liste des fichiers du répertoire scanner.
On peut ajouter optionnellement un paramètre de filtrage, le chaîne de caractère est rechercher dans le nom de chaque fichier et listé.
Si aucun fichier n'est trouvé alors Scan_Rep() = "Pas de Fichier trouvé"
Un exemple
On peut ajouter optionnellement un paramètre de filtrage, le chaîne de caractère est rechercher dans le nom de chaque fichier et listé.
Si aucun fichier n'est trouvé alors Scan_Rep() = "Pas de Fichier trouvé"
- Code:
Function Scan_Rep(Chemin As String, Optional Type_Fichier As String = "") As String()
Dim FSO As Object, Reprtoire As Object, Liste() As String, Fichier, Compteur
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Compteur = -1
Set Reprtoire = FSO.GetFolder(Chemin)
For Each Fichier In Reprtoire.Files
If (InStr(1, Fichier.Name, Type_Fichier, 1) > 0) Then
Compteur = Compteur + 1
ReDim Preserve Liste(Compteur)
Liste(Compteur) = Fichier.Name
End If
If Compteur = -1 Then
ReDim Liste(0)
Liste(0) = "Pas de Fichier trouvé"
End If
Scan_Rep = Liste()
End Function
Un exemple
- Code:
Option Explicit
Sub CatMain()
Dim List() As String, N
List = Scan_Rep(Choix_Rep("Choissiez un repertoire"))
For N = LBound(List) To UBound(List)
Debug.Print List(N)
Next N
End Sub
Guss_- Admin
- Messages : 530
Date d'inscription : 08/01/2010
Re: Astuces et autres routines basiques utiles pour la création de macros
Un lot complet de fonctions mathématiques pour les macros de construction géométrique.
Récupéré du site
How to get point coordinates
How to get point coordinates relative to an specified axis system
How to Normalize of a vector
How to get Plane Equation
How to get plane vectors
How to get angle between two planes - Dihedral Angle
Arccos function
Arcsin function
How to get distance between two points
Are two points on the same side of the plane?
How to get the vector of line
How to Get BrepName from Catia Selection
How to determine if two lines are skew, intersecting or parallel
How to get the distance between two skew lines
How to get DOT product of two vectors - lenght must be 3
How to get CROSS product of two vectors - lenght must be 3
How to get inverse of an NxN matrix
How to get Determinant of an NxN matrix
How to get Adjoint matrix - it is used to calculate the inverse of an NxN matrix
How to get Minor matrix - it is used to calculate the determinant of an NxN matrix
How to aproximate an curve using Cubic Bezier curves
How to aproximate an curve using Quadratic Bezier curves
How to sort verctors
Un lot complet de fonctions mathématiques pour les macros de construction géométrique.
Récupéré du site
- Code:
1. Create a Module in your project and paste the code below
Public Type iPct
X As Double
Y As Double
Z As Double
End Type
Public Type iPlan
Ax As Double
By As Double
Cz As Double
Dt As Double
End Type
Public Enum iIntVal
Intersectie = 0 'Intersection
Paralele = 1
Oblice = 2 'Skew
End Enum
Public Type iIntersect
Result As iIntVal
Val As iPct
End Type
Sub CATMain()
Dim Q As New clsGVI
Dim A As iPct
Dim B As iPct
Dim C As iPct
Dim D As iPct
A.X = 1: A.Y = 1: A.Z = 1
B.X = 3: B.Y = 3: B.Z = 1
C.X = 0: C.Y = 1: C.Z = 4
D.X = 0: D.Y = 3: D.Z = 3
Dim X1 As Double
X1 =Q.LLDistance(A, B, C, D)
End Sub
2. Create a Class Module in the same project and rename it to clsGVI and paste the code below
Const PI As Double = 3.14159265358979
How to get point coordinates
- Code:
Public Function GetPointXYZ(MyPoint As Variant) As iPct
Dim Coord(2): Set GetPointXYZ = New iPct
MyPoint.GetCoordinates Coord
GetPointXYZ.X = Coord(0): GetPointXYZ.Y = Coord(1): GetPointXYZ.Z = Coord(2)
Erase Coord
End Function
How to get point coordinates relative to an specified axis system
- Code:
Public Function LCS(AxisSys As Variant, Point2Measure As iPct) As iPct
Dim AOrig(2): Dim Vx(2): Dim Vy(2): Dim Vz(2)
Dim iOrig As iPct: Dim iVx As iPct: Dim iVy As iPct: Dim iVz As iPct: Dim Diff As iPct
Set LCS = New iPct
AxisSys.GetOrigin AOrig: iOrig.X = AOrig(0): iOrig.Y = AOrig(1): iOrig.Z = AOrig(2)
AxisSys.GetXAxis Vx: iVx.X = Vx(0): iVx.Y = Vx(1): iVx.Z = Vx(2)
AxisSys.GetYAxis Vy: iVy.X = Vy(0): iVy.Y = Vy(1): iVy.Z = Vy(2)
AxisSys.GetZAxis Vz: iVz.X = Vz(0): iVz.Y = Vz(1): iVz.Z = Vz(2)
NormalizeVector iVx, iVx
NormalizeVector iVy, iVy
NormalizeVector iVz, iVz
Diff.X = Point2Measure.X - iOrig.X: Diff.Y = Point2Measure.Y - iOrig.Y: Diff.Z = Point2Measure.Z - iOrig.Z
LCS.X = DotProduct(Diff, iVx): LCS.Y = DotProduct(Diff, iVy): LCS.Z = DotProduct(Diff, iVz)
Set iOrig = Nothing: Set iVx = Nothing: Set iVy = Nothing: Set iVz = Nothing: Set Diff = Nothing
Erase AOrig: Erase Vx: Erase Vy: Erase Vz
End Function
How to Normalize of a vector
- Code:
Public Sub NormalizeVector(IVect As iPct, ByRef NVect As iPct)
Dim Mag As Double
Mag = Sqr(IVect.X ^ 2 + IVect.Y ^ 2 + IVect.Z ^ 2)
If Mag < 0.0000001 Then Call Err.Raise(1001, , "Zero length vector cannot be normalized")
NVect.X = IVect.X / Mag
NVect.Y = IVect.Y / Mag
NVect.Z = IVect.Z / Mag
End Sub
How to get Plane Equation
- Code:
Public Function PlaneEquation(PartOrigin As iPct, PlaneOrigin As iPct, FirstVector As iPct, SecondVector As iPct) As iPlan
Set PlaneEquation = New iPlan
PlaneEquation.Ax = PartOrigin.Y * (FirstVector.Z - SecondVector.Z) + FirstVector.Y * (SecondVector.Z - PartOrigin.Z) + SecondVector.Y * (PartOrigin.Z - FirstVector.Z)
PlaneEquation.By = PartOrigin.Z * (FirstVector.X - SecondVector.X) + FirstVector.Z * (SecondVector.X - PartOrigin.X) + SecondVector.Z * (PartOrigin.X - FirstVector.X)
PlaneEquation.Cz = PartOrigin.X * (FirstVector.Y - SecondVector.Y) + FirstVector.X * (SecondVector.Y - PartOrigin.Y) + SecondVector.X * (PartOrigin.Y - FirstVector.Y)
PlaneEquation.Dt = PlaneOrigin.X * (FirstVector.Y * SecondVector.Z - SecondVector.Y * FirstVector.Z) + FirstVector.X * (SecondVector.Y * PlaneOrigin.Z - PlaneOrigin.Y * _
SecondVector.Z) + SecondVector.X * (PlaneOrigin.Y * FirstVector.Z - FirstVector.Y * PlaneOrigin.Z)
End Function
How to get plane vectors
- Code:
Public Function GetPlaneVectors(MyPlane As Variant) As iPct()
Dim ArrRet() As iPct: ReDim ArrRet(1)
Dim V1(2): Dim V2(2)
MyPlane.GetFirstAxis V1: ArrRet(0).X = V1(0): ArrRet(0).Y = V1(1): ArrRet(0).Z = V1(2)
MyPlane.GetSecondAxis V2: ArrRet(1).X = V2(0): ArrRet(1).Y = V2(1): ArrRet(1).Z = V2(2)
GetPlaneVectors = ArrRet
Erase ArrRet: Erase V1: Erase V2
End Function
How to get angle between two planes - Dihedral Angle
- Code:
Public Function DihedralAngle(FirstPlane As iPlan, SecondPlane As iPlan) As Double
DihedralAngle = ArcCos(FirstPlane.Ax * SecondPlane.Ax + FirstPlane.By * SecondPlane.By + FirstPlane.Cz * SecondPlane.Cz / _
Sqr((FirstPlane.Ax ^ 2 + FirstPlane.By ^ 2 + FirstPlane.Cz ^ 2) * (SecondPlane.Ax ^ 2 + SecondPlane.By ^ 2 + SecondPlane.Cz ^ 2)))
End Function
Arccos function
- Code:
Public Function ArcCos(Radians As Double) As Double
If Round(Radians, = 1 Then ArcCos = 0: Exit Function
If Round(Radians, = -1 Then ArcCos = PI: Exit Function
ArcCos = Atn(-Radians / Sqr(1 - Radians ^ 2)) + 2 * Atn(1)
End Function
Arcsin function
- Code:
Public Function ArcSin(Radians As Double) As Double
If (Sqr(1 - Radians ^ 2) <= 0.000000000001) And (Sqr(1 - Radians ^ 2) >= -0.000000000001) Then
ArcSin = PI / 2
ArcSin = Atn(Radians / Sqr(1 - Radians ^ 2))
End If
End Function
How to get distance between two points
- Code:
Public Function P2PDist(FirstPoint As iPct, SecondPoint As iPct) As Double
Distance = Sqr((SecondPoint.X - FirstPoint.X) ^ 2 + (SecondPoint.Y - FirstPoint.Y) ^ 2 + (SecondPoint.Z - FirstPoint.Z) ^ 2)
End Function
Are two points on the same side of the plane?
- Code:
Public Function WhichSideOfPlane(Plane As iPlan, FirstPoint As iPct, SecondPoint As iPct) As Integer()
Dim ArrReturn() As Integer: ReDim ArrReturn(1)
ArrReturn(0) = Plane.Ax * FirstPoint.X + Plane.By * FirstPoint.Y + Plane.Cz * FirstPoint.Z - Plane.Dt
ArrReturn(1) = Plane.Ax * SecondPoint.X + Plane.By * SecondPoint.Y + Plane.Cz * SecondPoint.Z - Plane.Dt
WhichSideOfPlane = ArrReturn
Erase ArrReturn
End Function
How to get the vector of line
- Code:
Public Function GetLineVector(FirstPoint As iPct, SecondPoint As iPct) As iPct
Dim Dist As Double: Set GetLineVector = New iPct
Dist = P2PDist(FirstPoint, Seconpoint)
GetLineVector.X = (SecondPoint.X - FirstPoint.X) / Dist
GetLineVector.Y = (SecondPoint.Y - FirstPoint.Y) / Dist
GetLineVector.Z = (SecondPoint.Z - FirstPoint.Z) / Dist
End Function
How to Get BrepName from Catia Selection
- Code:
Public Function GetBrep(MyBRepName As String) As String
MyBRepName = Replace(MyBRepName, "Selection_", "")
MyBRepName = Left(MyBRepName, InStrRev(MyBRepName, "));"))
MyBRepName = MyBRepName + ");WithPermanentBody;WithoutBuildError;WithSelectingFeatureSupport;MFBRepVersion_CXR15)"
'");WithTemporaryBody;WithoutBuildError;WithInitialFeatureSupport;MonoFond;MFBRepVersion _CXR14)"
GetBrep = MyBRepName
End Function
How to determine if two lines are skew, intersecting or parallel
- Code:
Public Function LLIntersect(A As iPct, B As iPct, C As iPct, D As iPct) As iIntersect
Dim M(3, 3) As Double
M(0, 0) = A.X: M(0, 1) = A.Y: M(0, 2) = A.Z: M(0, 3) = 1
M(1, 0) = B.X: M(1, 1) = B.Y: M(1, 2) = B.Z: M(1, 3) = 1
M(2, 0) = C.X: M(2, 1) = C.Y: M(2, 2) = C.Z: M(2, 3) = 1
M(3, 0) = D.X: M(3, 1) = D.Y: M(3, 2) = D.Z: M(3, 3) = 1
If GetDet(M) <> 0 Then Erase M: LLIntersect.Result = Oblice: Exit Function 'skew lines
Dim CxB() As Double: Dim AxB() As Double: ReDim CxB(2): ReDim AxB(2)
Dim Av(2) As Double: Dim Bv(2) As Double: Dim Cv(2) As Double
Av(0) = B.X - A.X: Av(1) = B.Y - A.Y: Av(2) = B.Z - A.Z
Bv(0) = D.X - C.X: Bv(1) = D.Y - C.Y: Bv(2) = D.Z - C.Z
Cv(0) = C.X - A.X: Cv(1) = C.Y - A.Y: Cv(2) = C.Z - A.Z
CxB = CrossProd(Cv, Bv): AxB = CrossProd(Av, Bv)
Dim s As Double
On Error GoTo paralelele
s = DotProd(CxB, AxB) / Abs(DotProd(AxB, AxB))
Dim iInter As iPct
iInter.X = A.X + Av(0) * s 'X coordinate of intersection
iInter.Y = A.Y + Av(1) * s 'Y coordinate of intersection
iInter.Z = A.Z + Av(2) * s 'Z coordinate of intersection
LLIntersect.Result = Intersectie 'intersecting lines
LLIntersect.Val = iInter
Erase CxB: Erase AxB: Erase Cv: Erase Bv: Erase Av
If Err.Number <> 0 Then LLIntersect.Result = PParalele: Err.Clear 'parallel lines
End Function
How to get the distance between two skew lines
- Code:
Public Function SkewLDist(A As iPct, B As iPct, C As iPct, D As iPct) As Double
Dim Av(2) As Double: Dim Bv(2) As Double: Dim Cv(2) As Double
Dim Det(2, 2) As Double
Av(0) = A.X - B.X: Av(1) = A.Y - B.Y: Av(2) = A.Z - B.Z
Bv(0) = C.X - A.X: Bv(1) = C.Y - A.Y: Bv(2) = C.Z - A.Z
Cv(0) = D.X - C.X: Cv(1) = D.Y - C.Y: Cv(2) = D.Z - C.Z
Det(0, 0) = DotProd(Cv, Cv): Det(0, 1) = DotProd(Cv, Av): Det(0, 2) = DotProd(Cv, Bv)
Det(1, 0) = DotProd(Cv, Av): Det(1, 1) = DotProd(Av, Av): Det(1, 2) = DotProd(Av, Bv)
Det(2, 0) = DotProd(Cv, Bv): Det(2, 1) = DotProd(Av, Bv): Det(2, 2) = DotProd(Bv, Bv)
Dim v As Double
v = GetDet(Det)
SkewLDist = Sqr(v / (Det(0, 0) * Det(1, 1) - Det(1, 0) ^ 2))
End Function
How to get DOT product of two vectors - lenght must be 3
- Code:
Public Function DotProd(V1() As Double, V2() As Double) As Double
DotProd = V1(0) * V2(0) + V1(1) * V2(1) + V1(2) * V2(2)
End Function
How to get CROSS product of two vectors - lenght must be 3
- Code:
Public Function CrossProd(V1() As Double, V2() As Double) As Double()
Dim Res() As Double
ReDim Res(2)
Res(0) = V1(1) * V2(2) - V1(2) * V2(1)
Res(1) = V1(2) * V2(0) - V1(0) * V2(2)
Res(2) = V1(0) * V2(1) - V1(1) * V2(0)
CrossProd = Res
Erase Res
End Function
How to get inverse of an NxN matrix
- Code:
Public Function GetInverse(M() As Double) As Double()
Dim RetVal() As Double: Dim Size As Integer
Dim Det As Double: Dim Adj() As Double
Dim i As Integer: Dim j As Integer
Size = UBound(M): Det = GetDet(M)
If Det <> 0 Then
ReDim RetVal(Size, Size)
Adj = GetAdjoint(M)
For i = 0 To Size
For j = 0 To Size
RetVal(i, j) = Adj(i, j) / Det
Erase Adj
GetInverse = RetVal
Erase RetVal
End If
End Function
How to get Determinant of an NxN matrix
- Code:
Public Function GetDet(M() As Double) As Double
Dim i As Integer: Dim j As Integer
Dim Size As Integer: Size = UBound(M): Dim RetVal As Double
If Size = 1 Then
RetVal = RetVal + M(0, 0) * M(1, 1) - M(0, 1) * M(1, 0) 'daca e deteminant 2x2
For i = 0 To Size
RetVal = RetVal + ((-1) ^ i) * M(0, i) * GetDet(GetMinor(M, 0, i)) 'daca e determinant NxN
End If
GetDet = RetVal
End Function
How to get Adjoint matrix - it is used to calculate the inverse of an NxN matrix
- Code:
Public Function GetAdjoint(M() As Double) As Double()
Dim i As Integer: Dim j As Integer
Dim Size As Integer: Size = UBound(M)
Dim RetVal() As Double: ReDim RV(Size, Size)
For i = 0 To Size
For j = 0 To Size
RetVal(j, i) = ((-1) ^ (i + j)) * GetDet(GetMinor(M, i, j)) 'RetVal(i, j)=matricea cofactor; RetVal(j, i)= transpusa matricii cofactor
GetAdjoint = RetVal
Erase RetVal
End Function
How to get Minor matrix - it is used to calculate the determinant of an NxN matrix
- Code:
Public Function GetMinor(Min() As Double, RemRow As Integer, RemCol As Integer) As Double()
Dim RetVal() As Double: Dim i As Integer: Dim j As Integer
Dim IdxC As Integer: Dim IdxR As Integer
Dim Size As Integer: IdxR = 0: Size = UBound(Min) - 1
ReDim RetVal(Size, Size) As Double
For i = 0 To Size + 1
If i <> RemRow Then
IdxC = 0
For j = 0 To Size + 1
If j <> RemCol Then
RetVal(IdxR, IdxC) = Min(i, j)
IdxC = IdxC + 1
End If
IdxR = IdxR + 1
End If
GetMinor = RetVal
Erase RetVal
End Function
How to aproximate an curve using Cubic Bezier curves
- Code:
Public Function BSpline3(CollectionOfiPcts As Collection, Increment As Double) As Collection
Dim i As Double: Dim t As Double
Dim A As iPlan: Dim B As iPlan: Dim C As iPlan: Dim Point2Add As iPct
Set BSpline3 = New Collection
For i = 1 To CollectionOfiPcts.Count - 3
Set A = New iPlan: Set B = New iPlan: Set C = New iPlan
A.Ax = (-CollectionOfiPcts(i).X + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).X - 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).X + CollectionOfiPcts(i + 3).X) / 6
A.By = (3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i).X - 6 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).X + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).X) / 6
A.Cz = (-3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i).X + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).X) / 6
A.Dt = (CollectionOfiPcts(i).X + 4 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).X + CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).X) / 6
B.Ax = (-CollectionOfiPcts(i).Y + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).Y - 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).Y + CollectionOfiPcts(i + 3).Y) / 6
B.By = (3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i).Y - 6 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).Y + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).Y) / 6
B.Cz = (-3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i).Y + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).Y) / 6
B.Dt = (CollectionOfiPcts(i).Y + 4 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).Y + CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).Y) / 6
C.Ax = (-CollectionOfiPcts(i).Z + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).Z - 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).Z + CollectionOfiPcts(i + 3).Z) / 6
C.By = (3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i).Z - 6 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).Z + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).Z) / 6
C.Cz = (-3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i).Z + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).Z) / 6
C.Dt = (CollectionOfiPcts(i).Z + 4 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).Z + CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).Z) / 6
For t = 0 To 1 Step Increment
Set Point2Add = New iPct
Point2Add.X = A.Dt + A.Cz * t + A.By * t ^ 2 + A.Ax * t ^ 3
Point2Add.Y = B.Dt + B.Cz * t + B.By * t ^ 2 + B.Ax * t ^ 3
Point2Add.Z = C.Dt + C.Cz * t + C.By * t ^ 2 + C.Ax * t ^ 3
BSpline3.Add Point2Add
Set Point2Add = Nothing
Set A = Nothing: Set B = Nothing: Set C = Nothing
End Function
How to aproximate an curve using Quadratic Bezier curves
- Code:
Public Function BSplineC(CollectionOfiPcts As Collection, Increment As Double) As Collection
Dim j As Double
Dim t As Double
Dim A As iPct: Dim B As iPct: Dim C As iPct: Dim Point2Add As iPct
Set BSplineC = New Collection
For j = 2 To CollectionOfiPcts.Count - 1
Set A = New iPct: Set B = New iPct: Set C = New iPct
A.X = (CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).X - 2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j).X + CollectionOfiPcts(j + 1).X) / 2
A.Y = (-2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).X + 2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j).X) / 2
A.Z = (CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).X + CollectionOfiPcts(j).X) / 2
B.X = (CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).Y - 2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j).Y + CollectionOfiPcts(j + 1).Y) / 2
B.Y = (-2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).Y + 2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j).Y) / 2
B.Z = (CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).Y + CollectionOfiPcts(j).Y) / 2
C.X = (CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).Z - 2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j).Z + CollectionOfiPcts(j + 1).Z) / 2
C.Y = (-2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).Z + 2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j).Z) / 2
C.Z = (CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).Z + CollectionOfiPcts(j).Z) / 2
For t = 0 To 1 Step Increment
Set Point2Add = New iPct
Point2Add.X = A.Z + A.Y * t + A.X * t ^ 2
Point2Add.Y = B.Z + B.Y * t + B.X * t ^ 2
Point2Add.Z = C.Z + C.Y * t + C.X * t ^ 2
BSplineC.Add Point2Add
Set Point2Add = Nothing
Set A = Nothing: Set B = Nothing: Set C = Nothing
End Function
How to sort verctors
- Code:
Public Sub SortVector(Array2Sort, Order As String)
Dim X As Integer
Dim Temp
Select Case Order
Case "A"
Sorted = False
Do While Not Sorted
Sorted = True
For X = 0 To UBound(Array2Sort) - 1
If Array2Sort(X) > Array2Sort(X + 1) Then
Temp = Array2Sort(X + 1)
Array2Sort(X + 1) = Array2Sort(X)
Array2Sort(X) = Temp
Sorted = False
End If
Next X
Case "D"
Sorted = False
Do While Not Sorted
Sorted = True
For X = 0 To UBound(Array2Sort) - 1
If Array2Sort(X) < Array2Sort(X + 1) Then
Temp = Array2Sort(X + 1)
Array2Sort(X + 1) = Array2Sort(X)
Array2Sort(X) = Temp
Sorted = False
End If
Next X
Case Else
MsgBox "Invalid parameter Value Order=A or D"
End Select
End Sub
Arafat- timide
- Messages : 13
Date d'inscription : 20/02/2015
Localisation : Bordeaux
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